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Chapter Six.

  It was times like this I wished I had Amelia and Jason here and mostly grandma, one second my confidence was at its highest peak but now I felt so nervous, my life has taken a turn I had never dreamt about nor hoped for, now I had to train for power I didn't understand, but I was willing to do to make those monsters pay, I never saw my self as a fighter or a warrior, I was everyone's sweet Luna, I was only a fighter for life, not the one who kills people or punches someone with a blast of fire but here I was in a different world which am yet to discover more, living with royalties who I had never met before and standing in front of the most handsome man my eyes had been fortunate to see, he was starring at me straight in the eyes, those green eyes swirling with emotions I couldn't read but suddenly I heard a voice telling me
" To see beyond, close thy mirror" I blinked, startled where did the voice come from, I couldn't even understand its riddle, close thy mirror? What was that supposed to mean, my instincts told me to close my eyes and I did, I could still see but this time not like last time when I saw grandma fighting with the bektus or something of the physical, No, this time I saw his eyes, it was like a movie playing before me only that I could see it in his eyes.
  I saw a little boy, with blonde beautiful hair and green piercing eyes with a mind-blowing smile, this boy looked like...... Hadrian? Why was I seeing Hadrian's past? , He was playing on the field, laughing and jumping when all of a sudden a woman came out with a big frown on her face, she had brown hair and green eyes, she was dressed like a queen, I think she was, she went up to the where little Hadrian was playing on and grabbed his hair and he let out a scream.
   " Mama that hurts, please stop'
She tightened her hold on his hair
   " You this boy, you and your sister are useless, you were both born with magic, why did the wood goddess not choose me, your father having magic is enough to slap to my face, I can't let you guys rub mud on my name " she growled, dragging him by the hair inside as he continued to screaming and crying, the image closed and then I open my eyes to hear a gasp from Hadrian, he held his hand to his chest like he couldn't breathe.
   " What were you doing to me? "
He questioned angrily coughing up... What, I did nothing .. right?
" I did nothing " I answered, I was only seeing what I never wanted to see, I said that in my head but was shocked when he asked me
   " What did you see?" He was furious, his tone sent shivers down my spine, there was one explanation to that and that was that he read my thoughts, now it was my turn to get mad, he had no right to do that
  " I SAID... I... SAW.....NOTHING, did you read my thoughts ?"
  "Just answer my question " he growled walking close to me as l took a step back, my eyes darted around the place to find out it was only the two of us here, oh no this is not what I wanted, well maybe I would have preferred if it was in a different situation no the one that Hadrian was this close to punching me
   " I... I have nothing to say to you "
"Oh you do, don't think for one second you can use your magic to fool me "
  " Look, whatever I saw, I didn't want to see it, it just happened okay, now please can we get back to where you are my teacher and I'm the student "
   I said still going back as he was walking up to me, my back got in contact with the wall and then he put his hand beside my head blocking me from moving out of the spot
  "Listen to me Luna, do not bite the fingers that feed you " he muttered
" Well Hadrian, you haven't fed me before, dang I can't even remember the last time I ate, " I said sarcastically, aggravating him more
  " Well it seems you will be staying hungry from now on, till when you tell me about what you saw"
      " Oh no you won't"
    " Oh yes I will," he said with a smirk, he was enjoying this.
  I was really hungry , now that I thought about it , I couldn't remember the last time I ate , I only remember grandma asking me to eat and stubbornly refused her , how was I to know that we were going to be attacked and grandma would no more be here , I just want to be strong for her , With the thought of food I subconsciously let my togue out to lick my lip and Hadrian eyes followed my movement even after I was done with the action he kept on staring at my lips , in his eyes I could see hunger  , not for food but for something a whole lot different from that , my heart started beating like it was being hammered , I could hear the sound of it in my ears , I was getting really hot especially being here in between the wall and Hadrian , I needed to get out of here , screw the training for now , so I brought my hands to his chest to push him away from me and I discovered his heart was also beating fast , I don't know what prompted to do it , but the feel of his chest on my palm was so thrilling and..... Comforting and .... Hot, I moved my hands down and then he looked at me with a gaze that said " what the hell are you doing?"
   I brought my hands back immediately and cleared my throat, taking his hands from beside my head and stepping out of the cage, something I should have done before but I guess I was enjoying every moment of Hadrian's argument, what was happening to me ... This was not me, I suddenly found the ground interesting cause I couldn't look him in the eyes, I was way too embarrassed
  " Uhmmm can we continue the training, " I asked timidly, timid, I was never timid, guess I wasn't the only one feeling this way, cause Hadrian also wasn't looking at me at he spoke
   " ..y... yeah let's continue " he stuttered
  I couldn't help but smile as  I looked at him, he was so cute when he was nervous... This Hadrian is the one I want to know...
Yay chapter six
Thought I should give you guys a little more sweetness of Luna/ Hadrian
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  • avatar
    Duming Ambong



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    Deden Alcoser

    please help me


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    Mark O. Arcilla

    nice one


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