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Bab 6 The restaurant

Mark was going back to his hotel room after finishing his meeting. He had left the country for business and to give Melissa time to get acquitted with his home and work. After she sign's the contract she wouldn't leave when she finds out he is her employer.
"Sir she went to the office and the driver took her to the villa." His assistant had to keep him informed of everything that Melissa did.
"Tell Adams to keep an eye on her and get two more bodyguards to watch them whenever they leave the villa." Mark instructed while taking off his tie and suit jacket.
"Do you thinking they will go after her?
"Can't take any chances, she will try to find out what happened to her Father's company. They won't want that, we have to be a step ahead so we can take them down. " He sat on the sofa and checked the documents he had to sign.
"Okay I'll make arrangements but are you sure you want to use her as a bate."
"We need her so we can smoke all of them out, I won't let them harm her."
"I'll get our best men to keep Melissa safe." He walked to the door then turned back. "Sorry I almost forgot."
"Your grandfather wants you to go to the mansion as soon as you get back."
"Why, is there a problem in the company?"
"Guess its about your engagement sir."
"The engagement with Sasha, tell them I don't have time. Better yet I'll talk to grandfather myself, you can go." His grandfather had promised an old friend their grand children's marriage to unit the two families and merge their companies. Mark didn't like the idea of an arranged marriage, his parent supported him but his grandfather wanted a great grandchild soon and a young woman from a wealthy family as his granddaughter in law.
Now that his fiancee to be was back from abroad where she had gone for studies they planned to hold the official engagement party in a months time but Mark had his own plan's and hoped his grandfather would understand.
Melissa changed her work clothes finished a call to her aunt. She went down to the dinning room to have super. Jane was waiting ready to serve her, all the staff treated her as the mistress of house. Following their boss's orders.
"Miss is their a problem?" She saw the displeased look on her face and wondered if she didn't like the food they had prepared.
"The food looks delicious but I'm not used to eating alone. Why don't you sit and eat with me?"
"Sorry miss, I can't I'm here to serve and Mary will scold me."
"Okay since you can't sit at the table with me then we can eat in the kitchen." Melissa took the dishes and walked to the kitchen. The kitchen was big with all the modern furnishing and equipment. Almost ten people were sitting at a side table eating and charting among themselves.
When Melissa walked in they all turned and looked at her, they were surprised to see her in the kitchen.
"May I join you?"
They welcomed her and introduced themselves, from the gate man to the cook, the laundry lady and the gardener. Eating together was lively and fun, though Melissa didn't talk much, she enjoyed listening to their stories. She would come here to eat with them everyday. Having people around helped her forget all her problems.
The driver took her to work every morning and picked her up. Their was gossip that the CEO'S lover was working in the company when they saw his driver but Melissa didn't pay much attention to it an non of the employees had seen the lady who was driven to the company. She had gotten along well with her two colleagues and the other employees at the company and always help each other complete the project.
"Ladies, today lunch is on me." Nancy said while arranging the design paper's on her desk.
"What the occasion Nancy? We always eat at the company cafeteria." Jenifer asked mockingly
"A friend opened a restaurant some two weeks ago and asked me to go for lunch. Of course I can bring friends, Jenifer can you stop looking at me like that." She took her bag and walked to Melissa's desk. "Melissa are you coming? "
"I need to finish this work so I can leave work early today."
"Melissa you can't keep skipping lunch and working overtime every day. We are going for lunch with Nancy, it's free anyway Nancy's treat." Jennifer took the folder she was working on and kept it a side. Both Jennifer and Nancy dragged her out of the office. The restaurant was a few blocks from the office so they walked while charting about the social event's happening in the country.
The food in the restaurant was delicious, Nancy's friend asked them to order anything they liked. It had opened for two weeks but it was flocked with so many customers.
"The service her is great, Nancy is he just a friend or your boyfriend? He's so handsome."
"Jenifer you talk too much, eat your food." Melissa looked at the two and smiled. They kept teasing each other all the time and were friendly to her. They helped her a lot at work and showed her how to get the best material and the best companies she could work with on her project.
"Mmm...Jenifer I heard that the big boss will come to our monthly meeting next week." Jenifer was the department head.
"Do we have to do the presentation then?" Melissa asked taking sip of water from her glass.
"There is no official communication yet but we should be prepared."
"We should also get some new clothes. I would do anything so the CEO could look at me."
"Don't flatter yourself Nancy, he has a fiancee and getting married soon. He won't see any of us when as such a beautiful woman by his side."
"No, Melissa is more beautiful than that lady. We will go for a make over see if he won't like either of us."
"Jennifer is right, so let not waist our time on make up besides that restaurant friend of yours likes you. Lunch is almost ready we should go back."
After they were done they thanked Nancy's friend and walked back to work.
"Melissa, hey Melissa...." Looking back they saw an elegantly dressed young lady. Her cloth's looked quite expensive and the designer bag she was holding was worth almost a million.
"Diana, hi what a surprise?" She gave Melissa a hug.
"Melissa when did you come to the city? You didn't give me a call. I just saw you at the restaurant. It been years since we saw each other, how have you been?"
Since Melissa had moved with her aunt, they had not communicated. After the weekend party Diana had persuaded her to go, Melissa tried to call but Diana didn't pick her call. She later got a voice message saying she had gone out of the country with her new boyfriend. They had grown together, went to the same school from kindergarten to university. Melissa took her has her best friend and sister but when her parent died she was left all alone.
"I'm good, I got here a week ago and I was quite busy at work. This are my work mate." Diana look at them both and politely nodded at them. "How is auntie and uncle it has been long since I saw them."
"They are doing okay, we actually moved to a new house. Give me your number I'll call you. We can hangout sometime since I'm in a hurry." They exchanged numbers, Diana walked back to the man who was watching them.
Looking at the man Melissa felt uneasy. "Melissa......" Jennifer tapped her on the shoulder, she turned and walked into the office building.
"That friend of yours gives me some bad vibes." Nancy told Melissa when they got to the office.
"Me too especially that man. The way he looked at Melissa was scarily."
"Have never seen him before but he look at me like he knows me. Anyway don't let that bother you. " Melissa shock her head to clear her mind. Meeting those two disturbed her, was it a coincidence they met or were they following her?

Komentar Buku (512)

  • avatar
    AguillonAngel rose

    Goods movie


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    𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒂 𝒏𝒂𝒎𝒏


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    Sa Da

    very nice story


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