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Bab 6 Now or Never

I honestly don't know how to react, but when Koby ran towards me, as he pulled me into a hug. I was shocked. I was overwhelmed with emotions that I didn't even know I might have. Everyone in class 1 is staring at us; of course they must be confused. Shit, I am too shocked to even think about anything. For the first time since forever, I feel like crying.
"What—how? When? Why didn't you tell me that you were back?"
Koby finally said as he cupped my cheeks, making me look into his eyes. Oh my god. I miss him. The way he's looking at me is making me feel weird. I don't know why this is happening to me; I feel hot all over. Is this normal? Shit.
"Um, it was so sudden that I haven't had the chance to tell you."
I managed to say. I mean, it is the truth. Well, despite the fact that I was contemplating whether to tell him or not, I'm not going to tell him that for sure.
"Oh God, you don't know how much I miss you." 
Koby sighs as he pulls me into another hug. Gah! This is making me lose my mind. But then again, with all these stares, there's no way that I'm not feeling embarrassed.
"Excuse me, the bell just rang."
Ruby smirked as she told Koby that he needed to go back to his classroom. For some odd reason, he was blushing. Is he? I don't know. His ears were red though, just like when we were young and someone teased him. Oh my god, he's literally so cute.
"I'll see you at lunch, promise?"
When Koby took out his pinky finger, I honestly didn't know what to feel. He's treating me the same as he used to. For some reason, it was hard for me to breathe. I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing. I miss his smile. I miss him so much that it scares me how this feels so... unreal.
I said as we intertwined our pinkies together. Again, I feel like crying. What is wrong with me? When he finally leaves, I feel like I can finally breathe. I don't know why I was so nervous before.
"That was one hell of a reunion."
Ruby smirked as I could feel my face heating up. Oh God, this is so embarrassing. I don't know what I'm going to say when I meet him later. It's unbelievable. It's hard to explain. I'm so nervous that I'm shaking. Shit.
"Isn't that Koby just now?"
Melanie asked, and for some reason, the girls seemed to be gathering around my desk.
"Wait, did you know him?"
Stella raised her eyebrows, and Ruby just chuckled at them. I honestly still can't believe what just happened.
"Koby is her childhood friend."
Ruby nudged me as the girls began asking for details. This is making me even more nervous, damn.
"Oh, my god. That was so sweet just now!"
Ivy squeals as the other girls join in.
"You don't know how much I miss you."
Jason suddenly said, impersonating Koby's voice. holding Felix's hand as they both acted out what just happened earlier.
"I'll see you at lunch, promise?"
Felix replied, gosh, I can't help but feel even more embarrassed. Please, I just want to bury myself.
"That was cute, very manly. Grr."
Jason added as he winked at me. Oh God. Please just let them stop already; I'm going to burst from embarrassment. These people seriously will be the death of me. And the fact that I couldn't stop smiling is even more embarrassing, for goodness sake; something's weird is happening to me. My heart. Gah!

After the bell rang, Ruby was smirking at me as she pointed towards the door. Koby was standing there, staring at me with his infamous grin. Oh my god. I feel weak, again.
"If I didn't survive this battle, can you please bury me next to a big tree so that I don't get wet from the rain?"
I said, and Ruby just laughed in return, saying that I was being dramatic since I wouldn't get wet from the rain if I was already buried. Well shit, I don't know why, but I suddenly got cold feet. I don't think I'm ready for this.
"It's now or never."
Ruby urged as she patted my head, telling me to just go. Oh my god, is it possible to love someone you just met yesterday so dearly? She's such a great friend. I wish I'd met her earlier.
I took a deep breath before finally going out the door to meet Koby, and heck now that I can finally look at him, I just realised how he looks even prettier than he used to. Oh my god. Help me.
"Shall we?"
He was smiling so much that if it were me, I'd feel like I was going to break my cheeks.
"Lead the way."
I am nervous to the point where I keep thinking about running away. Shit, why am I such a coward?
"How have you been?"
Koby started the conversation again as we walked—I don't know, I'm just following him, so I don't really know where we're going, but the stares is killing me. I feel like I'm being murdered by every single person here in the hallway, just with their stares. 
"I'm alright. How about you?"
I replied, not really knowing what to say since I'm hella nervous just being next to him and talking to him again. 
"It's okay. I miss you so much."
He said this as he gave me a warm smile. How cheeky. He surely knows how to make me go crazy. I don't know if it's a habit of his or what, but every time we walked past someone, he would always give them a smile. I admit, I was a little, tiny, weeny bit jealous. But I can't really ask him to stop now, can't I? 
"Tell me everything. I want to hear your stories." 
When we arrived at the rooftop, Wait, are we even allowed to be here? Ugh, whatever. When he looks at me the same way he used to, it makes me suffocate with butterflies. Shit, I don't even know if that makes sense. 
"I don't really have any stories honestly. How about you? You look so different from when we were kids."
I replied, trying to change the subject. I don't want to talk about me right now. I'd rather just listen to him talk. He was grinning at me as if he already knew what I was going to say.
Gosh. Why is he so cute?

Komentar Buku (744)

  • avatar
    Saidali Colod

    goods reading


  • avatar

    this story caught my attention, it is really amazing story about lovers, a must read !!


  • avatar
    DAN azumiBuhari



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