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Bab 6 Going to the hospital

( Can I be your friend?)
Chapter 6
Jayson left, and came back later with a cup of coffee but was surprised to find Skylers chair empty.
He didn't know what had happened or where she had gone to.
Dropping the coffee on the table, he walked outside to see if her car was still there; and yes, his instincts were right, she had left.
He sighed sadly
Why did she leave? He asked himself the question he didn't have an answer to.
He was about to go in when he noticed someone familiar approaching. He examined the person properly taking a proper look
Yeah! It was her. It was really her.
Myra - his best friend.
She was gone for a very long time, to visit her mom who stays in another city, while she stays with her Aunt, and school here. She was attending SKYLERS HIGH and was the one that told Jayson about the scholarship, and everything he needed to know about the school
She travelled to spend the holidays with her Mom, and seeing that she's back now, Jayson knew she was back to resume school because the holiday was almost over.
Seeing her brought lots of smiles on his face, that he actually forgot about Skyler.
They have been best friends since they were kids, which was close to ten years
He stood like a statue smiling sheepishly as she got closer
" Are you gonna stand there and keep staring at me like a ghost or you're gonna welcome me?" she asked on getting to where Jayson was standing, accompanied with her bags. It looks like she hadn't gone home. They were actually neighbors and have been so for a very long time. Her Aunt's house was close to theirs, and that was how they began their friendship.
Then, they would sneak out together to watch fireflies and the stars. Often time, Myra's Aunt - Ann, would scold them and tell them how dangerous it was for them to be alone at night, but they would never listen and on the other hand, Grandma Pamela never said anything concerning it. She often let it slide, saying they were kids and who should be allowed to explore and find advertures
" Why are you staring at me like that?" she asked Jayson who hasn't said a word
" Am I not allowed to stare at my best friend, and why are you here. Weren't you supposed to drop your bags at home before coming to the coffee shop, or is it because you were just too excited to see me, and show me how you now look? . You look so different, it's a good difference anyway. What has your mom been feeding you with?" Jayson asked, not giving her the chance to answer or say a word.
Myra just stared at him as he spoke. She was actually helping them in the coffee shop which was their only means of livelihood. It was originally founded by Grandma Pamela who was now very old and weak,so they took it upon themselves to take care of the shop and ensures it strives.
Their coffee was one of the best in that neighborhood and as a result they always made sales, though it wasn't much but it was enough to take care of some of their needs, like feeding.
" How do you expect me to give you a perfect reply when you almost sounded like youre bluffing"Myra said
" Oh, really? I can see my best friend is in a bad mood. What's it? Got some boyfriend issues?" Jayson asked jokingly, but instead received a punch
" Oh, ouch!" Jayson wailed in pain. Myra was a perfect description of a tomboy. The only thing feminine about her was her name, just in case you're wondering how a common female punch which is supposed to be as light as a feather, made him wail.
" Have told you to stop saying that" she said and punched him again
" Damn it Myra, I felt that one" Jayson cried out in pain.
" That's what you get for spitting out nonsense" she said and dragged her bag inside
" Hey, wait for me. " Jayson said, and went after her
" Let me help you with that" he offered and collected the luggage from her. She didn't refuse, as she let him help her. They both got inside and went to meet Jackson
" Look who's back"Jackson said as soon as he saw her
" Is that how to welcome a long gone friend? You guys sure lack manners and it hasn't been long since I left. Good thing am back now, so I can take of that" Myra said as she took her seat in a spare chair, she saw at a corner
"Just kidding, welcome back. By the way, when did you get back?" Jackson asked
" Oh, that. Not quite long" she replied him " Oh my, ,am really exhausted" Myra said, yawning
" That's not true. Where did you get the strength that you used to punch me from?" Jayson asked her looking perplexed
" You have no idea, do you? " she asked, smiling " well, that's for that, like I said earlier, am exhausted," she said again
" And what do you suggest we do about that?," Jayson asked sarcastically
" Don't be mean Jay, she just arrived" Jackson said " what would you like to have?" he asked turning to her,
" Am hungry" She said
" Jayson get her something to eat. For the meantime, I have to serve the customers already waiting to get their order"Jackson said
"Alright then. I'll go get you something to eat"Jayson said, and also left.
Myra used that time to look around the coffee shop. It was still the same way she left it. Nothing has changed. She got up, looking around. She was doing that when Jayson came back
"I'm back" he announced, placing the meal on a table in front of the chair she sat on
Myra quickly sat down and started eating as soon as the meal was placed. She was damn hungry and one could tell from the way she ate.
"Woah!! Slow down alright. I know you're hungry and you sure look hungry, but don't you think you should eat more slowly" Jayson said. Myra stopped eating for a while and stared at him
"Would you prefer I die of hunger?" she asked him. Jayson shook his head negatively
"Then shut up and let me eat" she said
"Alright, I won't interfere any more, but I have a question to ask. Didn't you eat before coming or while on the plane?"Jayson asked her
"No. This is actually my first meal for today. I didn't get to eat before leaving because I was already late for my flight, and again I didn't eat on the plane because I didn't like the meals they were presenting" she said. She was eating hurriedly
"Can you slow down please. I told you that the food isn't running" Jayson said
"For a guy, do you know you talk too much?" she replied him
"Really, you think so?" Jayson asked with a wide grin
"I don't think so, I know so. Where's Jason?" she asked, but didn't get any reply. She then raised her head to look at Jayson, and noticed his Countenance has changed. He was sad.
" What's it Jay. What's wrong?"she asked on noticing this
"He's at the hospital" Jayson replied
"Why? Why's he at the hospital? what's he doing there?" she asked worriedly
"Grandma's sick,"he replied tiredly. The amazement on myra's face was captivating. She wasn't expecting that
"Why, what happened?. I remember her being strong and hearty when I left" she questioned. At this time, she was no longer eating.
"How did it happen?" she asked the curious question
"I don't even know. It all happened so fast. One minute I was in my room, and the next minute I was at the hospital trying to help my brothers save the life of the only person we can call family - that we have grown to know as a family" Jayson said, and went on to narrate all that happened that morning. After explaining, Myra left where she was sitting to meet him. She sat close to him and hugged him tightly from the side
"Am so sorry Jay. I wasn't there with you. Am so sorry" she said to him trying to comfort him
"It's okay, and stop saying you're sorry. It's not like you did something wrong. "he said
"I know, but still, I still feel I should have been here, you know"she said trying to make him see her points
"I do okay and it's alright. Hurry up and finish your food. I have to go to the hospital soon, to check up on them and also to take lunch to Jason. He must be so hungry now" Jayson said and stood up
"Alright, I'll just wrap this up and come with you" she said
"You don't have to go with me, but since you insist I'll be outside. Hurry up and come" Jayson said and with that he walked out

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    John Carlo Alberto

    I would like to request access to the advance server acc in the morning and I will be there for you to be a good day at work now so I can do it for you to be a good day at work now so I can do it for you to be a good day at work now so I can do it for you to be a good day at work now so I can do it for you to be a good day at work now so I can do it for you to be a good day at work now so I can do it for you to be a good day at work now so I can do it for you to be a good day at work now so I ca


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    AzaharMuhamad Aidil

    novel yg sngt menarik πŸ₯Ή


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    Alliah Jillan Teoxon Luna



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