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At 3:15

At 3:15


chapter 1

The day we have been waiting for the third Saturday night of the month. We were in the middle of nowhere, the sounds saturate the forest around us, insect buzz, frogs yelp, birds shriek, mammals scuttle, and bats click. Even the trees seem to pulsate with sound, as the din ricochets off the high canopy and cascades back to earth on a tidal wave of noise. Those sounds were more comforting than the sounds we hear at night, the screams and outcries that have made their way to our book of life can’t be forgotten. The weather was starting to change, we knew we have just a few hours left, it was either now or never, we can’t wait for anything it was time we end this once and for all.
It was extremely dark but the candles I arranged earlier provided light, the firewoods were arranged at the center as I lit them up, they provided more light. I was dressed like a nun and so are my friends. I sprinkled holy water on everything including the key I was holding. I took a ash an made a circle with it
"We must stay in the circle, no matter what happens or what we hear, we have to maintain balance and not cross the circle," I said
They nodded in agreement as I checked the time, just two more minutes and then the ritual will begin.

"Now is the time." I said holding the key in one hand, and the holy water in the other. We clasped each other’s hands tightly as we knelt in the circle with our eyes closed.
My body trembled when the environment darkened, and a strong wind blew the flames off the candles. I could feel its presence and powers
"It’s here," I declared openly

I opened my eyes as I dropped the key into the burning fire, it instantly lighted up as the flame darkened,
"Recite the prayers now!" I exclaimed
My friends started praying, I took the rest of the stuff and dropped it into the fire

I fluttered as I shivered when the fire lighted up and became extremely dark, I closed my eyes and continued praying. A strange wind blew almost making me lose balance and fall out of the circle
"They’re coming" I declared.
I opened my eyes and was about to sprinkle holy water again when it appeared in front of me. I screamed and was about to step out of the circle when my friend knelt next to me and pulled me back.

My eyes remained closed as loud noises and screams encircled me, I kept praying until all was quiet. I didn’t feel its presence "It was gone," I thought
I slowly opened my eyes when someone tapped my shoulders. I widened my eyes when I realized my friends were gone, everywhere was scattered, and the fire had turned out to ash. As I stood up and was about to call out their names, I felt its presence, it stroked my hair before it grabbed it and pulled me out of the circle
Screaming out loud, my body lifted in the air, turning around I noticed the change of weather "We were deceived by the devil"
The sun was shining bright as it shade its ray through the window directly on my skin. My skin glittered as my eyeballs began to move around adjusting to the brightness of the room.
I slowly opened my eyes and let out a long yawn before I stretched my arms.
"Good morning me" I said in a sleepy voice

I was about to stand up when I heard a buzz on my phone I turned around to stretch my arm to grab the phone which was kept on the side table. I took the phone and saw a message from Amanda as I read the message I began to laugh
"I can’t believe he said that, FYI he is a weirdo" I whispered to myself as I typed back

"Racheal get up, you need to get ready" I heard mom’s voice coming from the hallway

I let out a laugh before I replied
"Just woke up and mom is calling out my name, I have to get ready"

"Racheal I told you to get up, we have to leave the house early," Mom said immediately as she opened the door and peered through it

"I was just texting with Amanda and it’s not like….."

"Racheal, get up now!"

I rolled my eyeballs before I stood up from the bed and went directly into the bathroom.
Today is my first day of college, new town, new school, I relocated to this town a few weeks back, this is my dad's birth town but I have never visited the town before, my grandma wasn’t happy with the fact that we are moving back here even though she didn’t move with us. I have been wanting to live in the college campus, anything that will take me away from my mom’s perfectionist behavior is a go for me.
After I took a shower, I wore a blue blouse that had white straps on it, a blue jean jumpsuit, and white sneakers. I styled my blonde-colored hair into a curly bob and applied lipgloss before I left the room

"Good morning dad," I said as I took a sit at the dining table

"Here you go,"

"Wow dad you made pancakes" I said while he served me

"Especially for you, don’t tell you mom but I made bacon to go with it." He whispered

"She’s not gonna like it when she finds out you made bacon on a Monday."

"I know but she has to know we aren’t as nutritious as her" He whispered as he handed over a glass of orange juice to me

I took a picture of the pancake and sent it to my best friend Amanda
"My last breakfast at home till after three months" I typed

I chuckled as I showed dad the message Amanda sent to me
"That’s crazy, I can’t believe he did that to his girlfriend," Dad said

"I know right, that’s crazy" I chuckled

"FYI he is very crazy, I knew that was gonna happen to be honest with you, I don’t blame her for her reaction" I muttered as I typed back

I kept the phone aside as I began eating, mom walked into the room
"Good morning mom," I said with my mouth full of pancake

"Swallow your food before you talk Racheal, I don’t have to be telling you that every day"

"Perfectionist" I whispered to dad

"Tell me about it, yesterday she said it’s not healthy to sleep immediately after you take ice cream"

"She did? Mom is such a…." I chuckled

"Shh, she’s coming" He interrupted

My mom is a perfectionist and a nutritionist, she is possessive of our eating habits, she made a healthy food timetable for us and was strictly advised to follow it. Mom had already written down some healthy in-between snacks and had said she will talk to the school caterers and give them a list of a healthy variety of balanced diets.

"You know pancake isn’t exactly as nutritious as….."

"Honey she’s leaving today can you please at least let her enjoy her breakfast without telling her how nutritious the food is" Dad interrupted

"I was just saying besides I never said pancake isn’t nutritious. Anyways do you guys smell bacon?" Mom asked

"Not at all mom,"

"Are you serious? I could swear I smell bacon"

"I don’t smell bacon, dad do you smell bacon"

"What’s bacon?" He said

"If I’m not mistaken it’s coming from under the table"

"Mom it’s almost time, we better hurry up and get going," I said trying to change the subject

As I finished eating the pancakes I took the plate and kept it inside the dishwasher,

"Can you help clear the table, honey?" Mom asked
I nodded in agreement as I cleared the table. I could hear mom and dad arguing about who will drop me off at school which wasn’t a surprise because they always do that at the last minute.
"I thought it has been decided already, mom you were dropping me off right?" I said as I turned back and faced them

"Yeah but Jana just texted me, there is a fifty percent sales happening at Amees Emporium now and it’s gonna be over in a short time," Mom said

"But mom you already said you’re taking me"

"Honey I’m sorry, why don’t your dad take you"

"I already told you I made plans with the guys they are coming to watch the games with me"

"Hey why don’t you just give me car keys I will drive myself"

"Are you crazy? We aren’t doing that" Mom said

"Fine, it was worth a try. So.. whose gonna drop me off?"

"You know what honey. why don’t you pick," Dad said

I stared at them as I tapped my chin, I glanced at dad who was pointing at mom
"Dad," I said

"Yes! Amees Emporium here I come"

"No, no, dad should watch the games with his friends and mom I will go grab my things, we don’t wanna be late"

"Love you, honey, I knew you would make a good decision," He said

"But honey, Amees Emporium fifty percent sales will soon be over"

"Sorry but I gotta go get my things, we don’t wanna be late, mom," I said while exiting the room

I went into my room and grabbed my luggage. I walked out of the house with it and kept it inside the car trunk

"Take care of yourself,"
I smiled as I nodded in agreement
"I’m gonna miss you pumpkin," Dad said while giving me a hug

"See you later bacon guy, I just hope mom doesn’t find out about our bacon hideout before I come back" I whispered before we laughed for a little while
"Trust me when I say she’s not gonna find out"

"Hey Racheal come let’s go," Mom said as she entered the car

"I’m gonna miss you, dad," I hugged him again as he kiss my forehead before I entered the car.

Komentar Buku (292)

  • avatar

    It's a great story but the cliff hanger😭 Is there a season 2? I hope so I wanna know the ending. Thank you Author for this great story!!!💙


  • avatar

    maganda ang storytime


  • avatar
    Rachid Chafir



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