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Bab 4 Hunting trip!

Five years after the Asura clan war ended, humanity rebuilt a more robust defense system and invented advanced technologies to serve its people. High-rise buildings began to spring up like mushrooms, and primitive means of transport were significantly upgraded.
But along with development, social evils also increase. In the deserted alley, a group of people was gathered together, whispering about some problem; their faces were full of scars, some had lost an eye, and some were naked. The long scar on the chest. Their faces under the dim lights flickered off and on, making the people around them scared; no one dared to come here after it was completely dark.
These people were more than ten people holding cigarette butts in hand, rubbing them on a piece of rusted iron to extinguish it completely, and then throwing them away. They called themselves the Black Panther Assembly, from where they came to set up the area to claim the king; it had been three years since the war.
The village is located on the other side of the mountain; going through a long forest to come here is like being isolated from all of humanity. The purpose of their guild was to recruit tall, strong men to kill cannibals.
After the war, beast people increased more and more; not being oppressed by the Asura clan or Garuda; they expanded their territory, considered humans as food, and often came to the part of humans to hunt people. Beastmen live in groups, the strongest ones will be the leaders, but most are beastmen of the tiger family; taking advantage of their supple strength and innate hunting characteristics, tiger beastmen often hunt humans in the area: dense jungle places, forested villages, remote mountain houses.
Tonight, the full moon shining brightly, illuminating the whole forest, is an unfavorable time for tiger beastmen. The Black Panther begins its journey for the first hunting trip of the month, tall men with cigarettes in their mouths, solid forged weapons in their hands, some with homemade guns, others without. Nothing just wanted to duel with tiger beastmen; these men were wearing only rudimentary armor and pants made of cowhide.
Each of them was in a battle-ready position, but they couldn't move now; they were waiting for an order from the boss. After a while, a man walked out of the darkness; his face was much younger than those of the tall men; in the light of the moon, his complexion suddenly became brighter, and his face had a long slashed scar. One leg was limp from the left front to the right mouth corner, stepping out of the darkness like a leopard stalking its prey. Wearing two swords on the back, a few small knives on the belt.
Next to him was a woman accompanying him, with a face like a young woman in her twenties, with a brown bandage on her forehead, a sword at her belt, guessing it was a woman with a strong personality. As soon as she arrived, she drew her sword high, the light of the moon reflected off the shiny sword forming a long streak of light on its face.
“Guys, are you ready?” – She asked loudly.
The loud noise stirred the air, making the big, strong men even more fierce.
"Preparing to go, tonight must hunt all the tiger beastmen" – Her voice is getting louder, steely, clear.
The crowd that had stood in disarray was now arranged in rows, the first, middle, and last men holding lights to light the team, and she and the disabled person went first. While walking, laughing, and talking happily, wherever they went, people in the area welcomed them and wished them well.
At the edge of the forest, the group was quiet; the silence of the mountains and forests covered everything, the lights were also reduced in brightness, and the footsteps gradually slowed down. Fast as lightning, a black shadow passed, the last person has dragged away into the night, only a sudden scream, and then slowly disappeared.
The group was more alert, fighting spirit decreased, arrayed into a small circle before the person holding the lamp was pulled away; this time, the black shadow moved faster than before. Everyone was slowly falling into panic, except for her and the disabled leader, who remained calm; she calmly asked:
"You cripple, can you see anything?"
The young leader nodded, eyes surveying his surroundings. The black shadow rushed again, this time they aimed at him, a bright sword slashed through the night, blood sprayed everywhere, the head of the black shadow left its body and fell to the ground making a sound, everyone was curious. What a monster with such tremendous speed turned out to be a wolf beast-man with a human upper body, wolf legs with a face that has not been completely transformed; on his chest, there is still some colored hair left dark gray.
“Why are there wolves in this area? Isn't this the territory of tiger beastmen?"
“They are fast, but their bodies are weaker than tiger beastmen; maybe they have been hiding here for a long time, waiting for the day to compete with the tigers for territory. We made noise, more or less touching them. Fast! Go further in before dawn.” - As she answered, she stood up and took the flashlight of the man who was killed by the wolf, lying on the ground, turned on the switch, and adjusted the light to the right illuminating the front.
The group returned to a ready-to-battle stance, moving forward. Suddenly a roar came from nowhere; the cry was terrible; if you stood close enough, your hearing would already be unbearable.
“Damn it, startling this lady. It was the roar of a beast-man tiger. Surely they are not far from us; hurry up….” Before she could finish the sentence, the young leader raised his hand to stop her from rushing, motioned for everyone to wait here, and then used all his strength. They were run forward, disappearing into the night.
The roar was getting closer and closer, after running for a while, he stopped, in front of him was a big cave, from inside came a giant beast-man tiger, about 2m high, holding the head of a blood-blooded beastman wolf. Bleak, holding a black spear in the other hand, that black spear emitted strong killing intent, spreading all around.
This is the tiger king, the leading beastman tiger; unlike other beastman tigers, the tiger king has higher health and more substantial fighting power. He roared and charged at him with a black spear with blood-red eyes, long fangs, murderous intent.
With a flexible body, he quickly dodged the first move, but the tiger king was much faster in the second move. Unable to react in the next move, the young leader was knocked out, his back hit the cliff, and pain spread.
The tiger didn't give him a moment to prepare; he turned the spear and charged. Knowing that he couldn't dodge, he could only fight it with strength; both hands grabbed the black spear in time to stab at him, struggling back and forth.
The black spear suddenly radiated more killing intent, spreading to both of them, penetrating their minds, causing them to lose their reason gradually.
Since the young leader absorbed quite a bit of killing intent from the spear, his strength was gradually increased, gradually suppressing the angry tiger king. Pushing the spear back, it was stuck in the rock, and the two rushed to use their strength to fight each other.
This is probably the first time that a human being able to duel a beastman is also a beast king.
Using force to punch the tiger king in the face, the tiger king also did not fit; one foot kicked in the stomach, blood came out of the mouth, perhaps broken ribs or broken internal organs.
"The black aura from that spear penetrates my body and gives me more strength; I can only duel with the tiger king as soon as I absorb a little bit of it." - He thought to himself.
Rushing towards the spear embedded in the rock, he reached out his hand to touch the black spear; the black aura from the weapon spread all over his body.
The black gas made him gradually lose his humanity, wanting to kill more. Without a moment's hesitation, the young leader rushed to the tiger king; the battle leaned towards society, and the tiger king was exhausted. Seizing the opportunity, a lightning-fast slash pierced the monster's stomach, and he roared and died on the spot. When the beast was confirmed to be dead, he gradually calmed down, his strength was utterly lost, and he couldn't get standstill.
Blood spurted out unexpectedly, pulling the spear out of his stomach and splashing onto his body. At this time, the group had moved in time; they were shocked to see a young man beheading a large beast-man, in addition to admiration and a little fear in their hearts. I didn’t expect this young leader to have such tremendous power!
The sun had come out; the morning light gradually crept across the garden, and the darkness disappeared. The young leader carried a black spear on his shoulder and held a monster's head in his hand, signaling the group to return. The hunt is over!

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    Aquilino Aragon



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