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She said her goodbyes to him. After Storm and Ashy had talked. Even if he wanted to stay for a long time, he couldn't because he didn't want to hear them, and their escape plan may have to be abandoned. Ashy is well aware that many things will be sacrificed as a result of her decision, including her schooling, her family's reputation, and, most importantly, how her family will feel. He knew, however, that his family would understand. He was so devoted to Storm that he was willing to give up everything for her.
Jem was clearly expecting him when he entered the room. It embraced him.
"How's your talk going, Ash?" She inquired, her countenance concerned.
"It's okay, Jem,  I said everything I had to say. He also explained. That's why Girlie told me that otherwise, their parents will take away their share of the company. Her father? Girlie is really pregnant, but the child is not his. But because they don't want a scandal, Storm has to be the child's father."
While his hand was still on his mouth, Jem questioned, "And Storm agreed to such a set-up?"
"Of course not. He appears depressed really because he doesn't know what to do. He feels trapped between two rocks from which he has no way of escaping. He doesn't know what to say. I believe he hasn't shown up in a long time. But he made a decision. A very difficult decision. A decision that he thought about for a long time.
"Can you tell me what that is?"
"We made the decision to flee," someone once said here.
Jem was taken aback and exclaimed, "What????"
"Jem, there's no other way. We can't think of any other way to fight our connection. He loves me, I love him, we love each other, and if we don't do this, he won't stop. He wanted to stamd for what he promised me. And as much as I wanted to keep my promise"
"My God, Ash, what are you thinking about? Where's your talent? Did you promise to remain away? Are you okay?"
"Please, Jem, try to understand..." she begged.
"You know, Ash, that in every corner of where we are today, I will be the first to comprehend you. However, I don't think I understand you this time. Graduation is approaching, Ash. To finish, we'll just need a little patience. "And you're not just going to graduate Ash, you're aiming for Latin honors, and then you're just going to throw it all??" Jem preaches to her. "You're going to throw away the four years you've worked so hard for just because of the love you're saying?" Se'll be finished in just a few months. Is she going to squander it? She believes she will be able to continue it even if she and Storm marry.
"I know it's unbelievable, but I know Storm won't let me down. We'll try to live together, and I know it'll be difficult at first, but I also know we're just together, and we'll be fine."
"Marriage isn't like eating hot rice, which you can toss out when you're burned, well, I don't know much about such relationships, but based on what I've observed, it's not that easy," she says.
"I'm sorry, Jem, but I've made my decision,  Storm and I have already spoken, and I don't want him to wait for nothing. Please forgive me," she said as she took her hand in her. ,
"Ash, nothing is possible for me. It's your choice, but it's not too late to change your mind. Consider how your mom and das will react. Don't tell me soon that I didn't inform you, or even just warned you" she said, her tone indicating her dissatisfaction with her decision.
She'll definitely go home today because she wants to be with them, and besides that, she knows this will be the last time she'll be with them. It was Monday because she and Storm talked about the day they'd escape. She was determined to avoid them.
"Ohh my daughter, how are you?" her mother would occasionally inquire while they were eating.
"I'm fine, mom," she said again. "How are you here?" She inquired.
"Oh, we're fine here," her father joked, "this is your mama, who was excited at your graduation, and she's already sewed it, so she's going to wear it, see?"
Sh was almost taken aback by what she said, knowing full well that she would be unable to attend graduation.
"You woke me up right away of course, you have to prepare for that Ash," her mother boasted. "I can hang a medal on my beautiful and smart daughter."
Her father said, "And I'm the photographer again."
"Did you miss your favorite dish when we were eating? You lost out on the homemade since you don't know how to cook on your board. "
She thanked her mother, saying, "Yes, mom, it's different when you cook, that's an honest answer."
"Ohh really! My daughter continues to be flattering. Don't worry, I'll prepare your favorite again tomorrow," her mother assured her.
She simply grinned in response to her mother's words. She was quite fortunate to have caring parents. In everything, she was backed up. She don't think she'll be able to deal with hurting them. But she couldn't stand being hurt, and Storm had nothing to fall back on. She is present, and she does not wish to disrupt their talk. It was difficult, but she believed in her heart that her parents would eventually comprehend what she was doing.
That night, she couldn't sleep. It's just been a day, and Monday has arrived. She hadn't seen her folks since then. She was hesitant to do so, but she had made up her mind.
Until the end of the week's night. She was going to walk into their house from church that night when she heard hermother yelling for aid. She hurried into their home. Her father was lying in the living room, she noticed. Her father was rushed to the hospital by neighbors who swiftly summoned an ambulance.
When she arrived at the hospital, she was...
"Mom, what happened? Why was Dad attacked?" She inquired of her mother, who was crying uncontrollably at the time.
"Your Dad was hospitalized because your aunt called, and he died early, then he abruptly stopped breathing," his mother explained.
"Rest first," she told her mother, "and then I'll talk to the doctor when he comes out."
Ashy bit her lower lip while waiting for the doctor. Why now, when she and Storm are supposed to meet up tomorrow? Her father had been assaulted and had no idea what would happen to her. Her tears simply poured from the stress she was experiencing. She had no idea what she would do at those times. When the doctor exited the ER, he simply stopped thinking (emergency room).
She asked a courteous question to him. "Doc, how's Dad?"
"Come to my office and let's talk about your father's condition," he said, and she did so right away. She don't have the right words to explain how she felt that time.
She was terrified. Was her father's health deteriorating? What was the reason behind the doctor's dissatisfied expression?
The doctor said, "Sit down, Ms. Lopez."
It pursued her. She did it in a very gentle way she can.
"Based on our observations of your father and his initial tests, his heart is very weak, and if he has another attack, he may not be able to survive. He also needs to be operated on as soon as possible; if we don't, your father's life will be easier," the doctor stated flatly.
She inquired, "How much can be utilized for the surgery doc?"
"Just prepare 600,000, we're not sure if that will fit because he hasn't taken his final tests yet.  That's all I can say for the time being,  I'll be called again tomorrow for his final tests." The doctor seriously said.
"Will everything be back to normal once Dad gets operated on doc.?" She almost out of words to say.
"To be honest, we're not sure. In some cases, it only prolongs the patient's life so that he can survive, but in other cases, the patient can't cope and dies 3 days after the operation. So it's up to you to decide whether we undergo the operation or not. Anyway, we'll have a waiver to sign for you before we perform the operation."
"OK, doc," she said, "I'll talk to  my Mom about this."
"All right, sister, I'll know tomorrow what you've decided, that's all for now
you can go see your father in the recovery area."
She simply nodded and walked out of the office. She was on the verge of passing out from the shock of what she had just heard. Those instances perplexed his thinking.
Is she being punished by God because of what she and Storm are planning? Is this an indication that she shouldn't go ahead with their plans? She was stumped as to what to say to Storm. How he would be understood by it. But, for the time being, she has deal with his family's issue. She adores her parents and cannot bear the thought of abandoning them in this predicament. As a result, she just sent him a message.
"Storm, I'm sorry I won't be able to come tomorrow,  something came up. My father was hospitalized.He also need surgery. You already know how much I adore you. I'm sure you understand what I'm saying. Let's just go over our strategy once more. I adore you to death. "We'll do it" (Message sent)
She tried calling him as well, but no one answered. She simply walked away from it. She needed to speak with her mother. She was aware that hearing it would be painful, but they needed to be tough.
"Mom, I've already made an appointment with the doctor."
"What did you say? Is your father okay?" her query brought tears to her eyes.
"For the time being, it's fine," he said, "but the doctor said he needs to be operated on or Dad won't be around for long." Because his father's life depended on it, he had to be completely honest in all he said.
"How much will it set you back?"
She replied, "More than 600,00 Mom," while grasping his mother's hand.
Her mother was in tears.
"Ash, we save more for your father," her mother sobbed, "but your father won't touch it since it's for you, and he truly doesn't want to touch that Ash." After that, she discovered how much her parents adored her. They gathered big in preparation for her. She now has to pay it back as much as she can. She will put her life on the line for them.
"We're discussing about Dad's life right now, Mom. Don't even consider me." she replied sincerely, "We can still work for money, but Dad's life is only once, "she said. She didn't want her mother to feel alone, so she would do everything she could to make her feel better. She can't let them suffer just for the sake of her future.
"I can still wor my needs mom. Dad is need of our help," she decided.
"What is it that your father can't handle? How are you doing? You know he care so much about you." her mother was concerned.
"Mom, whatever happens, we'll do everything for dad, we'll still be able to locate the money, mom, when I'm done with my studies and everything can be returned as well," she assured her mother.
They gave er funny hugs to ease her down.
Her entire existence was virtually exhausted as she sat outside the hospital. She didn't think it was right for her to abandon them. Because she was the one who came up with the idea in the first place. What will happen to her when they are no longer with her? Ashy believed that her family needed her and that she could not abandon them.
She knew it would be difficult for them both, as well as Storm. Will she be able to deal with whatever that comes his way?

Komentar Buku (217)

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    Sät ŠeÿHaa



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    Jefrix Sacki

    so good story


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    Salve Brenches

    good 💯


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