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Chapter 8: Elle is a person his sick

Chapter 8.
Teph POV.
"Gail, I'm sorry I'm here in the hospital it's emergency. Elle is sick. He's still a person I thought he's a wolf and never been sick." I said while waiting on the doctor.
"Hey, Elle is a person, it's natural to person to get sick, even if you are rich or very popular. And Teph stops being like that, you're so bad on him." Gail said.
"You know who's my idol and I'm a big fan of Elric, Elle is nothing on me," I said.
"Girl you know yours too much. You know he's so sick, but you still acting and saying bad on him. You bitch!!". She said and cut the call.
" Gail? GAIL!!! WHY YOU CUT THE CALL?". People look at me.
"Sorry," I said.
"Excuse me. Who's the guardian of Elle?".
I raised my hand.
" Miss... what?". Doctor asked.
"Teph". I answered.
" Well, she's okay now. And please take care of your husband's misses. He's so tired and over fatigue." Doctor said.
The doctor leave when I realized what he said.
"Sir, either my parents nor my friend don't know if I had a boyfriend, You think the wrong sir. He's nothing on me." I insisted.
"Your so defensive." Someone said.
I turn around. I saw Elric.
"Hi!". I said.
" What happened to him." He asks.
"He passed out at school, luckily I'm there," I said.
But I never said something happened between us this early. I don't want Elric to think that I'm attracted to Elle.
"I didn't see him before like that. He's very flexible. I didn't know if something happened can shock or excite him. Maybe something happened in school. Or maybe Elle shocked because someone kissed him. That his first kissed in case something happened like that." Elric said.
"Ohh. I think nothing can happen. Maybe he eats a lot that's why he's stomach is upset. Or maybe he has something to do this early. Actually, he goes to Clinic this morning. Maybe he's really sick." I said.
I avoid the topic because I'm guilty that Elle kissed me. And I don't want Elric to know that.
"By the way Elric, I'm your big fan. Can I have pictures with you." I say.
"Sure." He said.
"Thank you. By the way. I go home now. Actually, I have part-time tonight." I said.
"Thank you so much for taking Elle here in the hospital." He said.
"Don't mention it. I go now."
Elric POV.
She's so red when I said Elle shocked if someone kissed him. I think something happened. She's so very fan of our band. But I don't know who's her bias in four of us. I go inside the Elle room.
"Hey, what's up?". I greet to Elle.
" I'm so tired my friend. Where's Teph? Where's my girl?". He's weird ever since.
"She's already going home. And she said she has part-time tonight." I said.
"Ohhh! She's so poor." He said.
He going to stand.
"Where are you going?". I ask.
" I'm going to her house. I need to thank her." He said.
"You sick. Stop it please." I said.
But I can't stop him.

Komentar Buku (254)

  • avatar

    looking forward po sa next chapters author🤗


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    highly recommend this story 🥰🥰🥰🥰


  • avatar

    Highly recommend to read.😊


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