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Chapter 2.5

"Whose paper is this?"
Hesitating, I raised my hand slowly  and I heard everyone laughed. As soon as Miss Tessa left the room, everyone started making noises. Obviously, we're still not allowed to leave until we're told to.
"Are you that dumb? That's what you get for not reviewing." The Lameyris woman again. Seriously, when will she stop? Other girls started going to her side while laughing and looking at me. Are they her minions?
"Baka naman naubos yung stock knowledge niya?" Sulsol pa ng isa. Tsk.
"Or you did that on purpose so you won't have to enter anymore because you heard that I am from House of Lameyris. You know what my family can do-" I slammed my both hands on the table cutting her off.
"Can you stop bragging about your stupid family?" I said in an annoyed tone. I can't take her anymore. "You've been doing that since earlier and it is really annoying. What can your family even do? Do you think your father will pay attention to you? Do you even know what happened to them? Your father is summoned in the Headmaster's office and your sponsors and investors pulled out now so your Lameyris family is in the verge of bankruptcy just because your stupid brother, the spare son of the family was kicked out." She looked so shocked and was out of words. I took a step towards her and she took a step backwards.
"Now tell me, what can your family do if they are now powerless?"
"Stop spreading lies! I'll get you sued for it!"
"Lies? Why don't you call your mother? Ah, I'll doubt she'll answer tho. I guess she's still busy on calming your father's anger. I wonder, what will you do now to earn money? Come to think of it, I know someone that badly needed a slave, I can recommend you."
"How dare you!" She raised her hand to slap me but she was stopped by a roaring voice coming from the entrance of the room.
"G-grandpa!" Lameyris exclaimed. So Freya is her name?
Ah, so they are the 'family' she is talking about. Her father might be scary but this old man has this pressuring aura around him that whoever bumped into him will die. She ran towards the old man and bowed to him but the moment she raised her head, she was welcomed with a slap. Everyone watching flinched. I told you he's scary. I sat on the arm of the chair beside me, arms crossed while watching the dramatic scene in front of us.
"Your brother already brought shame to the family and now you?!" He shouted in anger.
"I-its all her fault! She started it first!" She pointed me and the three old people turned their gazes on me. I pointed myself mouthing 'Why me?' but of course they didn't get it. I should've known, they're family of idiots anyway.
Her mother run towards me with those angry eyes and shouted in front of me but I stayed still. "You crazy woman! What did you do to our daughter?!"
"No wonder your kids has a loud mouth, they took it from you." She squinted her eyes to me and raised her hand hit me but was stopped by a voice.
"Rosella." One word is enough from her husband to make her stop and put down her hands. Ah, I can see her shaking in anger.
"You'll regret this." She whispered before going back behind that old man.
"Look how rude she is dad!" Ah.. I wanna shut her mouth so badly. She is so annoying.
"If you worry about your future, apologize to my daughter and I'll let this pass." The old man tap his cane on the wooden floor when his son finish speaking. He is now towering me with those fcking glare in his eyes. "If you don't, we'll punish you right here. Remember, there will be no witness because what happens here, will stay here."
I chuckled but it turned to laughter. They all stared at me confusely but it just make me laugh even more. I laughed so hard that I think my stomach is gonna burst. They're so funny.
Phew.. I thought I was about to die while laughing.
"That was a funny joke." I said when my laughter finally subsided. They looked at me as if I had gone crazy.
"Before that, can I ask something?" I stood straight and have a staring contest with her father. If you think I'll be scared, think again. "I heard you're supposed to meet the Headmaster? Did your son got kicked out already?"
He took a stepped back, shocked by my words. Even the old man looked at me in disbelief.
"I-is that true, D-dad? M-mom?" They ignored her and focused on me.
"Oh, was it supposed to be a secret? Oops, I really can't stop my mouth from speaking sometimes. Is it a secret too that you're facing bankruptcy?"
They gave me a glare. As if I'm not use to it. They've been doing that since they come in earlier.
"HOW DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THAT?! IMPERTINENT BRAT!" The man shouted with full of anger.
"Well, I happened to be the one that reported your spare son.. I also accidentally bumped on him making him break his bones. He's big yet so lame."
He turned to his father and pulled something on his cane, turns out that it was a sword and suddenly pointed it on my neck. I heard dramatic gasps and the old man isn't even doing anything about this.
I took a quick glance at Freya and I saw her face screaming "See? That is my family and you'll regret what you just did." Even though she just got slapped by her grandpa. The side of my lips rose before I stared back at her father.
"Are you trying to kill me?" I asked in a scared tone as I held the end of the sword, blood started flowing from my arms but I ignore it and pulled it so it's tip would pierce my skin. I felt blood flowing down on my neck. His eyes widened by my sudden action. Others turned their heads away, women covered their mouths in shock and others backed away and hide. At their perspective, it looked like the duke of the house is the one that buried the sword on my neck and I was stopping it.
"W-what are you doing?!" How funny. He is the one holding the sword yet he is trembling.
"Didn't you say that what happens here will stay here? There are no witness so what happens will be, you pointed your sword and injuring me." He tried to take back his sword but I pulled it back. It's too sharp that it's still going deep in my palm.
"Don't you know that pointing a sword at my neck is an act of treason? What's more is I'm bleeding because of it." They really a family of reckless people. That recklessness is the reason of your downfall.
As if on cue, a blinding light appeared and it formed into a black hole until it became into a portal. Knights started came out of it and they were all wearing a golden armor with a crystalline, black dragon engraved on it. They surrounded the family and pointed their swords at them. He finally let go of the sword he pointed at me, and so did I.
Hah! I didn't know they'll come.
"W-what is happening?!" The old man asked in a panicked voice. "Why is the imperial knights-" he stopped when a knight took out a scroll and started reading it.
"By the emperor's order, Fernan Lameyris, you are arrested for an act of treason. You will be executed and all family members will be exiled. All properties of House of Lameyris will be surrendered to the royal family." He finished reading it and ordered the other knights. "Capture them."
"No! My dad didn't do anything wrong!" Freya shouted and glared at me as a knight grabbed both her hands and tied it. "This is her fault! She framed us!" I smirked at her.
With blood still dripping from my hands, I grabbed her chin and make her face me. "Now start bragging about your family, Freya Lameyris."
I let go of her harshly and the knights started dragging them away. What a fcked up family. This is nothing compared to what your family had done to Leanne and his mother.
"We didn't do anything! This.. this is all that kid's fault! I knew it that they are a disgrace to the family!" The old man shouted but he stopped and looked at me as if he realized something. "Y-you! Who are you?!"
"I.. am just Ali Torres. It's a pleasure to meet you, falling House of Lameyris."

Komentar Buku (84)

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    Disney's Albesa



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    muito bom


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    Santos RochaVitria

    gostei muito


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