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Bab 4 Promotion On National Television

"Princess Alleana, we're promoting the play on TV stations." Gabrielle messaged me and then I immediately get up into the bed. I didn't know that I have a schedule.
"Okay Aleiahe." I replied and find Kiko but I couldn't find him, and when I know that it was already 6 in the morning, I already take a bath, I don't want to become late.
"Baby Kiko." I call him because I'm leaving the house, Nanang is already here.
"Arf! Arf!" He barked before I kiss him and leave the house, I'm going to the biggest TV network, Gabrielle is already there.
"Ma'am, where are you going?" The security guard ask when I was about to put my feet on the floor.
"I'm with Gabrielle, we're the actresses of Aleiahe and Alleana Musical and we are going to promote the show." I answered and he let me in.
"Katie !!!" He greeted me happily and hugged me while running.
"Gabby! You're so clingy!" I screamed before we entered the dressing room, she was so happy so she put whipping cream on me, I don't know why she has whipping cream in the bag.
"Why do you have this?" I asked and burst out laughing while holding that bottle.
"It's needed later, you, what did you bring?" She asked and I thought of something.
"Oh my gosh! I don't have haha, but I have chocolates here." I took the chocolates out of my bag and then the dressing personells enter the room.
"Kiddos, you're gonna to choose what you're going to wear." A gay who just came in told us, he's a stylist.
"Blue theme." He said again.
"Cutie, this suits you the best." She said then handed me the royal blue dress.
"This is cute, but I wanna wear the dress who have a touch of a princess, maybe we can both try the outfit of a princess." I said then she get the 2 identical cocktail gown.
"That's pretty." The stylist said and another one came inside.
"Hi! I'm your make up artist, Mikaella." She introduced her self.
"Just be with us instead, we don't need make up artist, we can do it." Gabrielle said and we sat on our chairs, we started doing our own make up.
"Thanks Ma'am Gabrielle and Ma'am Katherine." She said.
"I'm not Katherine, I'm Katie." I corrected my name again.
"I'm sorry, Katie is just like that, she doesn't want her name to be wrong." Gabrielle said and then the make up artist immediate said sorry.
"You're too beautiful." I said when I looked at Gabby.
"Thank you." She said and a staffs knock at the door.
"We're going to start in a few minutes, be prepared in 10 minutes." He said and immediately leave.
"I guess we're prepared so let's go." Gabrielle held my hand as we walk towards the corridor of the TV Station.
"Katie Megan and Gabrielle, welcome to the program." The host of the show introduced and welcome us.
"Hi Tito Alfie." We greeted him, this was his talk show.
"You glow up, you're pretty before and you become prettier now." He said.
"Thank you Tito." I replied then the studio audience clapped. Some of them bring a poster of me and Gabrielle, they're very sweet.
"Gabrielle and Kate, we're going to start this conversation by answering some questions from Twitter." Tito Alfie said and then flashed some questions at the screen.
"Okay, Gabrielle first, a question from Alexine, is it true that you're married?" Tito Alfie read the question flashed on the screen.
"Huh? Am I married? Where did you get that news? I don't even have a boy friend right now." Gabrielle answered.
"Oh! Okay, so you don't have bf right now." Tito Alfie said, I'm a little bit nervous because it's my turn to answer the question.
"Now, it's your turn Kate." He said then the question were flashed on the screen.
"Miss Katie, we've saw you last night and we spot a man on your condominium unit, is it your new boyfriend?" Tito Alfie read the question.
"No po! He is Enrique, my best friend, cause I bought a poodle, I've message him and I ask for help in baking cookies, gladly he said yes." I answered, these questions are intimidating huh.
"What is the name of your poodle?" He asked.
"Kiko, he's very cute." I answered.
"Wow! We have a game, named answer for me, if I have a question for Katie, Gab will answer and vice versa. Okay?" I understand na mechanics.
"Okay so let's start." He said.
"Katie, a song that you don't want to hear." Tito Alfie asked.
"A million dreams cause that song caused trauma on her haha." He laugh, it's not true that I don't wanna hear it.
"I still want Gabby, but once a month only." I said while laughing.
"Gabrielle, a moment that you will cherish forever." Tito Alfie asked, I know these, I've read something about her on Google last night.
"When she flew into States and finally he could met her grand parents from the side of her mom." I answered and Gabby clapped.
"How did you know?" Gabrielle asked.
"Secret, I have cake later huh!" I smirked.
"Katie, where and when did you broke up with your first boyfriend?" Tito Alfie asked and I laugh so hard, I know Gabby don't know the answer.
"I don't know the answer Tito, let's just ask Katie." She said then make a baby face in front of me.
"This is not included in the mechanics Gabrielle." I happily said, it's funny and I don't want to tell the public about this.
"Okay fine, I'll give his name.... He is Vincent." I said then covers my entire face with my whole hands.
"Let's stop this, promote for your show." Tito Alfie said while controlling all of his laugh.
"A pleasant day to all of you, I am Katie Romero." I've started the speech.
"And I am Gabrielle, and we're the stars of Alleana and Aleiahe Musical, my role is Princess Aleiahe who is still longing for their parents." Gabrielle said.
"And I am Princess Alleana, who need to be brave for my sister because she's just 4 years old when our parents: the king and queen, died." I said then smiled.
"Where can we buy tickets?" Tito Alfie asked.
"Tickets are now available on CBYTix(.)com(.)ph, tickets are not that pricy so anyone could watch the show." Gabrielle said and then Tito Alfie closed the program.
We're going to meet the fans club members outside.
"We have so much fun in Tito Alfie's show." Gabrielle said while we're walking towards the parking, the fans are on the gate.
"Yeah, I wish I could came back here." I said then hugged Gabby.
"Thank you for not saying anything about Vincent." I said.
"Huh? I don't know something about you and him, so which story am I going to tell?" She said.
"You don't know something about us?" I asked again.
"Yeah." She replied.
"Okay, I'll tell you very soon, when my schedule are not tight." We finally get into our cars, I noticed that there is no one on the gate so I just told my driver to continue.
"You did so well." I received a message from Nicko.
"Thank you..." I replied.
"I hope to work again with you in the future." He said with so many emojis, cute, soft boy.
"I hope so." I replied but then he called.
"Hello, what is it?" I asked while smiling.
"I just want to congratulate you Newbreed of Theater Actress in this generation, Ms. Katie Romero." He said and then I laugh.
"Why did you say my full title? I feel so flattered." I said while softly laughing.
"You deserve to hear it minute per minute. And when you have TV guesting, they will call you by 'that' so I'm preparing you." He said.
"Thank you." I will always be grateful for all of their help.
"You are so welcome Katie."

Komentar Buku (141)

  • avatar
    AlbañoM. F.

    so beautiful


  • avatar

    super great


  • avatar
    Charles Dump



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