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Bab 5 Four gorgeous specimen

               • Kylie's POV 
" Even with your glasses you can't still see." The voice said, it sounds manly and British.
" I'm sorry." I said and went out of the office without looking at him, the only thing I saw was his blue eyes and it was pretty.
That is not what I am suppose to be thinking, what I should be thinking  is how to find my class. 
Well I'm having history as my first period. Sometimes I do wonder why we are studying history, it is in the past we should focus on the future. I hate History like damn... It is fucking boring. Let me don't start with all those names and their achievement that has to be in your head, it can be really stressful learning their names then write the exam only to see different things.
How can I find the class ? I just wish someone like the way Anna came will just popped out.
It look like luck is on my side, I saw a girl running towards me. She look like someone who is in a haste.
When she reached me, I held her hand making her stop.
She glared at me, I left it.
I fake a cough. " I'm sorry, please can you show me the way to the history class ? "
" Well I'm just going there, so follow me." She said.
I sigh in relief, Thank God.
We walk through the hallways embracing the silence as we got to the class. I don't know what to say to her neither do she.
She entered and gestured for me to enter.
I did, instantly I became nervous. Not because of being a first time students her but because I'm  scared that they will find out who I am. I inhale then exhale calming my self and gave myself a little peptalk then entered hoping no one will know who I am.
" Gemma coming late again. Just go and settle down, I hope you know that you are having detention for one hour." A woman who seem to be the teacher said.
She looked young and pretty, I expected her to be old because  history talked about old things.
" Okay ma." The girl said with an eye roll and went to her seat.
She shook her head in annoyance at the girl, when she was about to turn to the board she noticed me. She used her hand to lower her glass a little bit then raise her brow and asks, “ Who are you ? ”
" I'm the new student." I replied fidgeting with the strap of my bag.
" You are Kylie Tanner ? "
I nodded.
" The scholarship student, no one has been able to pass our scholarship exams . You are the first." She smiled in awe.
I smiled, not knowing what to say.
" What do you expect ? After all she is a nerd." Someone snickers at the back.
The class started laughing.
I did not realize that I was holding my breath till I release it.
At least it is better than being worshipped just because you are famous.
" Silence everybody." The teacher shouted shutting everybody.
" Kylie you can sit down, they are just being silly. Just overlook it. ”
I gave her a smile then a nod follow as I walk past her, I squeal in my mind, no one recognized me. So happy !
I looked round the class for an available seat, I could not find one.  If I take off my make up, I'm sure everyone will force me to sit with them but I prefer it this way.
I sighted someone waving, it was the girl that showed me the way to the principal's office.
What is her name again is it Annie or Anna ? I can't believe I have forgotten her name, just now.
I walked up to her.
" Hey Kylie." She said waving to me.
And she remembered mine, I have a terrible memory.
" Hi." I waved back at her, giving her a gentel smile.
" You can sit down beside me." She said smiling.
'' Thanks." I said and sat on the chair beside her.
She smiled.
Well I was wrong history was not boring, it is interesting. It depends on the teacher that teaches it, I think.
The bell rang interrupting the interesting lesson.
I groaned.
" See you later class." She said and walked out of the class.
" What are you having next ? "
I turned to face the girl which I'm yet to know her correct name,  " Mathematics."
" Oh I'm having arts."
" Okay, do you know the way to math's class ? "
" Yes I do, I saw it on my way coming here."
" Well then bye, see you at lunch." She walked out of the class.
I also did and went to the math's class and entered boldly not fearing for who will recognize me.
Maths was normal, not interesting nor boring.
I was waiting for Annie so we can go to the cafeteria.
I saw her coming.
" Annie..." I shouted waving at her.
She looked confused at first and she smiled like as if she has finally understand.
I wonder what's wrong with her.
When she came near me, she asked .
" Are you calling me Annie ? "
" Did I ? "
She chuckled. " My name is Anna not Annie." 
" But that is what I called you."
" You called me Annie."
I acted like I don't know what is going on. "No I didn't."
" You did....you know what I'm starving." She said as her stomach rumbles in hunger, changing the subject entirely which I'm grateful for but made me hungrier."
" Then let's go the cafeteria."
She smiled and we walked to the cafeteria.
" Order your food, I will reserve seat for you." She said.
" What about you ? ''
" I do order before lunch break."
" Oh okay." I said and walked to the counter.
" What do you like to order ? " The counter server asked.
I'm confused on what to pick. There are many delicious meal there that it has been long I have tasted it. I have on keto diet not having the chance to satisfy my sweet tooth. I want to eat everything. All of them looks so yummy.
" Are you having problems picking one ? " 
" Yes." 
" Then pick our special, pepperoni pizza rolls and you can also order soda to go with it."
" Okay I will take that."
" Which of the soda will you love to take ? "
" Coke will do." I smiled at her.
I took the tray and went to sit with Anna.
She was sitting alone, I was contemplating whether I should ask or not if she does not have any other friends. It might be rude if I do.
On the second thought, it might not afterall I'm asking based on curiosity.
As I was about to talk, screams from different angles interrupted me.
" What's happening ? " I asked her.
" I wish Camille was here." She said sighing.
" Who is Camille ? "
" My best friend, she is not around. She travelled so she will not be in school for two weeks."
" Oh okay, I will really love to meet her."
" Trust me you will love her.". let
" So what's happening ? "
" Well it is just four gorgeous specimens who look f**cking hot that is causing all those commotions. But they are worth it." She sigh dreamingly.
Then four boys entered walking like they own the school, they were swarmed by girls and boys of this school.
Some girls stood up to meet them.
I scoffed.  " High school drama, I wonder how they are handsome. I have seen more handsome boys than them." I said in my mind rolling my eyes.
Anna glared at me.
" Did I say it out loud ? ''
" Oh yes you did."
I rolled my eyes.
I just wish one of them will trip.
Then one of them trip and fell flat on the floor.
" Oops, there is really power in the tongue."

Komentar Buku (118)

  • avatar

    i love your imagination, thank you for inspired me.. basic to tge teenager story🥰


  • avatar

    super ganda niya


  • avatar
    Maicajoy Quinonez

    it's good


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