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Untold Story Of Blair

Untold Story Of Blair

Kristel Ann Daz


"Stop ruining my life, Ate Miles"
"I won't stop, As long as you don't fall and stop calling me Ate, I never considered you a younger brother."
"I've fallen and I won't let you fall again, So stop your plans against me"
He didn't answer it and pulled blair away.
"Please, Stop" Blair's voice cracked and her tears started to flow.
"Give up, I won't stop you, remember that" His chest was starting to tighten and he was running out of breath.
"A-what do you want, A-ate?"
"I want you to die" smiled his sister.
"I'm about to disappear, a--"
Blair didn't finish saying what she was going to say when Adam arrived.
"What are you saying blair? You won't lose blair" he tries to remove mile's grip on blair's hair
"Don't get involved in our fight with blair, adam. Better back off" she promised angrily to the man.
"Sh-t, stop it mi--" adam didn't finish what he was going to say when he removed the wig that blair was wearing. They were both startled while blair seemed to have lost color with pallor.
"Blair, what is this?" adam asked blair nervously, The woman averted her eyes and walked away.
"Blair, what does this mean? Why are you waving? Say--" he was surprised when Blair vomited blood, he ran towards it, just as he approached the girl fainted.
"Sh-t" Adam cursed. He quickly picked it up and left the condo.
'What happened to you blair? Why did you wince? Did you vomit blood? And fainted? '
It asked in his mind.
He quickly took her to the hospital.
"I'm sorry sir but that's all you can do" whispered the nurse.
On the one hand, Miles was left speechless in Blair's condo.
'Why is she wearing a wig? And why is she barely hairy?'
He came back to reality when his cellphone rang. Call from his Mother.
"Y-yes mom?" utal nito saad.
"You sound nervous, sweetie. Why?"
"Nothing, mom"
"Okay, where are you?"
"I'm on my way home"
"Okay, Keep safe i love you"
"i love you too mom"
Then the call was turned off. He came out of Blair's condo and pulled over his car.
Adam Point of View
"Doc, how's her?" I asked the doctor who had just come out of the emergency room.
"May I know where he's checking up?"
"I don't know doc, This is her first time to collapse" is it the first time?
"Okay, my assistant will just deliver his Test results here. If you have a question about the test results, just straight ahead then right you will see my office"
"Thank you doc" I entered Blair's private room.
'what happened to you, blair? Are you hiding something?'
wag naman sana ...
"Sir? These are Ma'am Blair's test results" said the nurse.
"Thank you" I said, the nurse left while I was nervously opening the brown envelope containing blair's test results. I hope she's not in pain.
I hope he's just over fatigue.
I opened the brown envelope and read it carefully ...
Blair Lopez is diagnosed with ...
Brain Aneurysm ...
I let go of the paper I was holding and my tears flowed.
Why did you hide this, blair?
Why me? Your boyfriend?
That's why every Saturday you can't.
Sh-t! I don't want to lose blair.
I left her room and walked to the hospital chapel.
"Lord, save Blair, he is a kind man. He is helpful and has a good heart. Please help him recover from his illness. Don't take him from me first. I know he hasn't been good to me. he has his family but Lord he has been good here even though it has only brought him pain, Please save him Lord, I beg you "
crying I said. I can't loose my love, my blair. I still want to be with him for life.
Blair Lopez Point of View
I woke up to the white ceiling.
I forced myself to sit up while holding my head. I closed my eyes and remembered what had happened. Events I don't want to happen again.
Am I being attacked again?
Did adam bring me here?
Did he already know? I hope not..
"Sh*t! Why did you get up?" I was wide eyed and shocked to look at the man standing in front of me, I didn't even feel him enter the room, Am I that occupied? W-wait? Does he already knew anything?
"Blair just relax" He irritatedly said it to me.. Its forehead furrowed as if angry. What did I do? As far as I did nothing, Right?
"I'm okay Adam, I just want to go Home" And I averted my gaze from him, The edge of his gaze on me, Sh*t. I didn't do anything? Why is he looking at me like that? It's like he's going to eat me huhu.
"You can't go Home yet and you are not okay" I looked at him, His voice was so cold. I'm really okay huhu.
"Why?" I whispered. Pertaining to his cold treatment towards me.
"Why? Why am I like this?" I nodded and stopped talking.
"Who wouldn't be like this if his girlfriend kept it a secret from him?" I looked away from what he said. I am hit what he have said.
"I-I'm not hiding anything" I denied.
"Isn't that really blair?" He asked coldly, I just shook my head. He suddenly grabbed something and threw it in front of me. I was shocked by his action, He never did this to me. He never shouted at me. This is the first time he did.
"NO? THEN WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THE RESULT OF YOUR TEST" He shouted, My tears are starting to flow. He just shouted at me like this. Only now can I see him furious with me.
Adam Maniego Point of View
"NO? THEN WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THE RESULT OF YOUR TEST" I shouted at her, She didn't uttered a word and she started to cry.
"BLAIR ANSWER ME!" I shouted again. I can't control myself anymore, Sh*t because why does she have to keep a secret? Why? Who am I? What is me to her? I'm her f*cking boyfriend!!!
"Blair I am your boyfriend. How do you think I'll feel when you just disappear suddenly without me knowing your illness?" I tried to calmed myself but tears replaced my anger.
"I-I'll tell you! I'm just looking for the perfect time" Really? Time? There was no timing because I didn't know when I could lose her.
"Blair, Why do you need perfect time? What if when you find time you suddenly left me?" She didn't say a word "YOU ANSWER ME BLAIR" I yelled "I am hurting now Blair, You were able to keep it a secret from me! I told you, No matter what the problem is, Or whoever is preventing us will fight together right? Why is this? Why are you the only one fighting? For yourself?" I am now crying. I don't want her to die
"Blair do you love me?" She was surprised by my question "If you love me, I hope you don't keep it a secret, I hope you trust me."
"I love you so much Adam, You know that. I can fight you with anyone, I can do anything for you. Because I love you" She cried.
"So why did you keep it a secret? Blair you said 'Nothing should be a secret between the two of us' But why did you do it?" I said angrily.
"A-adam" She uttereed my name weakly.
"Sh*t blair, I don't want to lose you, I still want to be with you, We're just planning to spend the rest of our lives together then you are going to leave me? Without notice?" I punched the wall which surprised her.
"WHENEVER I LOOK FOR TIME, I FIND NOTHING." I looked at her "HOW CAN I DESTROY OUR MOMENT THAT I AM HAPPY WITH YOU AND YOU ARE HAPPY WITH ME? I'M THE KIND OF WISHING THAT OUR HAPPINESS WOULD NEVER END" I was speechless at her shout and looked away "Every time I'm planning to tell you I'm already being visited by foreboading, I'm already being attacking by fear. It mixed as is how I felt when I'm planning to!" She sobswhile trying to explain her side. I looked at her and saw that her eyes were already puffy. I tried to calm myself then approached her and sat on the side of her bed.
"Why are you afraid?" I asked calmly, She didn't answer "Blair, Why are you scared?" I asked again. She just shooked her head at me, I took her two hands and kissed it "Please tell me, Why are you scared? Why can't you tell me ... About your illness"
"C-cause maybe when you find out I'm sick ...." She didn't continue what she was going to say, She bent down and cried and cried louder.
"Look at me, What if I found out?" I raised her face and stared at her "Please" I begged.
"Maybe you might leave me..."

Komentar Buku (914)

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    it's me and my jowa wahh


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    Jocel Caloquim

    nice story


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