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Bab 3 A Toy Poodle

"Can you come with me Gabby?" I asked my friend at the phone.
"Yeah sure, where are we going?" She asked.
"To a pet shop, I want to buy a toy poodle." I answered and she happily smiled.
"Okaaayy, let's gooo!" She shouted and turn off the call, I'm going to her condominium unit now.
"What color do you want?" Gabrielle ask when she saw me at her door. I didn't even knock.
"I want color brown or gold, then I'll name him Kiko." I said then we get down again, we commuted because we both don't want to drive our cars.
"Make sure your Yaya knows how to feed the dogs right." She said as we walk in the shop.
"Yeah, I'll instruct her later.... OMG! I want this cutie!" A black-brown puppy eyes and cute hair.
"Kate... I want him too." Gabrielle said.
"No! I'm the first one who choose. He's mine." I waved my hands at the cage and I'm happy that he's slowly touching it.
When I give my money to the counter, they handed me the poodle, he seems very happy because he's having a new home.
"I'm going to be your God Mother, cause I want you too but your Mommy don't want." She said and rolled her eyes on me and then laughed.
"Arg! Arg!" He barked softly.
"He said Tita Gabby, I'm only for my mommy Katie, right Kiko?" I inserted my fingers in the cage and then he licked it.
"You're so adorable little one, wait a minute, I'll call Makki." Gabrielle and said and she try calling our friend Makki, I know Makki for he's my childhood friend.
"Hello Makki." Gabby said.
"Oh yeah Gab? What can I do for you?" He asked.
"Me and my friend have a little cutie over here, can you come with us?" Gabrielle sweetly asked.
"Oh yeah, sure! Text me the address." He said and the call was ended.
"You're going to have a God Father little Kiko." Gabrielle said and carried Kiko's cage.
"Gab, can you hold Kiko for a while? I'm going to buy something." I said then ran inside the pet shop.
"Miss, I'm going to buy this." This is the one who's going to hold Kiko's neck while we're going out. I don't know the name of this thing.
"Kikoooo!" I said when I go out and let him hold it for a while.
"Arg! Arf!" He softly barked again, how cute my little one.
"I know... I know... When we get home we're going to throw your cage." I said then he just sat, seems happy.
We'll waiting for Makki but he didn't come, a urgent work need to be prioritized.
"Katie, I need to go, my mom is waiting for me." Gabrielle said.
"Yeah, okay lang." She hugged me and then leave, we're finally on the condo and I can take Kiko out of his cage.
"Here cutie!" I shouted then open the cage, he happily ran inside my room.
"Oh! Baby, maybe your feeling tired." I said then catch him but he wants to run and run.
"Arf! Arf!" He barked again, I get some soft cookies, this is good for dogs.
"Here baby! Eat!" I place it in my hands and let him get it.
When he finished eating 2 cookies, he looked at me, waiting 2 cookies again baby? Even though I want to give, it's not good to fed them so much.
"Cutie, mommy is going outside, wanna come with me?" I asked then immediately carried him.
"Arf! Arf!" He barked.
"You wanna help mommy in baking cookies for you?" I asked, I'm not expecting any answers.
I get all of the ingredients and place in the counter but Kiko spilled the sugar, good thing is I still have stock.
"Arf! Arf!" He barked then ran towards my room, I'm not angry my little one.
"Kikoooo!" I called him but he just sat at my bed.
"Kikoooo!" I am waiting him to come with me but he didn't come.
"Little one, I'm not mad." I said but still, not responding.
"Nanang, can you do the baking of cookies?" I asked Nanang to do and I came into Kiko.
"Mommy loves you, I love you, you actually make me laugh earlier." I have no reasons to be mad, he don't know what he's doing, maybe he just wanna play, he's a dog and not a human.
"Arf! Arf!" He's happy again so we need to continue the baking, Nanang is not here anyways.
"Smell it baby boy." I said then make the bowl face him.
"Arf! Arf!" He barked then someone just click the bell on my unit.
"What can I do for you?" I asked.
"It's me Katie." I opened the door because I heard a familiar voice.
"Hi Quen." I greeted him and we enter the unit.
"Oh you have dog?" He asked.
"No, it's a cat haha." I said sarcastically and laugh.
"Very good Katie, you made me laugh for 50 times haha." He said then sat at the sofa as he holds Kiko.
"Haha, quiet boy, I'm baking something." I said then scoop the cookie batter one by one and place them in a tray.
"What are you baking?" Enrique asked.
"I'm baking cookies, soft chewy cookies so Kiko could eat." I happily said and place the tray on the pre-heated oven.
"Nice! Don't burn the cookies Katie." He warned me but I know what I'm doing.
"I know what I'm doing Quen, if I fail the cookies, I will call it burnt cookies. Sounds funny right?" I smiled before taking pictures of the cookies, I wanna put this on Instagram.
And also the little Kiko, I will make an Instagram for him later, I'm going to post his cute photos.
"It's done!" I excitedly said then turn off the oven, I get the super thick cloth gloves and get the tray.
"Yaaay! Can I taste it already!" Enrique said and pouted his lips.
"Hey! Stop that! You look like a dog!" I madly said.
"I'm handsome, right Kiko?" He asked the dog.
"Arrrghh! Aaarrggghh!" Kiko barked heavily.
"See, he's not agree with you."
"Just get the cookies you want and I'm going to feed my baby boy." I said then get the dog's milk, I put that on small glass and the cookies are on my hands.
"You're not afraid?" He asked.
"Why would I? They're so sweet and cute, I don't have any reasons to be afraid." I answered.
"Yeah, but do the dog get his vaccine first before taking it home?" He asked.
"They already get vaccinated on the pet shop, all of there pets are vaccinated." I replied.
"Can I also take him home?" He asked again.
"No way! Kiko is mine! He's just going to visit you when he's with me." I said then raised a brow at him.
"Attitude Katie..." He whispered, good thing is that I heard it.
"What did you say?" I asked.
"Nothing." He replied.
"I'll go home na, you're sending me home." He said and then pout.
"No, I'm not sending you home Enrique." I said.
"Why are you bullying me?" He asked.
"Huh? Did I bullied you? I couldn't remember anything." I said then he laughed.
You're too funny my dear, I wish I could find someone as funny as you in the future.
"Just play with my little poodle Enrique, if you want to have a pet like him, then why don't you buy? I'll go with you to have a discount at the pet shop became they said if I'm going to buy another one, they'll give me discount." I told him.
"That's nice but I don't think so if I can take a good care of him or her." He said.
"Then I'll help you." I insisted.
"No need Katie. It's okay. They're really cute but I don't need a poodle at my home." He said.

Komentar Buku (141)

  • avatar
    AlbañoM. F.

    so beautiful


  • avatar

    super great


  • avatar
    Charles Dump



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