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Bab 5 The cemetery

She spent the two day's helping her aunt open the flower shop. Though the shop was closed for some month's they used to get clients to deliver flowers for functions and some of the hotels around town. Aunt Betty started the shop when she decided to move from the city after she lost her son and husband. She never talked about them much but Melissa knew that she had never forgotten the hurt and humiliation she suffered back then. Melissa promised in her heart to always take care of her and Tommy since they where the only family she had.
"What time are you traveling tomorrow?" Aunt Betty asked when they sat down to watch cartoon with Tommy after eating dinner.
"Before noon we have a meeting in the afternoon."
"What? Won't you be late for the meeting, it's five hours journey."
"Aunt they are taking care of all the travel and accommodation. I have a plane ticket booked already and Lisa will drive me to the airport." She held Tommy who was sleeping in her arms. He was tired after playing all day with the other kids at the kindergarten. "I'll take Tommy to kindergarten tomorrow you don't have wake-up early."
"Okay dear, take him to sleep. I'll Lock up you should sleep early to."
"Goodnight aunt." She carried sleeping Tommy to his bedroom.
"Goodnight." Aunt Betty went her room after locking the doors and switching the lights off.
After Melissa dropped off Tommy, she went home to pick her suitcase and head over to her aunt's flower shop were Lisa would pick her up.
"Melissa hey hope you didn't wait for long." Lisa shouted when she entered the shop. "Hellow aunt, these Rose's smell so good." She sniffed the Rose's auntie Betty was arranging for her customer.
"Good to see you Lisa, how have you been? How is work?" Aunt asked, she liked Lisa. She and her mother become close friends since she moved to town. Lisa's mother helped her a lot and also got her the shop to set up her business. She was happy that Lisa and Melissa got along well.
"We have to go Lisa, don't want to be late for my flight."
"We have more than half an hour for your flight let me chart with aunt for awhile." She helped aunt arrange the flower.
"No what if we get traffic on the way, aunt I'll call when I get to the city." Melissa gave her aunt a hug and kiss on her cheek and dragged Lisa to the car.
"Bye aunt, Melissa my god stop dragging me." Lisa got in the car. It was a fifteen minutes drive to the airport. "Melissa since your going to the city, will you look for Tommy's father?" She asked while driving
"I don't think I'll get time to look for him." Melissa replied while checking time on her phone. It was the tenth time she check. Melissa was nervous and thinking about meeting Mark she felt scarred. How was she supposed to tell him that there accident night together gave them a son. But the city was big, no way could she bump into him.
"Melissa are you okay?" Lisa called her several time but she was deep in thought.
"Ha....I'm fine." She shock her head to clear her mind.
"We are at the airport, won't go in mum set me a text she needs me to pick some things for the bakery."
"Its okay, thanks for the ride and watch over aunt and Tommy for me. Call when I get their, bye." They hugged for a while.
"Bye Melissa have a safe flight." Lisa watched Melissa walk into the airport waved goodbye then drove off.
After clearing at the check in point they wanted for a few minutes to board the flight. It was a forty five minutes flight. Melissa closed her eye's and thought of the happy time when she went on Vacation's with her parent. Her mom and dad loved her so much, being an only child she was pampered a lot. Her father always told her she would take over the company when she was done with her studies.
"Miss please fasten you safety belt we are about to land." Melissa opened her eye's, smiled at the flight attendant and fastened her belt.
She walk out of the airport and hailed a cub to the city center. "Mr take me to this address." She gave the cub driver the paper with the address.
"Star lite building 68 avenue street?"
"Yes, thank you sir." Looking at the people rushing in all direction in the busy street, Melissa had forgotten how Chaotic the city was. There was heavy traffic, Melissa was afraid of reporting late and possibly missing the meeting. "Sir is there another route we can take?
"Sorry miss, this is the easiest route we can use. There is an accident at the intersection a head but the police are clearing, in a matter of minutes the road will be clear."
"Okay. I really hope it clears soon, don't want to be late." Melissa checked her phone. She had some fifteen minutes to report to the office.
After waiting for almost ten minutes, road was cleared and traffic moved smoothly.
Walking into the building, Melissa went to the front desk and was taken to the elevator up to the managers office.
"Excuse me sir, miss White is here." The secretary knocked at the managers office.
"Okay, show her in." The manager invited her to sit when she went the office. After he was done signing documents on the table he called his secretary. "Miss White welcome to out company, Amelia my Secretary will show you to your office."
"Thank you sir." She walked out with the secretary to the office she would share with two colleague's. "Jenifer, Nancy this is Melissa, she will be working with you."
"Hi Melissa welcome." They both smiled at her.
"Thank you...." Both Jenifer and Nancy were welcoming. Showed her around the office and everyone she would work with from other departments. They went for a brief meeting, to discourse everything they had to finish a head of the official opening day of the hotel in a months time.
After work hours Melissa went to the reception desk to get her suitcase and information about her accommodation.
"Miss please come with me." The driver assigned to drop her off, took the suitcase and walked out of the building to the car park. He was a middle aged man, quite serious but had a friendly smile.
"Mr can you take me to the cemetery first?" Melissa asked when got into the car. Since her parent were laid to rest four years ago she had not gone to visit. It all happened so fast, after the car accident and the burial all their property were taken by the bank. The house's the car's and the company went bankrupt. Often Melissa thought that maybe someone was behind all what had happen. Her father was careful with all his business dealing, it was his legacy and often said Melissa would take over when she was done with her studies. Having to take care of Tommy and lack of finances, she didn't have a way of investigating what really happened.
"Miss, we are here." The driver informed when they got to the cemetery gate.
"Thank you, please wait here I won't take long." She walked out of the car bought flowers at the gate and walked in. All she thought about was how happy they were, all the times they went for Vacation's as a family. Looking at the two head stones side by side. Melissa sat down and called to her mum and dad. She wished they would help her understand what happened. Why was life so cruel she had to loss both her parent and everything they had worked had for all their lives. "Mum,dad I'm going to find out what happened to the company" she swore in her heart. She stayed their crying and wishing they could be alive to see their grandson.
The driver opened the car when she walked back and drove out of town. Melissa thought that she would go to a hotel in town but she was taken to a gated community. Only authorized people could access, with no bus stops around one would need to drive in and out of the community.
"Mr Adamson, I thought you were dropping me off to a hotel." She asked the driver when they stopped at one of the villa.
"Miss, you can call me Adams. I'll be your driver and the boss asked me to bring you to his villa since it would be uncomfortable to stay in the hotel." He opened the car door for her and took the suitcase from the trunk.
"Does the boss live here with his family?"
"His family lives in their mansion, he comes here often but he is out of the country for business." It was getting dark, with all the lights on in the house it looked breathtakingly beautiful. They walked in the house and was welcomed by two ladies Mary and Jane.
Mary the housekeeper welcomed her, she was an old kind hearted lady slightly older than her aunt.
"I'll show you to your room. Freshen up and get some rest" She walked her upstairs to the first floor opened one of the guest rooms. "I'll send Jane up to call you when dinner is served." She left after making sure everything was in order.
"Thank you." Melissa thought of how generous her boss was. Talking of the boss Melissa thought that he was the manager she had met earlier at the office. She heard he was leaving for business from Nancy one of her coworkers.

Komentar Buku (512)

  • avatar
    AguillonAngel rose

    Goods movie


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    𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒂 𝒏𝒂𝒎𝒏


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    Sa Da

    very nice story


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