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Chapter three

I got to Marvin's room. Then I knocked twice before opening the door.
"Hi Marvin" I said as I walked into the room. I was stunned, shocked and surprised by what I saw. "Marvin, oh my, Marvin, tell me you're not dressing for school like this? I screamed as I saw Marvin dressed on black suit and a tie, then buttoning his shirt.
"Not dressing for school. I'm dressing for work. Just like Dad. I'm tired of school already, it's tiresome." He replied, still buttoning his shirt.
"You've got to be kidding me." I said, mouth agape and still shocked by what I saw. What's going on with kids of nowadays. Seems I'll need to go and meet their teachers for sanctioning. Or maybe it's I that needs one.
"Good morning Mom. How are you? Sorry about my manners." He said
"You know what will make this morning greeting you gave me good? When you remove your clothes and change into your school uniform and right now. I am not joking about that Marvin." I said in a harsh tone, hands akimbo and with a frowned face.
"I'm sorry Mom. I'm just tired of school." He said, then sat on his bed like someone who just heard a bad news.
I came over to his bed and sat beside him. Then I crossed my arm over his shoulder.
"Tell me, why? Why are you tired of school? I asked very much concerned about him.
"I don't like being bossed around. Told what to do every single time. It's time for classwork, it's reading time, it's this and that it's this and this, I'm tired of it Mom. I just want to be like Dad. No one tells him when to go to work or not. He's a boss of his own. He does what he wants, when he wants and no one does anything about it. That, it what I want."
I had to stop myself from laughing so hard. Does this little guy knows what he's asking for? You know, when we were kids, we want to grow up, but when we grow up, we end up yearning to be kids again. I hope he doesn't miss out on his kid adventures now that he has the chance to.
"Marvin, let me tell you something." I said, coming closer to him and looking at the clock in his room, to make sure I'm still on track. "You see, your Dad didn't become a boss in a day, just like you wanna be boss In a day. Things don't just happen that way you know. It's step by step. Dad went through nursery school, primary school, secondary school and tertiary, what we call University. He still did his masters and PhD to get to where he is now." I explained while he listened attentively.
"Wow, that's a whole lot. Hmmm. He really went through nursery school? Wow, that's cool."
"Yeah, Dad did. He was once a kid like you too. So was I. We went through all these processes to be where we are now."
"I did not know that." He said, holding his chin up with his palm.
"Do you still wanna be like Daddy? I asked, smiling
"Yes Mom. I wanna be like Dad."
"Then dress up for school, and don't be late for breakfast, it's almost time. Let me help you with your writing materials."
"Okay Mom. I won't be late."
He quickly removed his clothes and dropped them on the bed, while I picked them up and hung them. I helped him arrange his books inside his bag, making sure to leave nothing out. Then I kissed him on his forehead.
"Don't forget to come down early for breakfast Marvin."
"I won't forget."
So then, I left him and hurried downstairs to continue with what I was doing. By the time I got to the kitchen, Nancy had finished boiling the yam and was draining it. While the tomato sauce was already on fire.
"Oh, the yam is done already?
"Yes ma'am. That's what I'm draining. Did the kids give you tough time again?
"Ha ha ha. My dear. It's Marvin o. I saw him on his suit, he said he wanted to go to work like his dad." I said laughing so loud.
"Seriously, ha, he thinks it's that easy to say. Anyway, he's just a kid that is why he's reasoning like that." Nancy said.
"Yeah. I had to explain some things to him, so he won't think his Dad just woke up one morning like he did today and decided to stop school."
I stirred the tomatoes that was on fire gently and waited for it to be done, so I can put the necessary ingredients and go prepare for work.
"Ma, it's almost done. Why not go ahead and dress for work. It would be breakfast soon." Nancy said, stretching her hands to take the wooden spoon from me.
"Don't worry dear. You know I like my sauce prepared by my miracle hands. Ha ha ha. I have prepared everything I have to wear to work. I just need to bathe, that's all." I said.
"It's just twenty minutes to 7 O'clock ma'am. You might be late for breakfast." Nancy argued.
"Just bring the kids food flask and our lunch flask so I can dish out the food. The sauce is almost done." I said, putting the peppers, the carrots, salt and other things I needed to.
After that, I dished out some into the flasks and set them ready. Then she arranged them into our lunch bags and kept them on the kitchen table.
"Won't you also dress for work? I asked.
"Ma, my work is by 10 oo. I cannot be rushing this early morning. By the way, I still have some house chores to complete before thinking about that work."
"You don't like your work? I asked
"Ha, ma, I like it very well oo. I have learnt how to make meat pie and bake cake, later I will learn, emm, egg roll, then icing on cakes. But that will be later. On weekend I will bake some meat pies for you people, so that you will see that what you paid for is not in vain." She said, smiling and proud of herself.
"This girl eeh, you're really funny. I'm anticipating already. Very soon you'll have your own big catering service."
"Yes ooo. Big Thanks to you madam. Big thanks to you. Ehee, madam, it's remaining ten minutes o. Just go and bath let me take breakfast to the dinning room."
"Okay then. Thank you."
"Ha, it's me that will be thanking you o."

Komentar Buku (122)

  • avatar
    Benita Lisweg

    So interested story


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    Catlea Joyce Ganoy Ontic

    I love the story


  • avatar
    BravoAngelica mae



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