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Chapter 3

The clique are in Carlos Mum's shop. His Mum sells top class clothing. They go to meet Carlos Mum at the receptionist office. Two men are there also packing cartons of Yo-Milk at the office. The clique except Carlos are shocked as they have never seen such amount of Yo-Milk in their entire lives.
"Mum! What's this?", Carlos asks. His Mum looks at him confused, not understanding what he's talking about. "What are all these Yo-Milk for?", he asked again. "Oh!", his Mum smiles. "It's for the customers", she adds. Carlos looks at his Mum with a weird look. "Mum! Why Yo-Milk?", he asks. "Because everyone loves it", she answers, being surprised at why he should ask on something with an obvious answer.
Dahlia attempts to carry a bottle but her luck's not with her as Carlos Mum hits her hand on seeing her. "It's not for you", she tells Dahlia sharply. "On what condition am I permitted to take it?", Dahlia asks hopefully. "If you buy a cloth from this shop", she answers showing her all the clothes in the shop.
Dahlia groans as she knows she has no such money to afford the clothes.
"I think we should get going", Nick suggests because he's getting bored. "Goodbye Mum!", Carlos tells Mum. He hugs her while others wave. She waves back at them. They all start going except Dahlia who comes back to beg but gets ignored again. She grudgingly leaves and meets up with others. Carlos Mum smiles, feeling happy she stood to her ground.
Amelia asks Carlos;"Why do you hate  Yo-Milk so much?" "To be honest with you guys, I feel that drink's dangerous", he concludes. Nick replies back with surprise;"Oh! Come on bro! How could you say that?" Carlos remains quiet. They all walk out and Carlos closes the door.
The minute robot spiders now enter Carlos Mum's shop. They go underneath the door, look around and see the cartons of Yo-Milk being stacked together. They crawl towards them, each robot spider sticks itself to a bottle and stay there quietly.
* * *
It's early the next morning. Carlos comes down the staircase. He goes to the kitchen and greets his Mum. She picks him in return. She gives him a cup of tea to drink. Carlos collects it and goes to the parlor, sits on one of the couch and drinks the slightly hot tea slowly. His Dad comes from behind and sits on another couch. Carlos greets his Dad too, who receives it happily.
Carlos Dad picks up the remote and tunes in to news saying;"Let's see what's going on around us." Carlos drinks his tea watching the news. The news is a terrifying one as the journalist reports that over a thousand people got missing last night.
Carlos and his Dad are both shocked at the news. Carlos Mum comes to give his Dad a cup of tea. "Honey! Check the news!", he tells after he collects the cup of tea. She turns and gets as shocked them. "How's that possible?" "I don't just understand this", he replies terrified. Carlos Mum sits beside her husband to watch the news more.
Shocked Carlos gets up and climbs up his room. He wonders what could have led to the disappearance of those people. He says to himself;"I think I should call others." He presses the "call button" on his watch. The signal now goes to others.
* * *
Nick's playing games with his laptop. The signal reaches him. He switched off his laptop immediately. He creates a dimensional portal and enters it. His Mum enters soon after, being surprised that she can't see her son. She looks round the room."I thought he was just there", she wonders. She goes to open the door and leaves;"Where the heck did he go to?"
* * *
Yanking's watching a movie in the parlor alone. He receives the signal. "It's from Carlos!", he reads from his watch. He creates a dimensional portal and gets into it.
* * *
Amelia's going down the stairs when she gets her own signal. She looks at the watch and sees it's from Carlos. She creates a dimensional portal and gets in after she goes down the stairs.
* * *
"I've gotta eat breakfast", Dahlia tells herself. She's about to leave the room when she gets her own signal. "Oh! Darn it! Why does Carlos need to call by this time?", she complains. After some thought, she decides to create a dimensional portal too. She now enters it, frowning her face.
* * *
Nick, Yanking and Amelia are sitting by the side of Carlos bed. Carlos is walking to and fro before them. They're waiting for Dahlia time come. After a while, a portal opens and beholds Dahlia. It closes back. Carlos stops walking and says to Dahlia;"We've been waiting for you." "Please! Let's go straight to the point. Why were we called here?", Amelia asks Carlos. "Have you guys heard the news?", Carlos asks them. They get confused after hearing the question and start looking each other expecting at least one person to answer. "What news?", Yanking asks. "I saw in news this morning that over a thousand people got missing overnight", Carlos replies. Others get confused and surprised as well. "You're joking, right?", Nick asks Carlos. "If I was joking, I wouldn't be stressing myself", he answers calmly. There's silence in the room for a while.
Their watches start flashing. "I bet the boss is calling us for this same stuff", Carlos tells them. "Then we've gotta go!", Dahlia replies with a determined voice. She creates a dimensional portal and enters first. The rest follow her and then it closes.

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    BezerraLaura Ribeiro

    i like It , It is só good!


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    wow 😳😳


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