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Chapter 7 The Boys and Girls Basketball Team of St Paula Academy

Jon or Jonathan Espiritu walked into the gym. Today is practice day. They have a scheduled game with the other school districts. Their school is currently the district's champion for Boy's team and the second ranking for the Girl's Team. This only means they need to put in more effort, practice harder to defend their ranking. The Girl's Team, he heard is targeting the championship this time. He proceeded to the lockers first. He needs to change into his jersey and shorts first. As he walked by, he saw Dan and Kate whispering but in a serious tone. They seemed to be in a discussion. Dan is their team captain and Kate is the girl's team captain. He knows that the two is currently is in a relationship.
"Hmm.. are they already fighting?" Jon asked himself. He decided to shrugged it off and proceeded to his locker. He changed into his practice clothes, and put his other things in his locker. He reached for his aquaflask and check if he has enough water. He also made sure to bring an extra towel to wipe his sweat later during practice. As he was getting out he almost bumped into Dan who is also in his way to the basketball court.
"Whoops," said Dan hurriedly. "Sorry Jon, almost hit you there."
"No problem Dan," he answered. "Why the rush though?"
"I'm supposed to lead practice today. Coach can't make it. He said something important came up," said Dan. "We need to divide the team into two, have a play off, okay? You head the other team and Marco will head the other one."
"Sure," Jon then ran to the court to do some stretching and light exercise first.
After a while, Dan called the team. "Coach, won't be here today guys. He said something important came up. And he asked me to lead our training session," he explained. "I saw that we are all done with our stretching so now give me 30 laps." And the team started running around the court. Dan glanced on the other side of the court and saw the girls team almost done with their stretching. "Hmmm.. might as well try." He walked towards the girl's team who is starting on their run and leaving their captain Kate on one side. Dan approached Kate.
"Hey, Kate, how about our team trained together?," he asked.
"We are together here Dan," Kate said smirking.
"Nice. What I meant is combine the boys and girls team, then create two teams, then play ball. Up to two quarters only. What do you say?"
"That would be a first, but I think it would be an advantage to our team. How about yours?" said Kate.
"Don't worry about us. This will also helps us. It's not always we can play with girls whom I saw is much faster than us boys." explained Dan.
"Well, okay, you got me convinced there. Let's wait for them to finish then let's huddle" said Kate.
Dan used his whistle to gather both teams.
"Boy's team has 18 players and girl's team has 16. Excluding me and Kate we'll have a total of 32 players. I need one each that will serve as referees, then will divide the remaining to two teams. I'll divide the boy's team then Kate will divide the girl's," Dan explained. "Jon, Tim, Luis, Kurt, Rich, Mac, RJ and Gian will be one team. Marco, Josh, Lucas, Brian, Ken, Jimmy, Ryan and Ty will be the other team. And Russ will be the ref for the boy's team."
"For the girl's team the referee will be Nami. Jen, Mia, Icah, Rosie, Beth, Cherr and Dani will be a team. And the rest, Donna, Rissa, Niza, Aileen, Bridgette, Pam and Molly will be a team also," said Kate.
"So will join Jon's team, Kate?" asked Dan.
"Jen's team will be in Jon's team and Donna's will join Marco's team," answered Kate.
"Okay, guys, move with your team. Jon's and Jen's will go on the right. Then Marco and Donna's will be on the left," said Marco. "To be fair Kate and I will flip a coin to assign which team will be coaching. Heads for Jon's team." He then brought a coin. "So Kate?" he asked Kate.
"Heads," said Kate.
Dan flipped the coin. And it was head. "Heads. Okay Kate will coached Jon's team. Team meeting for five minutes. Then will start. For the referee, you know your position guys," he said smiling. "Marco, Donna and team please come here."
After five minutes, they started the game. Both teams showed their skills, the girls complemented the boy's team, each team determined to win. After two quarters Jon's team won with a score of 36 defeating Marco's team with only a three point advantage.
"Nice game, guys," Coach Bradley walks in smiling. The team was surprised. They are not expecting him to be there at all. "I watched everything. I just told Dan that I won't be here but the truth is I want to observe how you guys would practice without me. And I am impressed Dan, by how you handled this. Especially the collaboration with the girls."
The boys and girls team beamed widely. Coach won't give a compliment unless he is really impressed. Dan felt proud.
"Thank you Coach," he said.
"That's for today's practice guys," said Coach. "Rest well and see you again on Thursday."
"Thank you Coach," the team said in unison. Then one by one headed to the lockers.
Coach signalled Dan to stay. Dan told Kate he will meet her on the cafeteria and walked towards Coach. The two walked to Coach's office on one side of the gym.
"Uhm, Dan, I heard from Kate," Coach started. He seemed nervous. He started to paced.
"Coach?"Dan asked wondering what's this about.
Coach Bradley looked into Dan's eyes. He cleared his throat. "I'll get straight to the point. It's about the test papers."

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    Mikmik Lom

    ecstatic story


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    i love you


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