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Chapter 24

After closing hour
We went to the mall, the driver opened the door for us, we got down at the same time, people where staring at us, some brought out their phones to snap us some says:
"This twins are cute, they have lovely hair"
"That one with a muscular body looks cute"
"No the one with the dark hair and eyes is more cute than that one"
"They said alot of things, we only smile and feels good with those comments"
We went inside picked clothes with the same collections, designs and colour
We bought the same shoes and everything we bought were the same
After some hours we went home
Peterson's pov
At the office
"After working for some hours, a thought came to my mind, I stood up immediately" I headed home
"Welcome Dad, Ciara greeted collecting the suitcase from me"
"Thanks, call me your mother and Mrs Elliott "
"Okay Dad" she said leaving
"Why did he wants to see then I am even fed up with everything that is happening in this house of ours" I thought, sighed and left
"Mom, Dad sent for you"I said
"Oh he is back, maybe he wants to eat first" she said getting up
"I don't think that's what he wants to say, because he requested for Mrs Elliott and your presence"
"Whaaaat!!!!!, how can he do that, I am not going anywhere," she said sitting back
"Mom I said with anger, what if I didn't tell you will you find out, you don't have anything to do than to go"
"Are you now ordering me around"
"No mom you are getting me wrong, please go"
"Okay I will go she said standing up"
"I also went to the other one to inform her"
"Dad I have called the both of them they will be here in few minutes" I said reporting to him
"Okay thanks, I also want to talk to you about something very important" he said with seriousness
"Okay dad when you are done with them you can send for me" I said going to my room
"I called you two together to settle your differences" I said and they look at each other with weird eyes
After noticing the atmosphere I continued, the both of you are not kids infant you are women either you accept it or not you are still Andrew's mother, trained him, even though there are some rights you didn't fulfill as a mother but you are still his mother no one is taking him away from you
Sonia, you have changed recently to what I didn't expect of you, you just flare up at any little thing and that shouldn't be, Andrew is also your child you can't just keep treating him as if he is a dump refuse, there is nothing between the both of us, everything we had was in the past
Really, the both of you are not dating?, what were you both doing in a hotel where I saw the both of you in a room standing close to each other, tell me
"You saw us at the hotel because someone called me that I should come for a meeting fortunately, we met and we came home together when I was done, that day she assisted me when I was carrying plenty of books" I explained
"Those explanations doesn't convince me that the both of you don't have something together, we did everything together but when this prostitute woman came everything changed to the extends that she help you with books, I use to carry those books then, when did you started carrying books if I could remember I do that every three days and the hotel, you met by coincidence in a hotel without telling me, so I hold no position in your life again that's why you go around flirting around with her?" Sonia blurted out
"You are getting it wrong again"
"Shut your filthy mouth up, you are the cause" she yelled at her
"Try to take things easy, we are not having affairs, please try to understand" I pleaded
"If I come to know that you are having an affair, I will kill my self" she said in tears and walked out
"Peterson we need a private place to talk about this matter" she said standing up
"Are you doing the right thing, you won't be able to face her warth" I said and walked out
Micheal's pov
"We got home pretty late in the night, as I was about to enter when I heard voices so I signalled for Andrew to stop, then we started eavesdropping, we heard everything, my face expression changed immediately, I turned to him immediately
Did you know your Mom is having an affair with my Dad? I asked
I swear down I don't know anything about it
If I come to know you knew about it I won't spare you I threatened and walked out on him
In the morning
Kate's pov
I woke up yawning and using my hand to wipe down my eyes, I yawn again
I checked my time, my eyes was wide opened when I saw it is 11:00am, I fling out of bed went to the bathroom to do my daily routine within 20 minutes I was done, I checked myself in a mirror, I look beautiful I said grabbing my bag going downstairs
"Good morning mom"
"Good morning love"
"Mom you didn't woke me up early"
"I thought you ve woken up since you are no longer a kid"
"Moomm!," you should have checked
"Okay, stop arguing, you know you are already late for work so go and eat your break fast"
"It is not fair I said heading to the dinning room then the door bell was rang"
"Don't worry I will get it" Mom said, I let out a relieved sign, I continued
"Charles", Mom screamed, i got up immediately to check what happened, on getting there I saw her unconscious in the arms of a man
Who is this man, the name Charles is our surname, is it not what I am thinking
"Help me lay her on the couch I was jilted off by him," I quickly helped him
"I called the doctor"
"Hi, please my Mom is unconscious right now please come and attend to her"
"I am on my way, I will be there in few minutes time"
"Sir can I know you" I said moving to him, he adjusted his glasses
"I am your father Charles, i was shocked by what he said"
"I remembered mom telling me he died years back
can you please repeat what you said earlier because i don't seems to relate to that"
"I am your Dad infact she knows, that i am alive" he said with convidence
"Whaaaat!!!!!!!!!!!!!, buut yoouuu aareeeeee ddeaddddd" i said stammerring
"No I am alive your mom knows about it" he said
"If she knows about it why didn't she tell me, why is she hiding it from me" I said as tears started coming out of my eyes
"She might have a reason for not telling you"
"No, she doesn't I have being asking her about my Dad but she won't tell me, I shouldn't have come back home I said running to my room, I jumped on the bed weeping after a while I don't know when the wind of sleep blow me away, I slept off"

Komentar Buku (574)

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    nice story


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    Gsm Gsm



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    Ammir Lnd



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