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Chapter 3

Blair Lopez Point Of View
The days passed and I felt the symptoms of my illness more often, I felt like my stomach was digging when I vomited and suddenly collapsed, Like when we went to Adam's workplace, I was suddenly attacked.
§ Flashback §
"Hi Blair, I'm Thomas Santillices and I'm pleasure to meet you again" Introduction by adam's boss, The way I look at him is his smart boss.
Wait ... What? Again?
"Hello Sir Thomas, I'm Blair Lopez" I replied shyly.
"Blair Lopez-Montego" Adam groin, I quickly pinched his tummy "Ouch! Really?" His dispensation. His boss just laughed at us.
"By the way Sir Thomas, ---"
"Just Thomas" He interrupted what I was saying.
"--Thank you because you allowed Adam to stay at my side first hehe" I uttered.
"Well, He's my best friend after all" I was shocked to look at him, Adam's best friend is his boss? Huh?
"Yes love, He's my best friend but here in the office you need to be professional" Adam explained, I just nodded.
"And if you don't remember, You and adam were with you when we were in high school" Highschool? I don't remember anything then.
"Hehe! I had an accident when I was in grade 11" I just explained to him. He just nodded and ushered us into his office.
"Can you stay here first Blair? I'll just introduce Adam to the investors who just arrived" Thomas bid good bye.
"Yes, I am okay here" I smiled in response.
"Just stay here okay! When you feel something, Take your pain killer right away" Adam reminded and kissed my forehead. They left the office and I took the book I brought ...
Thirty minutes passed and I was already feeling a headache so I stopped reading. I closed my eyes and massaged my head but the pain still didn't go away, I looked for the pain killer in my bag but while I was looking my tummy suddenly turned around, I quickly ran to the comfort room of Thomas' office and vomited again and again .My throat almost hurt with nausea but nothing came out of my mouth but my saliva. My head hurts a lot and my eye sight is spinning. I held on to the sink to get support.
"Help" I shouted softly and my vision darkened.
Adam Maniego Point Of View
An hour has passed and we are back in Thomas' office, He introduced me to the Board of members as the new Chief Operating Officer (COO) I got promoted despite my abscences, I am still doing my job well. I always assure that I operate correctly and because of that I got promoted and be A COO. When we entered her office Blair was not on the sofa.
"Carrie, Where's Blair?" Thomas asked his secretary.
"Blair sir?" She wondered.
"Yes, The one with us earlier. Did she go out?"
"No sir, I didn't see anything come out, May be it's in comfort room sir" She replied.
Comfort room? Sh-t! It looks like something happened.
I quickly went to the comfort room, I slowly opened the door of the comfort room and there I saw Blair lying on the floor unconscious and pale.
"Blair?" I patted her cheek a few times but she still didn't regain consciousness. I picked her up and exited the comfort room.
"Is she in--- Sh-t what happened to her?" Thomas asked confusedly.
"The symptoms of her illness attacked her again, I'll just take her to the hospital"
"Wait, I'll come" And he took the key.
We were rushed to the hospital. While we were in the car, I was sweating profusely and I was very nervous.
'I hope blair's illness is over, My love is healed'
When we were in the hospital, She immediately put in the emergency room.
An hour later the doctor came out.
"She's fine, Cause of symptoms only happened to her, As soon as possible she needs to be tested again" And the doctor left.
"Why hasn't she been operated on yet bro?" Annoyedly asked Thomas.
"Her brain aneurysm is less than 7 mm"
"So they're still waiting to be 7 mm? B*llsh*t!" I understand thomas' anger but i can't do anything either. We waited for blair to wake up before taking her home.
§ End of Flashback §
Blair Lopez Point Of View
"Adaaaammmmmm!" I shouted.
"Why?" He said breathlessly while holding onto his knees.
"Buy me a napkin hehe" And hid my face in the pillow. I have it now, and I couldn't buy it the last time we went to the grocery store. I heard no noise so I removed the pillow from my face. Adam was no longer where he was and his phone was no longer on the side table. Where is that? Maybe he bought me a napkin hehe!
I was rolling around on the bed when my cellphone flashed. I picked it up and looked at who was notifying it.
To: Ms. Blair Lopez, The Account Manager in RK Company.
I read it and slapped the palm on my forehead.
Oh no! I left my job and did not say good bye even A leave. Sh*t!
I quickly looked for a formal dress and looked for my test results. I will show it to Sir Caleb. While I was looking for my test results Adam came in holding a bag.
"What are you looking for Love?" He wonderly asked.
"Ahm my test results, Sir Caleb texted and I forgot to took a leave because I haven't been in for almost a month." I explained.
"It's in the bag we brought when you last checked up. I'll get you dressed!" I just nodded and took the bag he bought I saw there those days I had wings. Hahaha, funny.
"Blairrrrr" Shouted my office mates.
"Hi guys" I smile at them.
"You been absent too long Blair, We miss you."
"Yeah lair, You're probably lost why?"
"You're crazy crazy you didn't even say good bye"
"I'll explain later because I'm with Sir Caleb hehe!" I scratch my head.
"Go girl!" I'm going straight to sir's office.
"Good afternoon sir" I greeted him.
He looked at me, Frowning and you could see the annoyance on his face.
"Why did YOU just come in today? And why didn't you even took a leave? Didn't you think you had a job here?" I bowed to what she said
I didn't answer and just handed over the envelope I was holding "What is this?" He asked annoyed, I didn't say anything so he just opened it. As he read it, His annoyed face was gradually replaced by shock.
"Brain Aneurysm? Blair you had?" His face became well.
"Yes sir, I was confined to the hospital sir for more than a week and I just got out last week" I explained.
"Sorry for yelling you, Blair." Its apology.
"It's okay sir" He made me sit down and we talked. Actually I'm close to this sir so just the same as Thomas and Adam we are very professional.
"Thanks for the time Blair, Get well" And even messed up my hair.
I looked at him angrily "Sir!" And fixed my hair. He just chuckled.
When I got down, I saw my officemates in their cubicle. They chopped me up with a question and I explained it properly. Some cried like Gayle and Michelle.
It was 4 pm when I decided to go home. When I got home I was already in bed and let myself be swallowed up by the darkness.
Blair Lopez Point Of View
I am preparing to enter the office, Yes! I'm still working.
Adam didn't want me to work anymore but I said I could do it and My boss promised that I would only be asked to do light paperworks. So Adam agreed. He'll just check me from time to time.
"Adam, I'm leaving" I said good bye to Adam who was fixing his neck tie. He even ruffled his hair and looked at me frustratedly. I approached him and adjusted his neck tie.
"Thanks Love and by the way I'll send you to your work" And took his bag. I stopped howling and just wrapped my arm around his arm. I made him smile at what I did. Am I sweet? He took me to my cubicle, My gash my workmates were looking at us.
"Gotta go Love, Update me okay?" Remind me of it and kiss my forehead.
"Yes, Take care and I love you" I hugged him.
"I love you more" After adam left, Gayle and Michelle teased me.
"Stop it" I blushed rebuking them.
"Blair, Are you sure you can work?" Streak the concern of Gayle in hertone
"Gayle, I'm perfectly fine, No worries about me and I can still work, I don't want to just rely on Adam for everything" I explained.
"Just call us if you feel okay" Michelle said and went back to her cubicle first. Gayle hugged me first before returning to her cubicle as well.
I worked well over the day and I wish it was now too. I vomited again earlier. Adam said, He just said he would excuse me but I insisted that I come in. Still irritated at me.
"Blair, Are you okay? You're pale!" Sir Caleb asked when I met him in the hall way towards the cafeteria.
"Yes Sir, it's just hot hehe" And smiled hard so that he and his companion Sir Becker wouldn't have to worry.
The unique name haha!
"Why don't you go Home early Blair" Sir becker suggested.
"No sir, I am okay promise" I raised my right hand. He just laughed and left in front of me, I went back to my cubicle and resumed my paperwork. When I finished my paperwork, I leaned my head on my desk and took a nap.
Third Point Of View
Blair poked her head on the table and took a nap.
The whole building would have been quiet when suddenly a female posture and wearing thick make-up's suddenly entered.
"Hey you woman, Where is Blair Lopez?" This question resonates with a woman named Janine.
"Lastcubicle miss" It replied. She no longer thanked her and walked straight until he saw the last cubicle. She saw a woman with her head on the table and it looked like she was sleeping. She pulled her hair so the woman was out of balance.
"Oh my gash, What the hell?"
"Call Sir Caleb"
"Guard, Guard"
People here say ...
"Miss let go of Blair"
"Stop hurting our best friend" Blair's best friend said at the same time,
"Shut your freaking mouth" She said angrily while the scissors were still pointing at hier.
"What? Ate miles let me go" And struggled to get away from her sister, While holding her wig tightly.
"Can't you just get lost Blair?" She pushed her on the chair to sit down again.
"Ouch" Blair moaned.
"Hey that's our best friend!"
"Stop that!"
"She had di---"
"Gaile don't" Blair stopped her friends "I'll handle this, Please" She ignored her and just stared "And don't cause a scandal here" Blair's weakly uttered.
"Lil sis, Haven't you heard that I wouldn't let you be happy? Poor you" Bitchy said Miles and pushed Blair over and over.
"You never win, The good always win over the bad" Blair looked sharply at her sister.
"Really?" Miles slapped Blair on both cheeks.
"Where is Sir Caleb?"
"Sir is still in the conference!"
"Just call then Sir Becker"
"With Sir Caleb too"
Blair's work mates did not feel sorry for her sister because she was holding scissors. Blair can't speak and is dizzy and her head is starting to hurt.
On the other hand, Adam is now going to Blair's work to bring her lunch. He thought of bringing it food, While he was driving he could not help but be nervous so he accelerated the driving even more.
"What's goin 'on here? And who the hell are you?" Shout of a burly man.
Caleb Zamora.
"What do you think you are doing ... M-miles?" He asked the woman in front of him in shocked.
"Caleb my childhood friend, How are you? I miss you" Bitch said Miles, Wearing her flirty smile.
"Well then I don't miss you" Caleb answered bluntly.
"Miss can you let go of Blair, You're hurting her" Becker begged angrily.
"And why would I do that? Are you her boyfriend? "Miles asked irritably.
"No but I am the one of the bosses here and get your filthy hands from her." Its authoritative command.
"The heck you care!" It built blair and then pulled it out again.
"A-ate s-stop it" Blair whispered weakly, Blair couldn't hold her wig well anymore and she felt like it would be torn off.
"No one can't stop me!" She was then slapped and kicked, Causing his wig to be removed permanently.
"Oh my gash! Why is blair wearing a wig?"
"Why is her hair so thin?"
"Is she sick?"
Some of the remarks were made by hier workmates.
"What are you doing to my girlfriend?" Adam who had just arrived was angry. You can see the anger in his eyes.
"Don't come any closer" Adam didn't say a word and nodded to Becker and Caleb. The two went behind Miles while the two friends of Blair were on either side. The two men held the woman and the two women, Gaile and Michelle helped her.
"Argh that's enough" Its flirtous shout and strained resistance. As Adam ran to Blair's place who was now unconscious.
"Guard please take her to the police station" Authority said Caleb.
Adam tries to wake Blair up, His workmates also come over and start crying.
"Adam let's take him to the hospital" Panicly said Becker and Michelle. Adam picked up Blair and presented that Caleb would be the driver.

Komentar Buku (914)

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    it's me and my jowa wahh


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    Jocel Caloquim

    nice story


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