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Bab 3 Unwanted Encounter

It surprised me that Ruby is the class president. I mean, she looks so carefree and laid-back that it amazes me how she is actually the president of the class.
"As I told you before, there are five classes in every grade. We're the cool people of class 1, which usually dominates the grade during school festivals and sports days; other than that, wait, no. We literally are just the background character for those people in class 5."
Ruby explained as we were walking to the cafeteria. She even told me to take off my blazer since, to her, it was distracting to see red among the black. I don't even know if that makes sense.
"Have you met Koby yet?"
Ruby asked as she pulled me to a queue. I'm actually quite nervous to see so many students gathering in one place.
"Not really."
I replied. I literally just found out that we went to the same school, for goodness sake.
"Why not? Aren't you supposed to be childhood friends?"
Ruby wiggled her eyebrows, and I couldn't help but laugh at her behavior. I still can't believe that she's the class president. For real.
"I don't know. We haven't really stayed in contact. I don't even know if he remembers me."
I shrugged, telling her the truth. I don't even know if I'm ready to meet him. Although I miss him so badly, Ugh. This is annoying.
"Of course he remembers you. Trust me, he's been talking about you even when you moved. Even I, the new kid, know your name. That must be something, right?"
Ruby urged as she handed me a tray. I mean, the way she said all those things makes me believe that he still remembers me. But then again, we stopped talking to each other; I don't even remember what happened. We used to talk to each other every night, but gradually we fell apart. It just feels weird now if we suddenly meet and act like nothing happened. I mean, I still remember the promise he made... But still, I don't know much about him.
"Ugh, those seniors are so annoying."
Ruby grunted, making me confused with what she meant.
"Just because they're third years, they act like the boss in the school. It's annoying."
Ruby explained as I tried to avoid eye contact. I don't want to mess with anyone like that. I had enough experience to know that it was not going to end well.
"If you have anything you wanted to ask, Just ask me, okay? I'm the class president anyway."
Ruby patted my back, and I couldn't help but feel relieved with her next to me. It does feel weird; it's like we've been friends for so long despite just meeting each other. It's comfortable being around her, although it was just for a moment.
"You remember where the classrooms are, right? I have to go now, duty as class president. I'll see you in the classroom, yeah?"
Ruby gave me a smile. I seriously don't want her to go, but I can't really say that; she must've been busy. It's good enough that she showed me around earlier. It was awkward sitting alone in a cafeteria full of students. But then again, I can't really complain.
"You're going to be fine."
Yeah, I hope.
I wish that I hadn't gone to the cafeteria. This is so uncomfortable. I hate the stares people have been giving me. I don't even know why they are staring. I even took off my blazer to blend in; I wonder what else is making them stare at me so much. I decided to just leave since it's making me feel really uncomfortable being here any longer.
"What the hell?"
I seriously hate where this is going. Why am I drowning in unluckiness? It wasn't on purpose. I didn't even realise that I stepped on her shoes.
"Hey! Did you know how expensive these shoes are? Shit, this is so annoying."
She stomped her feet on the floor and kicked me in the knee. Damn, it hurts. Everyone in the cafeteria is staring at us and whispering things that I refuse to hear. Not again.
"I'm sorry. I didn't see you."
I replied, trying to avoid any eye contact that might be necessary. She even kicked me; what else does she want now?
"No. You need to compensate me for dirtying my precious shoes. My daddy give me this for my birthday, for goodness sake!"
She grunted in annoyance as I finally met her eyes. It must be nice to receive a gift from your father. I wonder what that feels like. Her friends seem uncomfortable since everyone is staring at us. They kept telling her to just let it go, but she wouldn't budge.
"Okay. How much is it?"
I finally said, trying to end the drama, but she seemed pissed when I did that. For goodness sake, what is wrong now? I was just asking. I'm not even raising my voice at her like she did. I even apologised, but she kicked me and is now yelling at my face for something so trivial.
"You can't even afford it if I tell you the amount."
She glared at me. Well, she did have a point. I don't really plan on giving her any money in the first place since I'm literally broke. So what else does she want from me?
"Lick it clean."
When she said that, I could hear people gasping around me. Seriously? This kind of bullying is so cute that it's making me laugh. I have experienced worse than this, so it doesn't really faze me when she pushes her shoes in front of me. For me to lick it seems. How cute, indeed.
I simply said as I walked away, like a boss. Hah! Well, I wish, but she yanked my hair, making me fall to the cold, dirty concrete. She keeps saying things that I refuse to hear as she almost steps on my face. Woah. The nerve of her. But before she got the chance to do it, I pulled her shoes off of her and threw them hard in her face, as she cried in humiliation. Heh, I should be the one feeling humiliated for doing something like this. Gosh, this is embarrassing.
"Let's just go; this is embarrassing."
Her friend sighs as they pull her away. Well. Thank God. I don't know what else to do if she keeps crying. The attention is killing me. But at the same time, I could feel my hands shaking.
That was terrifying.

Komentar Buku (744)

  • avatar
    Saidali Colod

    goods reading


  • avatar

    this story caught my attention, it is really amazing story about lovers, a must read !!


  • avatar
    DAN azumiBuhari



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