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Bab 3 To the hospital

( Can I be your friend?)
Chapter 3
" Jayson" Jackson called going into their room. Jayson was dressing up, getting ready for work.
"You won't believe it, " he said, scrolling through his phone. Jayson took out time to look at him while buttoning his shirt. He looks happy and excited. He observed
" What is it that got you all excited this early morning?" he asked with a smile
" SKYLERS HIGH"Jackson said. Jayson didn't understand what he was saying
" What are you saying? Wat happened to it?" he asked arching his eyebrows
" You won't believe this. Skyler just set up a music show and the winner gets the scholarship" he announced excitedly to Jayson. Jason walked in on them at that moment.
" What did you just say" Jayson asked him again to be sure
" Of course, you heard me" Jackson said smiling broadly
" Oh, my God! This is good news. This calls for celebration" Jayson said happily, collecting the phone from him to see for himself
" I don't see how that is goodnews. I mean you don't even have the potentials to go there and win. Do you know how many people will be contesting?. There would be lots of teenagers there. A lot of teens actually want to get into that school. It's the best in town, and you think just your talent alone will help you get in" Jason said
" Why are you so pessimistic Jason?. Aren't you supposed to be happy that at least one of us will have the chance to go there without paying a dime. This is goodnews it you ask me" Jayson said
" Of course it it, and Jay, you have to start rehearsing. Write a song that will blow off their mind and make you emerge the winner. We can't allow this golden opportunity to pass us by" Jackson said and
" Of course. I'll work very hard" Jayson said
"Oh, please guys. Let's not give ourselves false hope. Do you really think you'll be given the scholarship even if you win?. SKYLERS HIGH, is for the rich,and people like us aren't welcome there. They'll look down on you. In the first place, what are you going to wear to the contest" Jason asked.
Jayson and Jackson thought about what he had just said. He was somehow right
" You're right, but we can work something out. right,?" Jayson said looking at Jackson
" Of course. We should just have to hold on to this for now. " Jackson said
" How do I get the form for the contest?" Jayson asked. Apparently, he was the only one going to contest, because out of the trio, he was the only one that knows how to sing.
" Yeah, that. We have to go to SKYLERS HIGH to get the form. I think tomorrow will be okay" Jackson said
" Perfect" Jayson said smiling
" Oh, please!" Jason said and walked out taking his video game along with him
" Dress up and come join us for breakfast" Jackson said, then left.
Jayson dressed up quickly, then went to have breakfast with them
" Jason, go take the customer's order. The one at end of that table". Jackson said pointing to the table he was referring to. Jason didn't bulge or seem interested in what he was saying. He carried on with playing his video game.
" Am I not talking to you?" Jackson asked pissed, when he noticed Jason wasn't paying attention
" What? Can't you see am busy. Am I the only one here?" Jason asked him
" Really. If you're the only one here? " Jackson repeated. "What have you done since you got her? Havent we been the one doing all the work here since we came. What have you done?" he asked
" More order please" Jayson said walking in on them " what's going on?" he asked when he noticed the tension.
" Ask him" Jackson said pointing at Jason, the left
" What is it again this time?" Jayson asked turning to him - Jason
" What do you mean by that? He told you to ask me and you really went ahead with it. What makes you think I'll say anything. he didn't say anything so why should I?" Jason asked stubbornly
" Can you please act mature for once and stop giving us headaches" Jayson said
" Really. Okay now, I give headache. Is that how it is now" Jason asked dumbfounded
" That wasn't what I was trying to say. You know you acting like you don't know how things..."
" Save your explanations. I don't need them" Jason said and walked out on him.
Jayson stared at his retreating figure and sighed. he was just so difficult to understand. One minute, he was obedient and understanding, the next he was something you don't even want to think of.
They had hoped and pray for him to have a change of character, but seems their prayers didn't get to heavens gate, talk more of entering.
They got home. It was raining and very dark too. They managed to get inside their house with the light from their phones. On getting home, they had to shower and have a change of clothes before having dinner.
" Pass me the water" Jackson said to Jason
" I want some coffee too" Jayson said to Jackson who was about making one for himself
" Me too" Jason said after passing the water to him
" And that reminds me, has any of you checked up on Grandma?" Jackson asked
"She's probably sleeping. We didn't come home on time you know" Jason said
" Yeah. I think so too, that's why I didn't bother checking up on her" Jayson also said
" That's by the way. Just give some me seconds, let me go check up on her. It will only take a minute" Jackson said
" Do you think that's necessary?. I mean, you might disturb her, you know" Jason said trying to make him see reason, but Jackson won't bulge. He left before they could say another thing to dissuade him.
He got to her room. It was dark. He searched for the switch in the dark, with his fingers, when he found it, he turned it on. He stood at the door and stared at her as she laid on the bed. She was sleeping peacefully and Jason was right. He shouldn't disturb her. So, turning off the light quietly, he walked out of the room quietly too
He got back to the dinning and sat down. They haven't touched their meals. It's obvious they were waiting for him
" She's asleep already" he said and took his seat.
They began eating as they ate in silence. Only the sound from the cutleries could be heard.
Jayson woke up the next morning, earlier than usual. He was so excited. It was the day they were going to SKYLERS HIGH to collect the form. He was so excited and couldn't wait. They got up and started preparing. They were to go on time and, then go to work. He thought about many things and also his chances of winning. There would be lots of contestants.
Jason was right. He doesn't stand a chance with his talent alone. He needed to do more and work hard but he also doubt that. He was done having his bath and was about dressing up when he heard Jackson's scream
He was taken aback. What could be the cause of his screaming?.
He quickly put on his trouser and singlet, and ran out. He traced the place his voice was coming from. It was grandma's room
He got in and met both Jackson and Jason there.
" What's going on? What happened?" he asked both of them
" I dunno. I just came to check up on her like I do every morning, but I discovered she wasn't breathing, so I went to call Jackson. I don't think Grandma is fine" Jason said weeping
" Jayson, go get a cab. We need to get her to the hospital right this minute" Jackson said and Jayson quickly ran out in search of a cab
He was able to get hold of one immediately. Jackson carried Grandma pamela out, and placed her in the car. Jayson got in the front seat, while Jason sat at the back with Jackson. The driver drove speedily seeing the situation of things
They didn't want to waste any more time. They don't know the reason and couldnt tell what had happened. They didn't even know if she was dead or still alive, all that they know was that she was their grandma and life will be meaningless without her.
She had brought them out of the streets and took them in, took good care of them as she would to her children. Gave them food, shelter, clothe them and even made sure they went to school. If not for her, they would still be on the streets after they lost their parents at a tender age, and life would have been meaningless for them
Who knows what they become by how. No matter what, they weren't going to allow anything happen to her.
That was a promise they held dear to their hearts

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    John Carlo Alberto

    I would like to request access to the advance server acc in the morning and I will be there for you to be a good day at work now so I can do it for you to be a good day at work now so I can do it for you to be a good day at work now so I can do it for you to be a good day at work now so I can do it for you to be a good day at work now so I can do it for you to be a good day at work now so I can do it for you to be a good day at work now so I can do it for you to be a good day at work now so I ca


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    AzaharMuhamad Aidil

    novel yg sngt menarik πŸ₯Ή


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    Alliah Jillan Teoxon Luna



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