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Bab 5 Danger is inevetable!

That night sunny went to their secret place. It was dark but the stars shines brightly from above. As usual the city's light from a far is such a beautiful view to see at night especially when the stars are everywhere in the night sky.
"Jin, I'm leaving tomorrow, I will start my new life, and when I finally can do everything on my own, i will find you no matter what happens. Just wait for me." Sunny mumbles in the air, .. She had think carefully about it, who knows she might see him there, because the school she'll be entering is in the heart of euthopia. that's her other reason aside from Xiao xiao,
"I miss you so much, Jin, where in the world have you been?" the loneliness once again getting into her.
"Grandpa, do I really need to attend school from there again? Can't I just transfer here? You know there's a lot of school here I could go in one of it. I'm fine with it." Xiao xiao has been convincing her grandfather to not leave in the small city of euthopia, what no matter what she does her grandfather didn't budge at all.
Her cuteness won't work on him anymore. Xiao xiao felt like crying when they she saw that they are almost in the capital of the city, it took at least 6 hours to drive to the capital.
Entering in High Bai Subdivion, Xiao xiao feels lonely, she did'nt want to leave in the Bai mansions in the small city of Euthopia, How she wish sunny is with her right now,
Her grandfather own this subdivion, it has Only Ten blocks, every blocks contains One mansions, Those only the most wealthy people can afford to live in High Bai Subdivision. Xiao xiao's grandfather is one of the most wealthy people in the country of euthopia, and not only that he is also known as one of the best business man in the world, The Bai Corporation is one of the leading business in the country and outside the country. Many industries are fighting over just to be connected with this corporation.
that's even more a reason for Xiao xiao to not attend just any ordinary school. it was the reason why her grandfather won't allow her to stay in the small city of euthopia, Her grandfather has just visited the city because of some business and he never expected that his grand daughter would be so attached to the hope orphanage because of the orphans.
it was no surprise that her granddaughter has a soft heart, she is just so like her mother, who always wanted to help other people.
"what's so special about that friend that your always been talking about? for you to be lonely like this?" her grandfather asked,
"I don't wanna talk to you right now grandpa!" pouting her lips Xiao xiao didn't answer his questions as she just open the door of the car and strode towards the White House,.
the old man chuckled, "such a silly girl." good thing that mr.Bai had made a decision to make that girl lives in the capital.
"Xi lan,where is that girl?"he asked his secretary who is in the driver seat.
"She is in the place that we arrange for her mr.chairman." Xi Lan respectfully responded.
"Thats good, Just make sure she is safe, You know that everyone who is around my granddaughter could be threat." mr.Bai worriedly said.
Danger is inevitable especially for his granddaughter Xiao xiao, there are a lot of people who wanted to see his granddaughter dead because she is the only hier of the Bai corporations, because if they can't lay a single finger on the chairman, then might as well his precious granddaughter.
"Yes, mr.chairman,"..
" how's is everything on my granddaughter? is someone still following her? have you caught them?" He asked, anger flash through his eyes,
seeing the change of the chairman expression Xi lan is afraid to respond, "uhm, that, I'm so sorry to say, but they are really quick, our men always fails to find who are they." Xi lan uttered, waiting for his boss to scold him!
"I see, if they are this mysterious then they are maybe one of my biggest enemy," mr.Bai said concerned, it has been almost a year when he receives such a threat to his life and his granddaughter Xiao xiao, but up until now they still didn't know who the enemy was, those Xiao xiao is always surrounded by body guards from only a distance with her, Xiao xiao didn't know that she was being followed by so many body guards throughout her entire day,
they are disguised as normal people that just seems to pass by her but the truth is they are her body guards.
He had been very careful and he didn't want to lose her only granddaughter, she is her only family those he will do everything to protect her.
"they keep misleading us that's why it is hard go find who is this people, I'm am so sorry sir, for our incompetence." Xi lan uttered apologetic.
"it's okay xi Lan, just keep my granddaughter on guard at all cost!"
"uhm.." Xi lan contemplated as he wasn't able to say what he want,
"Xi lan, you've been with me since I founded the Bai corp, you know that you are the only one I trust the most" mr.Bai says as he noticed that Xi lan is troubled by something that he doesn't know.
"it's just that, don't you think this is not any other people," Xi Lan uncomfortably said,
a flashed of worry is seen on the chairmans eyes. "you mean?"
"it might be him, but I am still not sure about it, i just think about it because I saw the ring in the pictures of the submitted report about who is following the young miss." Xi lan said unsure.
"It could be possible," Mr.Bai worriedly said, "from now on,I want you to double Xiao xiao's protection." he commanded!
"yes, sir!" answered Xi Lan,
Xi Lan has always been around the chairman ever since he was still in a small business. that's is why he had also witnessed how the man suffered and succeed but this enemy of him, ...if his hunch is right, then the young miss is in a great danger! He almost killed Xiao xiao when she was a newborn! that man is lunatic! he was crazy, they have to do everything to catch him, Xi lan is very worried on where to even start finding him, he had used all his boss connections but there is still no progress! how can that even be possible!
Xi Lan excited the car to open the door for his boss.
"ohh my baby.." mrs.chan hurriedly hugged Xiao xiao as soon as she sees her enter the house. All the maids has line up in both sides of the door to vowed to the young miss. mrs.chan is the headmaster of the Bai White House.
"ohh mamma. I missed you so much" Xiao xiao hugged her back tightly. Ever since she was a child mrs.chan is the only one who takes care of her, she was her second mother. No! perhaps she treated her as her own mother because she never seen her real mother anyway because she is already in heaven to be an angel.

Komentar Buku (217)

  • avatar
    Nico Casiano

    maganda ang kwinto


  • avatar
    arellanomark Adrian

    I'm happy my game


  • avatar
    Aizel Gay



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