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S1 Chapter 7

Dita is taking her car. Arriving at
dita and nella's car in the middle, me and kayla di
middle and dyra and thifa in the back.
"Kay.. if I come with you to work at the cafe can you?"
I asked.
"Hmmm.. I asked my brother first about it
it's his cafe" said kayla. ga
"Okay.." I said.
"The cafe is thif," said Kayla.
"Oh" said tifa
"Wait a minute, I'll park first" said Dita then
park the car.
After we finished we got out of the car and
see the cafe.
"Come on in." Kayla said and we entered.
"You guys sit down first, I'll change clothes first.." he said
Kayla then went to change clothes
"The cafe is cute too huh..." I said.
"I know.." said Dita.
After that Kayla finished changing her clothes.
"The clothes are so cute," said dyra.
"Thank you, oh yes, my brother said it's okay if
you want to work here. He said he needed 4 more" said
"I want to obey" I said, dyra, dita and thifa.
"Loh.. you're a rich person, what are you doing?"
Ask Kayla
"It's okay to be bored after school" he replied
"Hey, I'm going home first," said Nella and left.
"Want from now on?" Ask Kayla.
"Yes," replied Tifa.
"You go to the locker room, okay?" Kayla said then I,
dyra, thifa and dita to the dressing room and change
15 minutes later
After changing clothes we went to work.
"Finally it's over," she said.
"Hey, take your cake," said Kayla.
"Uh got it?" ask me
"Got it.." said Kayla.
We also took cake and tea. After that
we changed into school clothes. ga
"Do you want me to come with you?" Ask dita.
"I want it" said dyra
At 18:00 we were escorted by Dita and
I'm back at the apartment
After 2 weeks of working at the cafe we ​​are already
getting used to it, now me and the others
"It's good on Sundays, not really tired.." said
"Sis.." called the cafe customer.
"Yeah.." she said.
"Ma'am.." called the customer.
"Yeah..." I answered.
"Uh thalia..." said Aliya.
"Why is it?" Ask dita
Aliya was surprised to see me with Dita. Dita
is a person who is known to be rich, so 39%
people know him.
"Eh thal from the past until now it's you
It's really annoying, I'm laughing so hard
laugh like you're close to a famous person... in the past dyra is now dita" said Aliya.
"Eh, Aliya, if you talk, you don't think so, you know?
the story is that i met thalia and i can't do it
accuse me. If you want to eat here, it's up to you to serve it, but if you want to make a fuss, just leave."
said dita.
"Yeah, I'll just go." Aliya said and left.
Active Flashback
When I was riding an angkot, I saw there
people are crossing and there is an angkot.
"Aaaah..." shouted the man.
"Stopp right there.." I shouted and suddenly the angkot
I got off the angkot and that person
come over to me.
"Thank you, oh yes, my name is Dita Rahmawati" he said
"My name is thalia alsava claretta" I answered.
After that incident I became close to Dita.
Flashback off
"Thal let's work again." Invite me
"Ok" I said and went back to work.
"Thal accompany me at home, let's take it" at the time home from work.
"Yeah.." I said.
Arriving at the house dita.
"Yeah.. even though I said that to thalia
why are you also coming" said dita because kayla,
dyra, thifa, and nella come.
"Yes, because your house is big, congratulations, here we are never played" said Nella.
Arriving in the room dita.
"Haaaaaaaa... the room is really big.... it's big
the garden at my house," said thifa.
"Yes, if you want to borrow from me, what's wrong?"
said dita.
"Where are your parents dit?" asked dyra.
"They are overseas," answered Dita.
"Oh .." I said then we played at home dita
until 23:30.
we have 1 full day together. Wow it's not okay
here' he said in his heart.
Suddenly there was an incoming message from Nella.
Nella : dyr if you meet sliya don't believe it
with his words he just wants with
you again and force you. Be careful.. tomorrow
I'll explain ok now be careful.
"I'm sorry, I'm having an appointment with Dita so please
step aside and I want to go. And I don't want
You're coming." I said.
"It can't be like that, dyr, just relax. Even though I
don't care" said Aliya then held my hand. ga
"I don't care anymore about what you and I say
not afraid of you. And don't make me
so play rough" I said in a high tone.
Plakkk.. my left cheek was slapped by Aliya
very hard.
"I thought you said I was afraid hahaha..."
said aliya then wanted my right cheek.
"Sto000000000000ppppp aliyaaaa...." shouted Dita.
"I could have reported you to the school or-"
to your parents because this is outrageous, you know?"
said tifa.
"I don't like my brother who likes to hit people" said
someone from inside the car and it turns out he's a sister from Aliya. Aliya's sister ran away.
"And I won't let you get away," said Thalia.
"You must apologize and I will
your sister stopped. Your sister must be home
and tell your mom" said Nella.
"Okay I'm sorry" he said and left.
After that we got into the car and chased my sister
aliya. After that we went to Dyra's house.
"So be careful with Aliya," said Nella.
"He said he could do karate but why didn't he fight?" he said
"Yeah, okay, this is just a pain because of
slapped" I defended.
"What the hell is this slap so bloody. Lucky
the one on the other side or not" said Dita.

Komentar Buku (486)

  • avatar
    Aisha Mae Humbit

    okay the story is very good to read no matter how many times you read it over and over again it doesn't get boring the content is good the whole story is never boring to read


  • avatar
    Unika Ningning

    I love this story....coz they care each other and spend time with each other...


  • avatar

    Is good


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