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Bab 3 The Prophecy

The last prophecy says
"Earth will be ablaze
The world will lose balance
The Guardians will lose their will.
Without will they shall be buried
A monster will be borne out of the greed of a king, kindness of a queen and righteousness of a sorcerer.
The cries of the giftless shall be heard and balance will be restored with the birth of the world's shield
The monster's Bride."
Keevah read out slowly, his voice though composed still held a tinge of confusion.
"It was universally acclaimed 250 years ago that this prophecy was evaded, so why is the monster addressed after 400 years?" Queen Aveedah asked puzzled by the information.
"Universally acclaimed doesn't make the news true, it could be deceit weaved into sentences recorded on a scroll and announced to the ignorant masses.In the books of prophesies it is clearly stated that a prophecy is only evaded if nothing stated in it occurs, not even the most minor event. Vee do you think nothing in that prophecy occurred?" Keevah asked his eyes glued on Queen Aveedah and his face void of expression.
Queen Aveedah let her eyes scan the signs on the wall and the translation below it.
" Earth will be ablaze " She murmured.
"270 years ago, the rock and fire battle  happened and the rock was defeated. In that battle, people of the earth were burned out, the earth was... ABLAZE!!" Queen Aveedah said, slowly her eyes widened at the end of her sentence, wary of what she was about to say but she knew she was right, 250 years ago the world was deceived and a truth buried, with the rain, the truth had planted its Root, and now it had emerged fully grown, standing tall, like a slap on the face,a bitter reality."
"That is not even the scariest information Vee" Keevah said interrupting her thoughts.
"It seems Vedarah had laid the foundation for the world's destruction." Keevah stated his face grim.
"My lord!My lord!"A voice called from outside. Keevah looked at Queen Aveedah for permission and she nodded her head slightly.
"Present yourself. " he ordered.
A short guard walked in, his blue cotton guard uniform hugging his muscles, a brown sash around his waist and his sword dangling from it, his eyes on the floor, his composed demeanor showed that he hadn't noticed Queen Aveedah.
"My lord,I apologize for disturbing you, it's just that, we have searched for the queen everywhere and she's nowhere to be found, so I was advised to inquire from you." he said all in one breath, his eyes still fixed on the green rug.
"And why am I being searched for as if I am some petty thief." Queen Aveedah snarled.
The guard began to tremble, his knees finally failed him and he dropped on the floor, with trembling voice, he managed to say
"Yyyour mmajesty I am very very sorry, I did not see you, I swear on my life your highness, I did not notice you, pleaaasseee find it in your benovelent heart your highness to forgive me."
"Who dares summon me?" Queen Aveedah asked totally ignoring his pleas.
" Your highness, It is Eric, the head of special security. He said he has an important information for you and will only reveal it to you." he replied still trembling.
"Do you want to stop that trembling or should I give you a reason to actually tremble?" Queen Aveedah asked a wicked smirk on her face. Keevah who was quietly observing the exchange chuckled and shook his head at Queen Aveedah
"No no your highness, I will, as a matter of fact, I have." he quickly replied making Keevah burst into fits of laughter, even Queen Aveedah couldn't help smiling at him whose head was hanging low and his eyes on the floor.
"Go tell him to await my presence" she told the guard
"As you wish your benovelent highness." he said as he made a low bow and quickly scrambled out.
"Vee, is Eric not the spy in charge of the investigation?" Keevah asked a bit anxious.
"He is Keevah, which is why everything will be suspended, that is more important right now." Queen Aveedah said as she made for the door which Keevah ran to open for her.
"As u wish your highness" he said winking at her.
Velaine and Irina had walked back to Pandeen market to his shop,though they were headed in the same direction, Irina was a few feets behind Velaine so no words were exchanged between them. As they approached the shop, Velaine noticed a man standing in front of his shop and as he looked closely, the knowledge of his identity and the possible reason for his presence there gave him a feeling of contentment. The man upon seeing him mirrored his expression with his own including a childish glint in his eyes. He ran to him, unable to keep the news he had brought in him any longer
" Velaine, the spy have reached the palace with the information we provided, it's a matter of time before the Queen reacts."
"Good Leo, Good." Velaine replied Patting his back .
"Irina," He called
"It's time to go home."

Komentar Buku (263)

  • avatar

    good 👍🏻


  • avatar

    nice one. keep it up!


  • avatar

    bom dms


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