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Bab 11 What an unromantic child!

  Kylie's POV 
 " Who did you call ? " That's the umpteenth time he has asked.
And my answer was still the same. " I'm not telling you so mind your business."
He rolled his eyes and said. " I wonder who you called that you have to speak so silent." with a shake of his head then lean on the wall.
" That is none of your business. " I retorted.
He scoffed, he was about to talk but a voice of a woman interrupted him.
" I want to bail my daughter. " I heard the person say, the voice sounds too familiar.
It sounds like my mother's voice, it can't be her, right ? I called Bob not mum right ?
Who am I kidding ? Not like I'm going to get the answer from myself. But did I really call her ?
Or maybe I'm just hallucinating, yes maybe. It can't be her, I'm missing her.
" Who is your daughter ? " One of police officer who looks short and bald, the only hair he has is the one on his jaw probably the private ones too also his stomach resemble the one of a pregnant woman. He asked the unknown woman who is yet to be known. Hoping it is not who I think it is.
" Kylie that is my daughter's name."
My eyes widened when I heard the too familiar voice again and my name. 
No it is not me, there are many Kylie that is in jail.
" I think we will be free, your mom has come to bail us." Ashton said standing up.
No that can't be my mom, I will be dead if she is the one. She will kill me.
" What make you think so ?  " I asked laughing nervously.
" I heard a woman voice saying she want to bail her daughter out and her daughter's name is Kylie . The probability that she is your mum is 1." He shrugged.
" But I did not call her, I called Bob." I shrilled.
" Who is Bob ? "
" None of your business. " My reply was sharp.
" Right this way ma'am. " A voice said sounding like another  policeman.
I heard footsteps coming towards the prison we are in.
I released the breath I never thought I was holding when I saw the woman who followed the police, she was putting on a black long flared skirt with a black top and wore a black face cap then put on a old fashioned slippers. She put on a  glass, I can hardly see her face. I'm sure she is not my mom, My mom can never dressed like this for no reason.
But it looked like as if I'm wrong, when she pointed at me my body got tensed.
" That's my daughter." She said pointing at me.
Yup she is my room and she has a reason for dressing like this.
I groaned and mistakenly hit the back of my head on the wall causing an excruciating pain in my head.
I whimpered softly rubbing my head trying to sooth the pain.
The police man opened the cell, Ashton step forward to go out but he was stopped.
" Nobody has bailed you out, she is the only one that is free." He said pointing at me.
I stuck my tongue out to him forgetting all about the pain and step out of the cell.
" Go call your own parents or you will stay here for six months." I laughed.
My mom hit the back of my head making me to feel the pain again.
" Mom...." I whined.
She ignored me and turned to the police man. " I will pay for his bail, release him."
The man opened the cell and he came out.
" Thank you ma. " He said politely.
" It is no problem. " Mom smiled sweetly at him. She turned to me.
" Kylie let's go home." She said.
" Huh ? "
" I can't repeat myself. " She said and held my right dragging it till we get out of the station.
" Mom, mom it hurts.... Please stop, moooommm." I cried as she dragged my ear on the way out of the station.
That jerk was just laughing.
She stopped dragging my ear till we get to her sienna car.
It was already dark , I wonder how many hours we spent in jail.
" I know I told you to have fun but not too much fun that will lead to jail !!"  Mum shouted.
" Sorry Mum. " I said bending my head lowly.
Ashton was about going but my mom called him making him stopped walking and came to my mom.
" Hey you come here." She shouted.
" Did you really think I'm only going to reprimand my daughter and you will go scot free ? Well no I'm not doing that I am reprimanding the both of you. " 
" So tell me what made you go to jail ? " Mum asked standing in akimbo placing her hands on her waist.
" Mum it was his fault, he involved me in his criminal activities."
" What criminal activities ? " Mum asked still placing her hands on her waist.
" Vandalism...." I said it with disdain. 
" And you went ahead and do it." Mum said to me in a scolding tone.
" No mum, I did not do at all... He is the only one who painted the walls, mum not the both of us. "
" You paint ? "
The jerk nodded his head.
" Wow I will love to see it. " She told him with a smile.
" Mom......" I whined.
She is supposed to scold him not praise him.
" Is that the only thing you got from what I said ? I told you he was at fault and you did not say anything. "
" Partially... " The jerk said.
" What do you mean by partially ? " I turned to face him.
" If you have run, we will not have gone to jail. "
" So it is my fault we went to jail.. " I laughed. " You know what, I accept that I'm the one at fault we should have run but at least I did the right thing. Mom taught me that it is better to face your problems than running away from it doing so it will only make it bigger or didn't your mom say so ? "
What he gave me as a reply I did not even expect it.
" Yes she did not infact she does not have time for me." He yelled and walked away in anger.
I looked at his retreating back then soon it faded away in the dark, I could not see him no more.
What I said was it supposed to make him angry ? Did I say something bad ?
I ruffled my hair frustrated.
" I think what you said really hit him bad." Mum said.
" I know that Mum."
" You should apologize." 
" I will do so."
" Then go.."
" Now ? I don't even know where he went to Mum, I will do that tomorrow in school."
She scoffed. " You are not even romantic, what an unromantic child !" She exclaimed throwing her hands up in the air.
I rolled my eyes. " I wonder why you came instead of Bob. I called Bob not you."
" Well he called me, so I pitied you and I dressed like this so no one will recognize me.... You should have spent month in prison , you are supposed to thank me." 
" Thank you ma'am." I smiled at her and entered the car.
She entered the car and ignited the engine.
" So how was your day ? " She asked.
" It was okay."
" You skipped school ? "
" Yeah." I said and buckled the seat belt.
" Why ? "
" Well I told them grandma is in hospital and she has died just to go away from detention so he took me out to cheer me up, I think." I said looking out the window.
" You had detention on your first day !!!! And you lied on your late grandma.... You are having too much fun in school."
I rolled my eyes.
" So do you like him ? " 
" No mom..... "
" Why ? ... He looks handsome by the way and he is sweet , he took you out to cheer you up... That's really nice of him. "
" Well don't forget he made me go to jail. "
" That was just a silly mistake and he said it was two of you fault but there are sometimes you run away from things you can not solve. "
" Mom just drive .... "
" That's what I'm doing...You know he is really... "
" Mom drive !!! " I said cutting her off.
She just laugh and faced front.
I walked through the hallways alone  and tired.
I dragged my lazy and weary feet with all my strength hoping to get to the class before I collapsed.
Apparently I got home around 3 am and I did not sleep that well. I wanted to stay home but mom chased me out of the house saying I'm the one that said I want to go to school.
Typical mum.
I'm sure there are eye bags under my eyes , my eyes are threatened to close. I'm going to sleep all through in class and I'm getting different detention today.
How wonderful !
" What's wrong with you Kylie ? You looked like someone who just got hit by a truck."
" Good morning to you too Anna." I greeted her with sarcasm in my tone.
" Morning. You need a makeover to clear all these eye bags." She told me.
" No..." I said sharply.
" No makeup, I'm just feeling tired . I will get better." I said with a yawn.
" Oh you will when you sleep all through your class." She said.
" Let's just go to class." I said and held her hand, did I ? No. My hand could not even hold anything. My bag I just hanged it around my neck, I looked like a mad woman. At least I touched her arm.
" I think you should go to the nurse's office and complain you have one ailment or sort so you can rest there." She said with concern.
" No... I'm fine." I gave her a smile.
Immediately I saw Ashton, my eyes opened widely. The sleep went away. I have to apologize to him.
" Go without me." I said to her and walked to the direction he passed.
" Ashton..." I called out his name immediately I saw him and ran to meet him.
" What ?! " He turned glaring at me.
" Sorry.... I just want to say I'm sorry about...you know what I said yesterday. I'm sorry."
" Okay." He said with a stoic face.
" I'm sorry... What I said was supposed to be a joke but I don't know you will take it as one, I'm sorry." I pouted.
" I have heard."
" Okay. So you have forgiven me ? "
" Please will you just leave me alone."
" I'm apologizing to you."
" Well I don't need it." He yelled.
" I told it was a ...."
" Joke." He completed my statement. " But it was not to me."
" And I said I'm sorry stop being a jerk over trivial matters."
He scoffed. " Yeah I'm a jerk well at least I'm not pretending to be miss little perfect." He said with an eye roll.
" How am I pretending to be  ? I am not even behaving like I'm perfect...Nobody is perfect only God so how am I doing so.... You know I take back my apology, I don't care what if you think it was a joke or not..it is not my business. Here I am thinking we could be friends but I was wrong...we can never be friends. " I said and eyed him then turned and walked far away from him but not without uttering the word ' Jerk ' to him.

Komentar Buku (118)

  • avatar

    i love your imagination, thank you for inspired me.. basic to tge teenager story🥰


  • avatar

    super ganda niya


  • avatar
    Maicajoy Quinonez

    it's good


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