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6th Ghosting: It's Her!

"I NEVER seen any of Sir Ran's relatives here, Jepoy, why is that? Is he alone? No relatives?" Ashey asked one of her co -workers at the coffee shop. Of course, she had to ask questions, so that she would know where the Nuevos were.
"Mr. Dolfo. He used to be one of his staff here. But as far as I know, he is not Boss's relative. Mr. Dolfo's wife ,it is. Mr. Dolfo's was died years ago. We haven't met her here. Aside to Mr. Dolfo's wife, whom we also didn't met, none of the Boss's relatives came here. I heard, even Mr. Dolfo's daughther was dead. She committed suicide. Bossing got angry back then, he didn't have a chance to see his niece wake. Mr. Dolfo buried his daughther right away. He said because the child won't be blessed and accepted at the church by killing herself."
"B--Buried? How, w---hat? Just buried?" Ashey seems to have been involved in what she found out. She doesn't know.
It's just creepy that Mr. Dolfo also buried Therese, his own daughter. Is it normal to Therese's father's buried a dead?
"Yes. He just buried it. At the back of his house. Mr. Dolfo is a weirdo. We're not surprised that he did that. He said to Bossing, the child will not be accepted at the church because she committed suicide, "Jepoy added.
"No, the church will bless it. I guess?" Ashey is not sure about suicide people will not be accepted in the church.
But she is sure that the priest also blessed and prays for the suicidal Catholics. She knew that her student was a Catholic. Besides, the school she teaches is Catholic School.
Her co-worker Jepoy just shrugged his shoulders. "Bossing is helding a prayer yearly for the child's soul. That's all. Bossing has done nothing with Mr. Dolfo's decision."
"Well, glad to know," she thought.
"Where is Mang Dolfo from here?" She remembered to ask.
But she and Jepoy stopped gossiping when two customers entered at the coffee shop. A sophisticated woman in her late early 40's maybe, and a teenager who Ashey estimates is only fifteen, the customers just arrived. Ashey immediately noticed the teenager's naughty eyes, wearing high -grade glasses. There is a DSLR camera attached to the teenager's neck. The two look like mother and son, because they were look alike.
"Miss, drip late coffee, please." The sophisticated woman smiled at me while she ordered.
"Coming mam," she replied with a smile.
"You're really a stubborn child. I'm tired of the adventure you're saying," the lady scolded her child and Ashey heard that from the counter she was sitting on. The child is just quiet, though. He still rolls his eyes around the coffee shop, as hos companion continues to scold him.
Then, the teenager's eyes met hers...
"It's you!" He said to Ashey suddenly. The young man's eyes widened at him, even pointing his index finger at him, "Mommy, it's her!" He said to his companion.
The lady looked at her and just smiled as if embarrassed and she mouthed apologized to her. Ashey is sure of only one thing, the behavior of her child is not new to the lady.
Ashey frowned. She didn't know how to react, especially since Jepoy came out, carrying the customers' order. Especially when she heard what the young man said next ..
"It's her! I knew it! She's dead! You're a ghost!"
"Sshhh, Xian, where is your manners ?!" The woman chastised her son once again.
"HEY, Xian, Lian .. what's up?" Randall greeted the customers.
"Randall, hi!" Lian smiled at him, "Ahm, we will go ahead. You know, you're grandson here really saying awkward stuff. I'm sorry again, miss..." The lady glanced at Ashey.
Randall and Ashey just nodded in response to her. The young man Xian motioned for Randall to bow, and whispered something to their boss. That didn't escape to Ashey's eyes.
"That kid is really stupid. I'm sorry," Randall apologized to Ashey. The latter just nodded.
"That's okay, really. No fuss."
"But Xian really has a third eye. He has helped solve his father's lawyer's case many times," What Jepoy utter got Ashey's interest.
Well, she can't react even if. She will look eager for fishing info when she asks more about that now. And their boss is still here. She made a mental note that she would find out where Xian lived in this area. Maybe that special boy can help her find her body.
"Are you scared of Xian?" Randall asked him.
She shook her head, "N-no. Just surprised." Ashey was really surprised. But if the boy helps to solve his father's case, one day she will ask for his help.
"Even I, was surprised. Xian never said that when he wasn't sure," Randall said that, with an obvious tone of wonder. As if telling Ashey that, she might be dead. Or maybe she's just being paranoid. Because why would Randall think of that? In the present age where everything is modern, will it still believe that there is a living dead on earth?
" Cause all I know is, there's no one dead as beautiful as you." Here's her annoying boss again! He's looking at her from head to toe!
"Okay, Sir, I'll buy a new set of clothes tomorrow. You will paid us today, aren't we?" Randall just smiled at him in response.
Ashey actually thought to buy new clothes and her boss always fools her with the kind of clothes she wears. Maybe her boss is used to seeing skin on women.
"That's right! I'll drive you tomorrow. I'm also go to town and I have a client to talk to."
"Awts, drive .. or, a date? You're still embarrassed to be nice, Santillan," Ashey joked to his boss.
It was just to ease her mood, which had been a bit heavier before because of Xian.
"Date? That's bad! Date, your face!" Randall even made a face at him.
She just smiled.
"Bossing, Ashey and you are had a thing. Especially if Ashey is really going to change her style of clothing," Jepoy said in a tone that was also joking. Her style was once again discarded!
"In her dreams! I haven't run out of reserve yet!" Their boss replied arrogantly.
"Hey, I'm way out of your reserves, Santillan. You might eat what you say 'In your dreams' when I ignore you for the next few days." She winked at Randall. The latter just laugh at out loud.
"Really? If what you're saying happens, I won't let you. You know why?"
"Is that a pick up line?" She raised an eyebrow at it. She should no longer trust her boss. Everything is pure nonsense and a joke to him.
"Hey! You should say, 'why'!"
"Oh, so why?" Wow, her mischievous boss had a pick up line!
"Because all I know is... I can be your boyfriend ..." Ashey could hardly hear Jepoy's laughter and teasing, with the force of her chest pounding. Boyfriend? When was the last time she remembered that the word still existed? Not once in her life, she has never had a boyfriend ..
"Your boyfriend .. in your wildest dream!" Randall was happy with his foolishness.
She came out of the counter and in annoyance, she stepped on his white kicks. The white shoe is ‘baptized’, literally. The pathway of Randall's coffee shop is still muddy and greasy, which the gardener waters every morning.
"Oh, fvck!" In his widened eyes, he exclaimed surprisingly while looking to his own shoe.
I laugh so loudly before I ran. Because he will surely catch me!

Komentar Buku (581)

  • avatar
    Hazel Bacarrisas

    Amazing story.. the plot of the story is reallygood


  • avatar

    this story is really great and wonderful. Worth to read till end😍. Thanksss author for this story🤩


  • avatar
    Jessica Ivy

    This story is so good!!! The best story I've read here. I'm anticipating so much on the next chapters. The story is interesting and got me thrilled.


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