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Arjay knew it was her. He can’t be mistaken! He knows her even from afar. He memorized every single detail of her. It was already years ago but he still knew. Well, that’s what you get from looking at a distance’s point of view: you get to memorize even the smallest detail; how her baby hairs flew with the wind, how she walks, how she clipped her hair on her ears, how her lips stretched out on her cheeks when she smiles… he was taken back to his senses when Diana looked from inside the jeep.
Maybe she thought he was a stalker or some maniac approaching her. He could have just called her a while ago so she won’t think that but instead he kept his mouth shut and walk towards her like some creep. Maybe next time he would just speak to her so she won’t feel uncomfortable. They will see each other, that he is confident of. She just live on the other town, before his hometown so, their paths would definitely cross again.
He wanted to prove something, and he knows it is true and it is real. He will look for her some other time. He looked at the road again and the jeep has already turned left in the national highway. When he was unable to see the tail of the jeep, he went back to his car. He traveled back to their house. He went out of the car and went straight inside the house. His mom is in the living room, watching television. He went to her.
“Morning, mom.” He greeted her and planted a soft kiss on her cheeks.
She didn’t answer him. She’s probably still mad at him but who could blame her. He was about to leave when his mom spoke to him. He turned around to face her. She also turned around to face him. She’s still sitting on the couch but her chin rested on the backrest of the couch.
“What’s your true reason son? I know it’s not about academics because I know you are intelligent, and I am very proud of you because of that. Have you had a misunderstanding with the priests there? Because if that’s the case, maybe they could just use some apology and they could accept you back – “
“Mom, it’s not what you think – “
“Then, was it a woman?” her mom asked. There is no hint of angriness in her voice.
‘Should I lie? But she would just get mad if she finds out I lied to her.’ he sighed and went to the couch. His mom fixed her seat. He seated beside her and he held his mom’s hand. She cupped his hand on her hands and smiled at him.
“Actually, mom, I don’t know yet, to be honest. You are right. It is not about academics and definitely not about misunderstanding with the priests. They are very nice people and you know that. I am not certain if this is about a woman or I just really wanted to quit. I still need to find the answer, mom, before I can answer you.” he said sincerely. His mom rubbed his hand.
“Then I guess I need to let you find the answer, son. Don’t worry son, I am not a nagger. I won’t asked you to go back if you don’t really want to. You can teach if you want to because you finished your Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy. Or better yet, you can learn to manage the school so it won’t be hard for you when you finally take over. You know your dad and I aren’t getting any younger anymore.” She said.
He frowned. Last night, she was very angry and now she’s very calm? How did that happen? His father must really be a miracle worker!
“Wait, you’re not mad? I mean, anymore? You’re not mad anymore?” he asked, confused. His mom smiled.
“Silly, why would I get mad to my only child? Of course I was mad last night because that is the initial response to something like that, but how can I stay mad at my only son whom I loved the most in the world? Besides, if the reason you are quitting is all about a woman, it’s not really a big deal son. You know, I still want to have grand kids running around the house…” she said and looked at him meaningfully and laughed a bit.
“Mom?!?” he said in disbelief. ‘She doesn’t seriously said that! She was just crying last night about me quitting and now...?’
“Son!?! Hey, hey! Don’t overreact! It’s just a practical joke, don’t need to be so dramatic!” his mom said still laughing. She hugged him.
He hugged her back but he felt guilty. He knows full well that he quitted because of a woman but he didn’t tell her. But what if he is wrong? What if it’s not about a woman? He thought for a second. It is better for him to keep it to himself for a while. He pulled away from his mother. He smiled at her. His mom held his face and smiled.
“You are handsome, son. You should really get married.” She said. He laughed.
“Mom…” he looked at her, frowning.
“Okay, no pressure.” She said, raising her hand as a sign of surrender. He stood up.
“I will just go to my room if you need me, mom.” He said and walked towards the stairs.
“Well, a girl and a boy would be fine for a grand kid.” She said in a loud voice so he could hear it.
He shook his head while smiling. He went straight to his room. He slacked on his bed upon entering the room. He sighed. He recall his mom’s behavior. Last night, she was very mad, but now, she’s very cheerful, even joking about marriage and grand kids.
Was she mad that he quitted even though he only had to finish one more year? Or was she mad that he only quitted now? That he should have realized quitting sooner? Which among those theory would answer his mom’s behavior? He got up and went outside his room. He needs to find his father.
He went downstairs. His mom was still watching.
“Mom, where’s dad?” he asked. His mom turned to look at him.
“He was just asking for you. I told him you’re on your room. He didn’t come to see you?” she asked him back.
“No. Maybe he went at the back of the house. I’ll just go to him.” He said and went to the back door. He is right, his father was there, fixing something. “Hey dad! Mom told me you’re looking for me?” He said and went to his father. His father looked at him.
“Yes but I think I can manage.” His father said and continued what he was doing.
“I have something to ask you, actually. Mom is acting really weird…” he began. His father stopped what he was doing and stood up, frowning.
“What do you mean?” his father asked.
“Well, last night she was really mad, I mean dramatically mad, and now, she’s very cheerful, suspiciously cheerful for that matter. She’s even joking about marriage now while last night I felt she wants to condemn me, quitting the seminary and all.” He explained. His father laughed.
“You know what son, she was like that since last night, but not the cheerful part, she was still angry last night though.” His father said.
“It kept me thinking… was she mad that I quitted the seminary, leaving only a year to graduate, or was she mad that I only realized quitting now?” he asked. He needs to know.
“Well, last night she actually told me that you should have realized it sooner. That you should not have pursued Theology. Then, there could have been kids running around the house.” His father said.
So he was right! His mother was furious because he realized quitting the seminary later than she had expected.
“I knew it!” he murmured.
“What was that son?” his father asked.
“Nothing dad. By the way, are you sure you don’t need my help?” he asked his father again. His father shook his head.
“Not really. I’ll just call you when I need your help, son. Don’t you need to fix your things for your travel tomorrow?”
“Yeah right. I’ll be upstairs in my room then, dad. Just call me if you need my help.” He said. His father nodded and continued what he was doing. Arjay went inside.
“Have you seen your dad, son?” his mom asked.
“Yes mom. He said he doesn’t need my help anymore. I’ll be just in my room, mom.”
“Okay son.” She said.
He went upstairs and fixed his things. He doesn’t need a lot of things. Just 5 pairs of clothing would do. He won’t be long gone, anyway. He’s just going to take the Civil Service Exams and fixed the things he left behind the seminary and then he is good to go. When he was done packing, his dad literally called him in his cell. He answered the call.
“Son could you do me a little favor? Could you please go to the city? I forgot I need to pick some office supplies for the school. I ordered it last week, it just came.” His dad on the other line.
“Sure dad, no problem. Where should I pick it up?” he asked
“At the City Center. There is a shop called Judo Enterprises. You just show them my receipt. It’s in the car.”
“Okay dad.” He said.
“Thanks son.” His father said and cut the call.
He went downstairs, straight to the car. He went on.

Komentar Buku (595)

  • avatar
    Norlyn Aguaron

    I love the story love is not just to feel inlove with someone but it just to happen like in my situation I never imagine that I'm fall inlove in a guy that I first time I meet ...no impression happen ..it just to happen ..texting and calling are the key for us ..to felt inlove each other and so on so on up to present...♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


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    Hziq Haqimi

    dah bacaaaa


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