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Bab 4 The Wedding

They started checking the requirements and procedures for getting married in Dubai. Through their research they found out it’s lengthy and a lot of paperwork. Their baby will be born before they could even complete the mandatory papers.
Acwell, who is half American and already holding the passport, had an idea of them getting married in Las Vegas. He doesn’t like it at first because his father is there. He doesn’t want to see him. But with their situation, that is the best and simple solution.
Kamiah was lucky to get a tourist visa. And Acwell's best friend who works in a travel agency had given them a discount for their hotel and flight ticket. So, they flew to Vegas. They went there with no wedding ring, no wedding dress, and suit but just enough money to buy food, pay for their transportation, pay for the marriage license, and the booking of a so-called studio package wedding. Whatever money they have left is saved for Kamiah's birth and the baby's needs.
A day after they arrive, they went immediately to the Clark County Marriage License Bureau. They presented their passport and paid $77.00 to get the marriage license. After a few minutes, they got it. And then they were picked up from there by a representative of Vegas' Simple Wedding. They paid $60 for the studio package. It was not anything fancy but you will be in a studio hotel room with two people as witnesses and the legal officiant to sign the marriage license.
Kamiah has mixed emotions. She was happy that finally she is getting married to the man she loves for three years. They have faced so many challenges but look at them now tying the knot. For now, she could set aside the reality that he has a daughter from another woman.
Kamiah left the hotel wearing just a plain white dress. One of her old dresses does not hog into her body. She had chosen this for her stomach not to be obvious. She paired it with plain black 2-inch heeled sandals, an old one as well but one that she is comfortable walking She tied her long, wavy, and jet black hair into a high ponytail and put on light make-up. There will be no pictorial, but she just doesn’t want to look pale. Acwell was also wearing something white. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt, black jeans, and black high-cut boots. He looked handsome and so masculine with it as it emphasizes his athletic body. But, they are getting married, and they looked like they are just going to a mall. Kamiah thought, this is better, it's just what we have. However, if she just gets to choose, she doesn’t want something luxurious. She just wants something that she could feel that it’s a wedding with some of the important people in their lives present and blessing their marriage, them wearing beautiful, inexpensive wedding rings and have maybe one or two pictures as a remembrance.
“Do you Acwell Jonas Peters take Kamiah Raven Cruz as your lawfully wedded wife to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?” said the legal officiant
“Yes, I do,” he said with a smile.
“Do you Kamiah Raven Cruz take Acwell Jonas Peters as your lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?”
“Yes I do,” Kamiah answered.
“Then, I now pronounced you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”
They kissed.
And after that, the legal officiant signed the marriage license. They are now married. It only took them not even 2 hours to do everything, including the travel time. They left the hotel where the ceremony was held. They went back to their own hotel room with some takeaway food. They have not spoken since the wedding. But when they were already eating, Acwell asked, “How are you feeling?”
“To tell you honestly, I don’t know. I am happy I am married to the man I love. I know this is the best we could have with our situation. I should be ever grateful that you did not run away and made such an effort to be here in Las Vegas, a place you don’t want to be with. But I am still hurting. I don’t think I can’t accept that you had a daughter to someone you betrayed me for. It’s because it’s there alive, living. It’s always going to come back to us. It will always remind me of everything you did that hurt. And I can’t even be that selfish or angry because it’s a child. It’s not her fault. But I don’t know if I will ever heal from it. And I am also disappointed that this is how our wedding is. We got married with the baggage of the past. We look like we are just playing because I feel like I came here just to sign a piece of paper. It did not feel like I’m getting married especially when I see you sad and hesitant in some way. Earlier at some point, I wanted to call it off for you. I wanted to say just go, be with your daughter so you don’t have to feel guilty for abandoning her and being with me. I will be fine alone. But since you said yes, I said to myself I will try because I do want to marry you. I just wish it could have been different. I wish it could have been better.” she said with tears in her eyes.
He just let her say everything she feels and thinks. He wanted it all out. He stayed there silent, listening and hurting. He had never felt so hurt like this just by watching and looking at how hurt she is. He was about to cry when she said that she almost wanted to call off the wedding and leave him. It made him want to go back in time and correct his mistakes.
When she was calm enough, he held her tight. He looked at her and kissed her. He kissed her as if he was begging her. He was begging her not to live him. He was begging her to love him. His right hand touched her face then it went down to her breast. He wanted her. And he wanted her to want him. So, he made his way and made love to her.

Komentar Buku (203)

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    please kasi aku boleh 100.000


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    Nckxoxuxbxjdydbfhdixkdkekdje ennemis eux ejuxhdjrjhfjfjjjjxjfkfkftjjjrhfjdjdjfjjdhdjjdjfjrjjjjdybdindhbdhhdhdhdjjduuuddjduuruufhhchdjjrjrhhruruuruuruturururuururuduufurururururuiuueuwiaikabaisjsyevwnwaaibwbwzuauwnhwueuhhwwubbwujsjsjsnsjsjndnxhxbnd ekkakanwnuzhshbebexuydhhwhuzuwhwhyzyehiqiahsyxvzhzhbvczyvskbdnduisossjydjssnsjsiisosoamsKVbuvznuyzgbdidhdjjdjdjdsjwlwllncckhxduffduknxasuwjajsnzosmmzooslapakmejxjxnxnxjxjjdjxbyfujsxiutxyfcucygdyfufugjkgfreaYsuifejeidoosmdkslslspslmsjgvhxndmmshxudueioem


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