Chapter 75: The War Day One Everyone was out there preparing for the war. I was looking at my pack, w
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Albert Rushzel Natividad
As far as Ash knows, Dorothy has disappeared. The stowaway from 1913, the girl who Ash maybe - possibly - could've loved: She's gone. But what Ash doesn't know is that the girl he fell in love with has become Quinn Fox - the very same person who is fated to kill Marvel Comics. In his old lore, Twisted Fate's powers came from an experiment conducted by Dr. Xavier Rath, a likely reference to the X-Men's Professor XavierWhen she got a rework, Riot decided to change her lore as well. This mea
Nurul Najwa
novel in novelah all best and very recommended for all students to read!
As far as Ash knows, Dorothy has disappeared. The stowaway from 1913, the girl who Ash maybe - possibly - could've loved: She's gone. But what Ash doesn't know is that the girl he fell in love with has become Quinn Fox - the very same person who is fated to kill Marvel Comics. In his old lore, Twisted Fate's powers came from an experiment conducted by Dr. Xavier Rath, a likely reference to the X-Men's Professor XavierWhen she got a rework, Riot decided to change her lore as well. This mea
2novel in novelah all best and very recommended for all students to read!
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