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Bab 2 The Memory that People Don’t Want

On that street full of street food stall. A sweet and little sour scent comes to Kiau’s nose. It comes from behind him. It is a common scent that come from a place like that. It smells like a strawberry, but not from a fruit. It’s stronger, like a perfume.
Kiau turned back. Look where it come from.
With a familiar voice with a mezzo soprano tone, “Mr. Kiau? It’s that you?” It comes from a beautiful lady. She has long light brown hair that is tied in a bun at the back of her head. It’s tied with a peach ribbon, matching the color of her dress.
“It’s really you, Kiau. I’m glad that I accidentally met you on a street like this.” She smiles dazzlingly.
She uses a peach parasol with lace. A small umbrella that can’t even cover her face from the sun. Although the sun is slowly going down. The sky color turns orange shade.
Kiau already knows her, “Mrs. Emna.”
She asked, “You remember me?”
“Sure, I remember you and your smell of strawberry.” Kiau answered. “Um.. don’t get wrong idea. I am not harassing you, and not a pervert who likes to smell people around.”
“Oh you remember that,” She mumbles, “Don’t problem, I know you are not that kind of person.” She smiles.
She looks worried, “No,.. I mean... I thought that your memory came back.”.
Kiau explained more, “You came to the hospital before. You brought a bouquet of flowers and some strawberries in a basket. Thank you for visiting me before.” Kiau bow to her.
Kiau continued, “And I’m sorry for my behavior before.”
“Oh, don’t worry about it. It it the thing I have to do for you.” She looks jittery.
Emna continued, “And you don’t have to feel sorry. That time, you just woke up and conscious. Not remembering anything must be tough. And suddenly I told you that I am your girlfriend. You must be very surprised.”
A few days after Kiau woke up from a coma. Mrs.Emna came to the hospital, visited him. She said that she was Kiau’s girlfriend. Kiau loses his memories, as well as his memories about her. After that, Kiau ignores her.
“I should be the one feeling guilty. I don’t come again, even until you are discharged from hospital. I feel like I have failed to be your girlfriend.” She looks sad.
“Can you stop say that?” what Kiau said shock Emna. “I have already said that we broke up. You can’t have a love relationship with someone who doesn’t remember you and doesn’t even recognize you.”
“I-I am okay with that Kiau! You don’t have to remember me! It is enough if just me remembering you. Knows who you and remember about who you used to be before the tragedy happened!” She pushed so impatiently. Her eyes get bigger.
Emna looks scared. “I mean.. I am also want you to recall your memories about us, but you.. you don’t have to push yourself so hard to get it back.”
Kiau’s expression is confused, “Your words contradict.”
“It’s me who doesn’t want it. I don’t want to have a love relationship with someone that I don’t know”
Kiau continued, “And I don’t want to recall my memories.”
“What a relief,” Emna looks at ease. She stroked her chest in relief. And quickly became aware of her reaction. She stammered, “wa-what did you say...” She looks nervous, “You are the one who doesn’t want to continue our relationship” She looks calmer.
“It is so selfish right?” Kiau said. “I just think of myself. My comfort. I don’t care maybe you have been waiting for me to wake up from the coma, or worse get hurt cause I don’t want our relationship stay on.”
“What does it mean?” instead of looking annoyed, Emna smiled sincerely. “You say something means about yourself. You want me to make me hate you and let you go.” Emna tilts her head and smiles.
“I am the selfish one. I have forced you even though you are still recovering from the accident.” Emna looks remorseful.
“Can I start all over again? go back to the drawing board.” She raised her head, looked into Kiau’s eyes.
“I want you to know me like before.” Emna smiled. “And if it possible to...” She blushed, “...make you like me again.” She lowered her voice. She said it in a small voice.
Kiau doesn’t feel uncomfortable with Emna. “Sure, It’s okay.”
Emna looks so happy, “I’m very glad to hear it. Now, we are friend.”
Kiau just nodded slightly to response it.
“We don’t need to introduce ourselves, you already know my name and also I have known you for a long time. I hope time will let us get to know each other. Slowly, no need to rush. Easy does it.” Emna said.
“Where are you going?” Emna asked.
“I’m going home.” Kiau answered.
“Can we talk on your way home? I have something to do too around there.” Emna waiting for Kiau’s respone. “I want us to have more time together.”
“Okay, no problem.”
“Thank you, I am very pleased.” Emna walks beside Kiau.
“Kiau, how have you been? I just have time to ask how you are. Is that how to start a conversation?” Emna didn’t mean to ask. She chuckled while covering her mouth with his hand.
Kiau smile to Emna’s joke. “Not bad. It is a good start.”
They talked on the way home. Until they get there. Kiau lives in a small simple wooden house. There is a high steep staircase on the road right beside of Kiau’s house.
Kiau stopped at the stairs. Emna is a slightly surprised, it is like she doesn’t know where Kiau’s house even though she previously said that she has something to do in that area. Kiau looked at her with a confused look.
“Your house up there,” Emna tries to hide her surprise. “I will go over there,” She pointed to another alley. “Thank you for your time, Kiau. I really enjoyed talking to you, I hope you feel the same way I feel.” She bowed.
“I enjoyed it too. I hope your things goes well.” Kiau bowed back.
Emna smile, “See you soon, Kiau.”
Kiau just nodded slightly in response. He turned back and went up the stairs while Emna remained down there. Kiau feel uneasy, so he turned his head, and Emna was still there looking at him with face full of smile. Kiau smiled back. He was still going up every ladder, but Emna was still down there, as if waiting for Kiau get in his house.
Emna’s smiles gradually became strange and creepy. But what can Kiau do, when he is right in front of his house. He put his hand on the door handle. He looked at Emna. Emna was still there, waiting.
“Don’t you have business in there?” Kiau pointed at the alley that Emna had pointed out earlier. “You can go there now.” Kiau still put his hand on the door handle, doesn’t open the door yet. Without any intention to open the door.
Emna looks puzzled, “It’s okay, I not in a hurry.” Emna said. “A-and I want to see you home safely, you are still in recovering after being in the hospital.” Emna trying to make sure she doesn’t mean anything bad. She tries to convince.
But Kiau doesn’t feel that way, on the contrary it is like Emna wants to reassured where Kiau’s house is. Kiau could be standing in front of someone else’s house. Emna and Kiau looked at each other and without a word. Kiau didn’t open his house, and Emna hasn’t left yet.
That stifling silence situation lasted long enough for the sound of door opened break the silence. The door in front of Kiau was opened by someone from inside. Kiau’s hand which was still on the doorknob made him slightly pulled forward.
There was a young man who opened the door. He looked at Kiau who was now quite close in front of his face. “Oh!” He screamed. He startled, didn’t expect that someone would be there, “What are you-” He couldn’t finish his sentence because his mouth is forcefully gagged by Kiau.
Kiau glanced at Emna in the bottom of the stairs. Emna looks puzzled. Kiau gagged and pushed that young man into the house and immediately closed the door. He left Emna outside. Emna looks completely clueless as to what’s going on, but she decides not to go up and goes to Kiau’s door and asks what’s happen. Instead she walked away with a confused face.
Inside the house, Kiau is watching Emna from behind the window stealthily. Waiting her to leave. Meanwhile the young man who pushed earlier was still lying on the floor.
“What was that?” He puzzled. “I am a victim here, explain it Kiau.” they had known each other. He patted the dust on his hand, the dust that he got when he fell landed on the floor. He settled his sit position. He sits with his legs crossed and so do his hands.
He is in the same age as Kiau, about 20 years old. He has a reddish hair and dark brown eyes. He seems to be waiting for an explanation after being smothered and pushed to the floor.
Kiau looked at him, “Nothing,” an unpredictable answer comes out of a perpetrator towards his victim.
“What?!” the young man shocked. He looks sulked and peeved.
“Rudal, just forget it, I mean forgive it.” Kiau stand up. Walk away from the window.
“What was that?” He giggled. “Is it an apology or what? You are not apologizing properly, Mr.Kiau.” He laughed while holding his stomach.
“It is so fun that I can talk so freely like this with you. Not like before you lost your memories.” He smiled. He wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes.
He continued, “I didn’t mean to say that I am glad you had that accident.” He quickly clarified. “The old you is so scary and hard to get close.” He looked down.
“But, it didn’t mean I say you are scary!” And he quickly clarified again. “N..not that kind of scary...” he turned down his voice, “You get what I mean right, Mr.Kiau?” he stares with a puppy eyes.
“No,” Kiau answered coldly. “How can I understand that?”
“Uwaah!!” Rudal looked very desperate. “It’s over now! Mr.Kiau won’t want to talk to me anymore.” He looks like he wants to cry. He prostrated to the floor.
“Ppftt-” Kiau laugh.
Rudal looks confused, “Mr.Kiau?”
“I’m just kidding, Rudal.” Kiau giggled. “Um, so is that means you prefer the new me than the old me?”
“Yes, but the old version was so cool and I admire him. It’s is not means you are now aren’t cool, Mr.Kiau. The old you seem so distant, so I admire him like his fans. While you are now so kind and friendly.”
Rudal continued, “Even though we live together but we never talk and don’t even didn’t greet each other.”
“Rudal, what do you think should I need to recall my memories?”
Rudal looks a little confused, “I will happy if you recall your memories, but I am also afraid you will change back to how you used to be. I think it is up to you, whether you want to remember it or let it recall itself. Or you don’t have to remember it anymore.”
Kiau thinks of Rudal’s words.
“Anyway, I will give you pineapple croissant from your favorite bakery next time.” Kiau goes away. “So you forgive me this time.”
Rudal didn’t understand the meaning of Kiau’s word, he forgot about it, and then he realized it, “Call!” the young man called Rudal accepted the offer quickly. He raised his hand and made an okay sign.
Rudal asked, “But who is she? The lady outside there.” Rudal looking back. Kiau was behind him. He was curious about the lady that he saw outside. “She is a beautiful lady.”
“Emna, my friend...maybe..” Kiau goes to the second floor. “Didn’t you want to go? Not going?”
“Oh my! I forget!” he slapped his forehead. “Ukh, Mr.Vred will scold me.” Rudal looked hopeless.
“Thanks for remind me, Kiau.” He smile. He has a dimple on his left cheek. He stood up hastily. “I need to go now, see you again Mr.Kiau” Hurry go outside house but still have time wave hands to Kiau.

Komentar Buku (956)

  • avatar

    I love the way the author made the plot unguessable. It makes me more in love with this novel. Keep it up 😉


  • avatar

    I Can't Wait For The Next Chapter!!! 😍❤️✨🍀🌸


  • avatar
    Jian Patiño



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