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chapter 2

“Mommy! Mommy!” It’s an early morning and a very typical day at the Jones Residence. Kids calling out for their mom can be heard all over the house. Screaming and crying is already part of their day.
Lia went down running to the kitchen and immediately attend to her 4-year-old son Andrei. When her son stops crying upon seeing her, she then went to her daughter to get her ready for school. Lia chose not to hire a nanny for her kids. Whenever she needs to work, that is the only time that she will call her part-time baby sitter.
Her husband Nick is one of the top real estate agents who has a flexible working schedule. He’s been taking care of the kids when she’s out but most of the time she is the one who will stay with them because for some reason Andy and Andrei hates being left alone with their father.
She is Amelia Smith-Jones, a super model and a super mom. At the age of 34, she is already a mother of 2 who’s married to her high school sweetheart Nicholas Jones, the captain of the football team at their university. The most popular among all the girls at the campus. Amelia or Lia which she prefers to be called has a perfect life as what many says. A loving husband, 2 beautiful children, an established career, a big house complete of everything that she needed, she has it all.
Having a perfect life is an understatement. Behind those beautiful images they portray is a marriage that is slowly slipping away. It all started when she gave birth to Andrei, 4 years ago.
From a loving husband and father, he became very distant to them, he is slowly removing his self to them. Lia tried to confront her husband about it but it turns out to be their first ever fight.
Nick is very defensive and angry when Lia tells her about those changes that she saw from him. He didn’t like how his wife tells him that and it makes him almost hit Lia on the face, thankfully Andrei is with Lia that night that he instantly regretted his action.
Lia forgives him seeing remorse in his eyes. Weeks later after that incident, Lia saw Nick is trying his best to be a good husband and father to their children. He became very attentive to his kids. Feeding them, playing with them and even tucking them to bed. Lia has never seen him like that before and she very pleased with all those changes that she buried the incident in her mind.
Years passed, Lia became very busy having photo shoot after photo shoots that she decided to hire a temporary nanny for her kids because she’s been having a hard time juggling from being a model and a full-time mom. Lia endures all those days that she is away from her family that she can’t wait to for her exclusive contract to end.
Becoming a mother is never been easy but fulfilling seeing how your kids is growing. Lia changes her priority, she wanted to see her kids grow and she wanted to be part of their lives. And soon after her contract expires, she did not renew it and choose to be a freelance model so that she can manage her time and be with her kids most of the time. Her company offer her a position as their consultant the she takes it because it’s an opportunity for her to help aspiring models and at the same time she doesn’t need to be away most of the time.
That is when she finally realizes that their family is falling apart. Nick rarely comes home telling her that he’s out on a business trip. It happens again and again. At first, she thought that he is just working for their family and she didn’t suspect him of doing something.
Being a stay-at-home mom makes her kids to grow closer to her. They became very close to her and very distant to their father. Andrei doesn’t want to be carry or touch by her dad and same goes to Andy who rarely speak with her dad. Lia is concern about that. She doesn’t want her kids to push their dad away from them.
“Where have you been? I’ve been trying to call many times” Lia ask her husband who just came after a 3 days business trip. He greeted his wife with a kiss but something didn’t make sense for Lia. He smells like he just pours him some vanilla perfume all over his body. The exact same smell that he dislikes.
“I’m kind of busy with all the meeting. You’re leaving tomorrow, right?” Nick is acting very strange. It’s like he is avoiding his own wife. While watching him do his usual routine, Lia is frozen to where she is standing. A thought came in to her mind.
“Is he having an affair?” Lia asks herself.
Lia tried to composed herself but she can’t. It’s been 2 years since she started suspecting him of infidelity. That vanilla perfume, he smells like that whenever he goes home after a trip. But Lia chooses to turn a blind eye on that and continue her role as a loving wife for the sake of her children.
“I already called Maria. She will be here tomorrow before I go. I’ll be gone for 5 days” Nick nodded. Lia saw him smirk. It’s like he is happy that she will be gone for too long.
“No worries. I will stay here until you get home”
Should she worry about him not her kids? She thought.
The next day, Lia is having a hard time saying goodbye to Andrei who wouldn’t let her go. He doesn’t want to be away from her mom. He only stops crying when Andy carries him. “Andrei, be a good boy, okay? Listen to your big sister. Andy looks after your brother for me. I will be back before you know it”
Maria tries to get Andrei from her sister but the little girl just pushes her away and started walking away from them with her brother. Her mom saw it and apologized to Maria for her behavior.
Maria walks her out of the house carrying her luggage. When the wind suddenly blows, she smells the familiar scent. The vanilla scent that she always smelled from her husband. She looks at her babysitter and something is telling her not to go. She shrugged all those thoughts thinking that it might be just a coincidence.
After a long flight to Los Angeles, Lia is escorted to her hotel room before the start of their production meeting. The theme of the shoot is for the summer campaign, meaning she has no to wear different swimwear from different brand and designers. She has no problem with that. Even though she is already a mother of 2, her figure is still the same. She takes care of her body very well.
Her only concern is about her photographer who seems to be very mysterious. She doesn’t know anything about the photographer, she only heard about those project that the photographer handles. The only thing she knows is that ‘Alex’ is the name of that photographer.
Lia wore a simple black A-line cocktail dress showing her curves. She didn’t know why she makes an effort to dress up just for that production meeting.
Arriving at the hall, she is welcomed by Mr. Gideon, her long-time boss. “It’s nice seeing you again, Amelia. You still haven’t change. I hope Andy and Andrei is not giving you troubles”
“Good to see you too, boss. My kids are well behaved, sometimes. You know what, I am very curious about this photographer that you speak so highly” The main reason why she accepted this project is because of her curiosity about that certain photographer that everyone can’t stop talking about.
Lia is not the type of model that will agree when a job is offer. She is very meticulous about her work, every detail she needs to know, from the crew to the photographer. But this project her the only exception.
“Hello everyone. Pardon me for being late. There is a small problem at my studio that I need to attend very quick. Let’s start so that I won’t waste your time any further” A blonde girl appear in front of them. She like a super model with the way she walks and with her figure. There is something with her that she can’t take her eyes off the blonde but that didn’t last long when she is caught staring at her.
“Okay everyone. For those who haven’t met this girl beside me, I want you to meet the in-charge of this campaign, our one of the best photographer, Alex” They all thought that she is a man. Her name tricked them.
Alex shifter her gaze to Lia who is staring at her. She smirks upon seeing how interested she looks to her. But all that change the moment Lia smile to her. A smile that took her breath away. She has never seen someone who has that smile, a pure and sincere smile not forced.
“Nice to finally meet you. I’ve heard a lot about your work. I am looking forward on working with you. I’m Lia Smith-Jones. Nice to meet you, Alex” Lia introduces herself and offer her hand for a shake hands. Instead of shaking it, Alex kissed the back of her hand. A hand so soft and fragrant that she doesn’t want to let go.
“Same here. It’s a pleasure meeting someone as beautiful like you. I am looking forward working with you” Alex fells like she is having love at first sight. Cliche that is but that is what she is feeling at that moment.
Mr.Gideon saw how she look at Lia and he is worried about that. He knows what Alex very well, even her bad habits. He is afraid that Alex might only get hurt if she continues showing interest to the married woman Lia. “Alex, kindly start your presentation now”
What he likes about Alex is how is set her priorities. She knows how to separate her personal life with her work. In short, Alex is the most professional he ever met.
The overall concept of the whole photo shoot is very impressive. Being a model half of her age, Lia have never work with someone like her before.
The next day, Alex went to the studio early. She wanted to check every design, equipment, the stage, everything. That is how she works. She is not just a photographer but she is an all-around, from the production, creative director. For her not because you already established you career, you will not pay attention to your working environment. That is a big no for her. Alex makes sure that her model, her staffs is secured and will have a stress-free working environment.
While waiting for the scheduled time, Alex sits on her chair with eyes closed as she talks to herself in her mind. “Few more minutes and I can finally see her again. I met a lot of women before; I’ve worked with many models already but none caught my attention like Lia. I knew from the moment I laid eyes on her that she’s the one that I will never let go, the one who will bring the joy in my life. As I open my eyes to have one final look on the set, I saw her walking towards me wearing that sweet smile of her.
“Hey. Good morning. I can see that everything is all set” Lia greeted me first because I was unable to talk upon seeing her. Then she gave me a friendly hug as what I want to call it. Her smell is like a heroine to me that makes me so addicted.
I am literally speechless that the next think I know is she’s already walking towards her dressing room. My eyes follow her and before she closes the door, I know that it’s me that she is looking at. Then I saw her bit her lower lips before closing the door.
Did she just bit her lips looking at me?
She did. I saw her.
Does it mean….
Gosh I wanna kiss those lips.
Alex is having a mental battle as to many things running through her minds. She wanted to believe about what she saw but on the contrary, she might be just hallucinating and having her own fantasy.
Lia is changing into her first swimwear. It’s a one red bikini with a ribbon in front. It was a bit seductive but she can’t complain. When she’s about to step out of the changing room, she suddenly hears the staffs talking.
“I never saw Alex like that before”
“She’s been spacing out whenever she’s talking with Lia”
“Mind you she’s been looking at her like a piece of meat. I’m sure she might be the next target”
“I don’t mind if I were Lia. It was Alex we’re talking about. The Alex”
Lia is not the type to eavesdrop but she just did out of curiosity. She wanted to ask what do they mean by next target but they are already gone when she opens the door.
“Next target? Target of what?” She asked looking at the closed door.
Lia is left with all those questions. She is not afraid but she wanted to know why they are talking behind Alex like that. There is something that is pushing her to know Alex more. Like a magnet who is being attracted to another magnet who happens to be Alex.
Lia shrugged all her thoughts and put of her professional mask. All eyes shifted on her the moment she walks out of the dressing room with her hair and makeup done. She is used to that attention that it didn’t makes her uncomfortable. She’s happy seeing a lot of female staffs who is given the chance to work. It’s a girl power production team that she definitely would like to see more often.
“Everyone get ready. We will start now. Please somebody tell Lia that we’re about to start” Alex shouted so that everyone will be informed. She double checked her camera, the monitors, the lightning then a bikini model lady walks in.
Alex knows that staring is not polite but she can’t help it. Not with someone as beautiful and sexy like Lia is in front of her. Her mouth is slightly open that makes her assistant elbow her to wake her up from her fantasy.
Lia poses perfectly in front of the camera that makes the shoot easy. As one of the best in the industry, Alex didn’t need to tell her what to do, how to pose, where to look. The camera is rolling and Lia found herself checking out the photographer. She notices that Alex is a model material, her height, her complexion, long blonde hair, those hazel green eyes and her body. There is really nothing that she is lacking.
“Did I just check her out? Why can’t I take my eyes of her? Wait. It can’t be. I am married and….straight” Lia is having a mental breakdown and this is very alarming for her.
She shook her head numerous times that Alex notice it “Everyone,30 minutes break to freshen up” Alex voice wake her up. When she finally calms down, their eyes met. Those hazel greens are hypnotizing her.
“Lia, are you okay? Are you feeling sick?”
“I’m so sorry. I don’t know what happens to me” Lia lied. She can’t tell her what has gotten to her to be that distracted. She decided to go back to her dressing room to compose herself.
Alone at the studio, Alex browses all those photo that they already took of Lia. Scary it may sound but she can’t help but to be fascinated with her beauty and her body. A tall brown hair lady, with those brown eyes and white skin there is nothing that she can find ugly.
Alex is determined to know her more before she can fully commit to her. She might be a rebel as what her family describes her but Alex is an angel. An angel that will never hurt anyone because she knows how it feels to be hurt, to be push away.
She’s a runaway kid but she learned her lessons very well and there is no bit of regret that she felt. She might be very playful but she knows when to be serious. Life is never been that easy, there won’t be a sunny day if there will be no rainy days.
You won’t know happiness if you haven’t felt sadness. Life has an ups and down battle. Push and pull lessons that you need to stand at the middle to balance your life.
Just when she decided to relax, Lia sits beside her with her bathrobe on, ready for their next take. Alex tried to act normal but she can’t when Lia places her hand on her thigh.
“What time are we going to start?” Lia asks before removing her hand not knowing the effect of that to Alex.
“Whenever you’re ready” Alex casually replies. The staffs are going back to their positions. Lia who is still sitting beside her, stood up and slowly remove her robe she’s wearing at black bikini. Seeing it up close makes Alex go crazy that she loses her self-control as she went closer to Lia “You’re so hot”
Lia smile at her not feeling and disgust or whatsoever “I’ve been told many times. Thanks, Alex”
Alex and Lia both laugh at their new found banter.

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