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Chapter seven

By 11: 30 AM, I was done with all the work and tasks I had. I was so happy I finished up before time. Thanks to Hannah, she really did a very big job for me, must confess. She really is hardworking lady, so funny I only observed that today.
Just as Jess promised, she was in my office some minutes after I was done. She was surprised I was done with everything by the time she came back.
"Sonia Tinket, how did you do that? I thought I was coming to help? But, you are done with the task. Wow, congratulations, I'm impressed. What happened?
"What happened? I asked in total confusion, trying to understand what she meant. "I don't get that, what do you mean?
"Come on, you know what I mean. You know, the usual stuff." She replied, wriggling her body in a way that stated that she was giving me a signal.
"Jessica, are you serious right now, please I'm not in the mood to start this kinda weird conversation of yours. Gross!
"Married woman, weird conversation huh? Well, I'm overlooking a lot of things today. After your inauguration, I won't give a damn, you know me."
"Oh, thank you. I will take that as a compliment. But Jessica, not here please, we're not in our houses and believe me, walls have ears."
"Ears, really. You can see it? Oh, I never knew you had golden eyes and ears to see walls speak, aren't you supposed to be in the America gots Talent? She said sarcastically.
"Oh goodness. That's enough Jess, let's postpone this joke till next time okay. Hahaha, I'm sure you know what I meant when I said the walls have ears, so stop acting like a moron. By the way, this isn't America either." I answered her bluntly.
"That, was a big goal, you win. Well uhm, any after party? Aside the inauguration stuff? She asked excitedly.
"Well uhm..." I stammered. There was no after party. How did I forget that. Maybe I should just throw a little party, so people like Jess can have peace and not strangle me.
"Yeahhhh.. you were saying something. Did you forget your self or something? Jess stared at me like she was staring at a kid.
"Ahhhh, goodness me. You are trouble to the head you know. Well, I.. I didn't plan for any party but.."
She cut me off immediately, "What did you just say? Hold on, come on you're kidding right?
"But, uhm I will do something little, probably tomorrow. It's not too late is it? Besides, do I really need to throw a party for this? It's time taking."
"Gosh Sonia, listen." she paused before she continued, "Being manager is not just any usual, especially in a company like this. You don't know how many people are wanting to get this position and you got it. We all know you deserved it, yeah you work so hard and you dedicate most of your times in doing your job. But come to think of it, it's more like showing appreciations, not being proud, okay."
"I really don't know why you didn't sign up to be a lecturer. See the long talk you advised me with, I should have made a video of you, Jack will be so proud." I answered in sarcasm.
"Sonia, this isn't a joking matter alright, let's leave that aside for the moment."
"You're right, I understand what you just said now. Seriously, I didn't see it that way, but thanks to you now, I have a better understanding. I get it Jess, thank you."
"So now what?
"You'll help me work it out then?
"Anything for you. Just give me a budget and, we're good to go." Jess answered, dancing like a robot princess.
"That dance step, don't let them see you out there, it's a disgrace to dancing schools."
"Whatever, atleast I'm better than you that cannot lift up a finger. Well Sonia, see you at the inauguration. Please wear the best smiles today, that's gonna be a memory." She said calmly to me.
"Thanks Jess, you are the best you know. Come, give me a hug, will you?
We laughed and she came around and we hugged for some seconds, before letting go.
"I will meet you downstairs."
"I will see you too."
Just as she left, Hannah knocked and came into the office, holding a small file on her hand as usual. This can't be a coincidence, I thought. Coming in just as soon as Jessica left.
"Hannah." I called, immediately she stepped into my office.
"Yes ma'am." She answered quite surprised at the way I called her name.
"Do you have a problem with Jessica? I asked her inquisitively.
"No ma'am, I don't. I don't have any problem with anyone." She denied.
"Isn't it so obvious that you might? Just spill it out if you do." I said to her, sitting back on my chair to listen to what her reply would be.
"Ma'am, I really, don't have a problem with her, I can assure you that." She denied flatly, for the second time.
"I'm offering you help and you acting like you don't need it." I said to her, then calmly to myself, "You'll still see more of her anyway." She might be expecting that when I leave this current position officially, I will leave her behind and maybe she will be transferred to a different section. But, I was going to disappoint her in that.
"Ma'am, pardon, I didn't hear you clearly." She answered.
"Don't worry. What do you have for me? I asked straight facedly.
"Uhm, the inauguration will commence in less than five minutes ma'am."
"Okay, good, thank you." I said to her.
She stood there for awhile, like she had something else to say to me. When I noticed, I decided to ask her.
"Anything else Hannah?
"Yes ma'am, one of the guests called and said they won't be able to make it for the inauguration." She answered.
"Who was that? I asked, then changed my mind about it. "Well don't worry, perhaps, they have a very busy schedule today."
She nodded and turned to leave, but I called her back.
"Hey Hannah."
"Yes ma'am." She answered.
"Don't take any calls from now, until after the inauguration. Record a note saying they should drop a message, which will be attended to after the inauguration."
"Okay ma'am. I will do just that. Thank you so much."

Komentar Buku (122)

  • avatar
    Benita Lisweg

    So interested story


  • avatar
    Catlea Joyce Ganoy Ontic

    I love the story


  • avatar
    BravoAngelica mae



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