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About an hour after anna persuaded me into stalking dahlia,we were in front of a restaurant called "Lia's kitchen" ,well not in front,we made sure to park a little far from the restaurant but just close enough that we could see everyone and everything that happens,Anna's guy had told us that she worked here so we came here holping she was there.
"So what are we waiting for exactly?" Anna asked, a wild grin on her face,she seemed a bit too excited to be there.
"Are you sure you're doing this just to ease my mind?" I asked and she gave a guilty laugh.
"My life is sort of extremely boring right now,so even though I'm totally doing this to help you, it's sort of exciting for me too" she said truthfully and I smiled.Then she brought out her binoculars and I rolled my eyes.
"Really?" I asked raising an eyebrow
"For a better view" She replied laughing,she seemed to be in a good mood
I on the other hand felt nervous,I was going to meet Dahlia again,I mean I didn't technically "meet" her the last time,but my heart was racing.Someone walked out of the restaurant and I sort of froze.Was this Dahlia? She was tall,not exactly tall since she didn't look above my height but she was probably taller than Anna , she had long legs and even though I couldn't see her very well I could still make out her features,she had almond eyes and black somewhat wavy hair that she wrapped in a bun with two strands sticking out in front,she had full lips and even though she wore just a T-shirt and jeans her curves were still defined.She was breathtaking.She started talking to someone,a woman about her age and even though I couldn't make out their conversation she was smiling,a gesture that made me smile too, she seemed elegant. The passport from her application fucking lied to me...the woman in front of the restaurant was attractive like really fucking attractive,I couldn't....
"You think she's hot huhn?" Anna asked in a low voice and I snapped back to reality.
"What,you want to take her on the same floor you murdered her mother on"? She asked harshly giving me a dirty look my heart dropped and my eyes darkened, Anna immediately regretted it.
"I'm sorry,I'm sorry that was a stupid thing to say and I don't know why I even said it in the first place, it's just the way you were looking at her,it was obvious that you found her attractive and you're not even wrong,she is." She blurted out in a guilt-laden voice but it was too late.I turned to look at Dahlia and she had entered the restaurant again
"I'm not sure what you think is going on here but I only came here because I felt bad for her, because I wanted to know if I should give her a job or not.I'm not so cruel that I would imagine doing anything with her after what I've done Anna,I'm not a monster" I replied and she nodded.
"I know that,I know,and I'm so sorry" She replied but it was all over,my mood was spoilt,I ignited the car and drove away, different thoughts perusing my mind,but one thought was superior though.i was going to hire Dahlia Cooper.
We didn't get a lot of customers at the restaurant before, especially since the hit and run but after I basically took over,things changed and now with the re-branding and the re-naming of the place I was hoping to bring more people more life more money to the place.It was 6pm and we were already closed for the day.I know...6pm is an early time to close a restaurant but Jason thinks it's better this way and safer too.I'm still trying to convince him otherwise.I sat on one of the chairs knitting an headwarmer for Jenny and even though I knew deep down she wasn't going to collect it,I still had to do it anyways. Gracie(one of the people Jason hired for the restaurant) came out of the backroom and came to join me,she was a delightful girl,she also had feelings for Jason,she had been crushing on him for almost a year now and even though it's extremely cute,she refused to tell him and made me swear an undying oath that I wouldn't tell him either.Gracie and I were moderately close,like she talked to me about things from time to time and I also told her about my mother.Gracie did not come from a rich family,she knows the struggle of not having the things everyone else did and the feeling of protecting and caring for other members of your family.I loved her,I loved Jason too,these were my people.
"You done for the day?" I asked and she nodded with the same gleeful smile she had being carrying all day. Gracie was a positive girl but she doesn't always carry a smile this big.i knew something was up.
" What's going on with you today? Are you finally going to tell Jason you have feelings for him?" I asked curiosly and she shook her head immediately.
"Oh God no, it's something else, something way better" She said and I gave her a confused smile.
"Well don't leave me hanging" I said and she chuckled.
"Okay...so you know Lancaster law firm?" She asked and I nodded.It was the same law firm I was working day and night hoping Jenny would be able to walk there one day.
"Well....they sent out a notice last week saying that they were looking for a secretary" She continued,her cheeky smile getting Wilder.I was still confused.
"And...I sent in your information" she said a bit to my annoyance.
"Wait..what? Why?" I asked dropping the half-done headwarmer on the table upset.
"Because I know if I had asked you to do it yourself you would have refused...you have zero faith in yourself and your abilities" She retorted and I sighed.
"And rightfully so,I dropped out Gracie...from highschool applying for a job at Lancaster is a fool's dream.I should be happy that I even have what I have right now" I replied upset. She was still carrying her smile though.
"Yeah but you got hired" She said and my eyes widened in shock
"What?" I asked making sure I heard what I heard right. She ran up to me and gave me a big hug.
"You got fucking hired babes!" She repeated and I broad smile crept to my face,I didn't know when I got up and started bouncing hand in hand with Gracie.I door opened and Jenny walked in, looking at us confused.
"What's going on?" She asked confused.I ran up to her and hugged her.
"I got hired at Lancaster!" I replied and she pulled out of the hug and looked at me square in the face
"Wait really?" She asked and I nodded. She gave me a proud look and my heart leapt with joy,I was always worried that she was dissapointed in me.
"As a secretary but yeah"
"Wait what about the restaurant?" She asked and Gracie and I stopped celebrating for a moment.
"Oh yeah" I said suddenly realizing,it was just named after me.I couldn't leave. Jenny shook her head in dissaproval and left again.Probably to home.I sank back into my chair,I couldn't leave,not now.That would literally ne stabbing Jason in the back.
"You know he'ld be happy for you right?" Gracie asked noticing my mood change.
"I know" I replied Gracie patted me on the back.
"So tell him" She finished,took her bag then left.
Jason was in the kitchen cleaning the dishes.I always laughed at the way he always wore an hair net in the kitchen even though his hair was literally buzzed.He started getting a buzz cut when he was in prison and basically hasn't stopped since.He said it was more comfortable.I walked closer to him.He had headphones on.I tapped him to notice me and he smiled.
He took another sip of what I figured was alcohol in a soda can.He did that sometimes,pouring alcohol into his soda can after emptying the soda in it. We were sitting on one of the chairs in the restaurant now ,I had carefully explained everything that happened to him and he was thinking.
"Are you asking my permission to leave?"He asked in a playful tone and I nodded.
"Lia....you don't need it,you have dedicated your entire life to everyone else but yourself.You finally have this one thing and you really think I'm going to take it away?" He asked holding my hands...he wasn't saying it but I'm sure he thought I was being silly.
"But you just named the restaurant after me..."I replied in a low voice feeling sadder that he was taking the news so well.
"It's what I should have done a long time ago,and I'm so sorry if it made you feel an amount of responsibility that you shouldn't feel,I didn't name it after you so you could take care of it,I named it after you so that it would belong to you.The way it always will no matter what"He finished with a big smile squeezing my hand.
"I'm so proud of you dahly,so fucking proud.Go and do something for yourself for once,and it also definitely pays way more than our little restaurant so go on and betray me,I don't care" He said playfully and I slapped him shoulder giggling.
"I love you you weirdo,you know that right?" He asked and I nodded.
"I love you too".I replied smiling

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