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Bab 4 Welcome To Class 1

I know I shouldn't have done that. For goodness' sake, it's only my first day here; I could end up getting suspended if something happened. But then again, she was the one who started kicking me when I had already said sorry. Whatever happens, it's self-defense. I mean, if something did happen.
"Hahaha, the heroine is here!"
When I entered the classroom, I was surprised to see everyone staring at me and laughing as the three idiots started clapping their hands like crazy. Oh my god, what is happening? This is embarrassing.
"I can't believe you did that. I mean, I am shook to the core, and I wish I was there to witness it all."
Ruby pulled me to the centre of the room as I continued to feel even more confused. What the heck is happening? This feels so weird yet not uncomfortable—I don't know. 
Ruby clapped her hands as everyone was staring at me. Why are they smiling? Oh my god.
"Welcome to class 1!"
The whole class cheered as I was taken aback. I mean, woah. This is something new. It's oddly making me cry seeing the face in front of me, they look... welcoming. I never thought that I would be accepted, to be honest, since I joined them when everyone had already formed their own groups or cliques. Shit. I don't know what to feel right now.
"What you did in the cafeteria was amazing!"
"I'm Zayn! Nice to meeeechuuuuuu!"
"Don't be a stranger. If those girls come looking for revenge, just let us know."
"Good job."
I was bombarded with compliments. Wait, is it? I don't know, but it felt like it. This was the first time I felt like I belonged, although the day hasn't ended yet. Ruby told me that some of our classmates saw what happened in the cafeteria and think that I'm cool, for standing up for myself against the people in class 5. Woah. Wait, is it something to celebrate? Everyone was so nice to me, it's weird. It's like I'm dreaming, but I'm wide awake. 
"Don't forget to save everyone's number!"
Stella chuckled as I was invited to a group chat. My first ever group chat with actual people, with my classmate. Woah, it makes me sound like a loner with the way I described everything. Ha ha. Not that I'm wrong... There are 15 of us in class 1, and I'm really glad that I'm here. For real.
"You want to come with us to the arcade?"
Melanie, if I'm not wrong, asked as I told her that I needed to get my uniform.
"Want us to come with you?"
She added with a smile, Woah. What did I do in my last life to deserve my classmates now?
"It's okay. I'll manage."
I replied as she insisted at first but gradually gave up since I told her that I might be taking a while.
"Well then, see you tomorrow!"
Melanie and the others finally said goodbye, as I was now alone in the classroom. Class 1, huh? I can't believe that I feel comfortable here.
"It's a miracle to be honest."
I sighs as I start to walk to the door, but I am surprised when I hear the back door suddenly being smashed open. I honestly thought that it was a ghost, but nope, it's a person. He looks intimidating; he was even glaring at me for goodness' sake.
"Huh? Is it time to go home?"
I heard him speak. Seriously? I can't believe he just said that. I mean, didn't he hear the bell? Huh? I was even more confused. I decided to ignore him since I barely know him and don't even know what he is doing in this class. I haven't seen him since the morning.
"Let's just act like he's invisible, yeah?"
I wish, but when he suddenly walked next to me, I was surprised. I even flinched in shock to see him walking close to me like, What the hell, dude? We're not even friends.
"You, the new girl?"
He finally spoke, followed by a yawn. Is he being serious? When I look at him again, he looks like he just woke up from a nap. Wait, don't tell me he's been sleeping this whole time? That's why he hasn't heard the bell? Woah, a delinquent. Or not? He looks like one, but I don't know. Still, with his piercings and intimidating eyes, I shouldn't be involved with him.
"You mute or something?"
And he's rude. But then again, I was the one who ignored him. Maybe I should just engage with the conversation so that he won't kill me in the future? Perhaps...
"Not really."
I sighs trying to find the main office, but I don't know why I didn't see any signs. I thought that he was gone, but he's still walking next to me, staring at me for some odd reason. Shit, this is uncomfortable.
"You looking for a way out to escape this hell school?"
I don't know if I should laugh or what when he said that. I mean, that was... out of the world. Huh?
"I wish, but no. I'm looking for the main office."
I replied as he snorted in return. I wonder what is wrong with this guy.
"It's near the school entrance. Didn't you see it when you entered the school?"
He laughed. as if it were funny.
"I see. Thank you."
I replied not amused with his answer. I don't even want to talk to this guy right now. I can't help but worry if I suddenly cross paths with Koby. I mean, I don't know how to react if he ends up forgetting me. Ugh, it's annoying.
"Okay, you can treat me to ice cream in return."
I was amazed at how shameless this guy is. He didn't even try to be honest. And why is he even smiling at me like we're close friends? What a creep!
"I'm broke."
I replied, not that I'm lying. It's just tiring, trying to please this guy with answers that he wants to hear.
"Well, my treat then."
When he said that, I was surprised, Normal people would make fun of me for saying that as an excuse or anything, but he really is a weirdo. I was glad that I finally arrived at the main office; I didn't have to talk to him anymore. Thank goodness.
"Are you the new girl?"
The clerk asked me as I nodded. She told me to sign some papers and ask for my measurements before going into who knows where to get my supposedly uniform. It took her 20 minutes to return. I almost lost my mind when she was laughing and talking on her phone as she gave me my uniform before telling me to close the door on my way out.

Komentar Buku (744)

  • avatar
    Saidali Colod

    goods reading


  • avatar

    this story caught my attention, it is really amazing story about lovers, a must read !!


  • avatar
    DAN azumiBuhari



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