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Chapter 2

They're at Yanking's home now. Yanking's Dad bids them goodbye as he goes out. They bid him goodbye as well. They're sitting down watching a movie. Amelia leans on Dahlia's shoulders and says;"I pray we get a better mission to tackle next time." Dahlia keeps her hand across Amelia's shoulders and adds;"I pray so too!"
Yanking's drinking a yogurt. He coughs and pours a little on Carlos jeans. Carlos complains;"I just bought these jeans!" Yanking apologises and resumes drinking his yogurt. Carlos looks at him for a while and asks;"Why are you obsessed with this Yo-Milk?" Yanking asks with a surprise;"Who wouldn't want to be obsessed with this drink?" "I don't even take this", Carlos replies. Everyone gets shocked. "Yeah! I don't really like yogurt", he added. Amelia tells him;"You gotta be kidding me. This is one of the best things I've ever tasted", she points at the bottle. "Let's forget about it", says Carlos. "My hate for yogurt right from childhood can't just change to love all of a sudden." The rest start murmuring. Carlos sighs and keeps quiet. Soon, there's silence as everyone gets caught up with the movie again. Yanking finishes his drink but still tries forcing drink out of it.
* * *
In the TECH tower, where technologies are being made, inspected and sent to the mass for a better standard of living, the scientists line up in two rows, creating a wide pathway between them. The head of the organization stands at the end of the pathway, waiting for Dr Michelle, a worker there, to introduce to them, his latest invention. Dr Michelle pushes the device as he comes to see the head. The device is light and can be pushed easily. "What's your latest invention?", the head asks. Dr Michelle unveils it. The beauty alone makes everyone awestruck. The head commends;"What a beauty!" Dr Williams who is at the left row, starts squeezing his face.
"What does it do?", asks the head. "Check it out!",says Dr Michelle. He drops a ball at the top of the device. The device turns blue when the ball is dropped. After a while, the color goes away. A laser-like object attached to the device creates a force field where the ball now suddenly pops out from. A duplicate of the ball is produced.
Amazement is on everyone face except on Dr Williams, who seems less interested. "This will really prove useful to our people. What a nice piece of art!", the head commends. Dr Michelle smiles;"That's why I was employed." "Do you guys think this should be sent to the outside world for usage?", the head asks everyone. "I believe so!", Dr Brown replies at the right row. The rest but, Dr Williams concurred.
Dr Williams calls for attention;" Attention everyone!" They all turn towards him. He now steps out to the pathway. "What's special about this device?", he points at it. Every person's surprised by the question. "What's wrong with it?", the head asks him. He answers;"I've a better idea." "What's that?", asks Dr Brown. Dr Williams turns to him;"Dr Brown! You're going to be amazed." He turns to the curious head;"I want to invent a device capable of sucking up the blood of someone completely from the person." People start murmuring. The head tells everyone to be silent after a while. The whole plac gets quiet again. "What's the blood for?", asks the head, pointing to Dr Williams. He replies;"I've already invented a device that can give you unimaginable strength and power. All it needs is human blood for it's operation. I call the second one "strength box 3000"."
"We didn't create this reputable organization to destroy people by sucking up their blood completely", the head shouts. Dr Williams simply returns an evil smile. "You're fired!", the head shouts at Dr Williams. He gets shocked;"But...." "I told you, the next time you misbehave or plan evil, I'll fire you. We'd a deal, remember?", the boss cuts in. Dr Williams pleads;"Just give me one more...." "Meeting's over! Everybody should get back to work", the boss cuts in again. The head leaves first. Dr Williams turns and looks at others with a sad face. They start leaving until Dr Williams ends up being alone.
* * *
Dr Williams is in his lab, below the city in the sewers. He's nagging about him being fired as he's trying to invent the blood sucker machine. He speaks;"I'm gonna make everybody that works at the TECH tower and the whole city suffer. It's just left with this and I'll be through with this device." He picks up the battery and connects it. The device picks up. It floats, and it has twenty long pipes making it capable of sucking from twenty people at a time.
Dr Williams thinks deeply on how he'll capture people. He picks up s bottle of Yo-Milk and takes a gulp. He speaks happily as a plan pops in;"Yes! This recent Yo-Milk's loved by many. I'll send my robot spiders to stick on any Yo-Milk bottle so that anyone who drinks of this bottle will swallow my spiders which will make them fall asleep when they release a substance in their bodies." He laughs loudly and opens a cupboard beholding plenty of robot spiders. He raises the yogurt bottle and tells them;"I want you guys to stick on any of this bottle and enter anyone's body that drinks from it." He presses a big red button and the shrinker device reflects light on them.
The robot spiders get minimised as the light reflects on them. They become so small to be seen by the naked eye. Dr Williams can still see them as they're still in clusters. He smiles and tells them quietly;"Go! Go my little my friends!" They start going, separating themselves from each other until he stops seeing them. He laughs an evil laugh;"Very soon, I'll overcome the world!" He laughs very deeply again.

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    BezerraLaura Ribeiro

    i like It , It is só good!


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    wow 😳😳


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