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Bab 7 Address

"You look tired babe, you didn't get enough sleep?" I yawned and nodded weakly to Clea's question.
I've been having trouble sleeping these past days because of what Mikhail did. For other people, it might be some trivial matter but for me it isn't.
After that accident, my ties to Mikhail was cut off completely. And I always believe that he's dead. To me, he's not just my childhood friend, he's also savior.
I didn't really expect him to approached me first. Like, I always try my best every single time in the class to not look into his side, because of the reason that maybe if I push myself towards him, he'll just suffer.
So I planned to avoid him even though it hurts. I always put in mind his condition, that maybe if I get too close to him, he'll notice something and force himself to remember that will only worsen his condition. I don't want that to happen.
Everytime we cross path, I always avoid him first and force my self not to break down.
I've been keeping a wall to my heart the day I learned about Mikhail's condition.
So his actions that day made my the wall I build break in. I'm always soft to him. I've been longing to my childhood friend that I just wish he'll remember me sooner.
His actions made me just want to abandoned all the plans, but just thinking about Mikhail suffering, made everything a mess.
The reason why I don't have enough sleep these days is that I'm thinking. I need to pull my self together and stick to the plan. I don't plan on regretting my actions later.
"Just take a nap, fortunately the Professors are having a conference right now. So the classes are cancelled." I turned my head towards Clea who's sitting beside my desk.
"Really?" She nodded and pat my head.
"Yes, just sleep. You really look tired." I yawned and closed my eyes. A phone suddenly ring.
"Noah, is really handsome and hot you know?"
"I know right. Fortunately, he is the Dean's grandson. Not only his handsome, he is also a genius!"
"Noah Mikhail Harrison is his full name right, damn even his name is hot."
"I heard he has a lot of fan girls and they decided to make a club just for him!"
What the fuck did I just hear? That's cliche. Mikhail is really handsome like a god from Mount Olympus but I think making a club for him is too much lol.
Honestly speaking, Mikhail is really handsome. Maybe his handsomeness is like does im Hollywood. I'm not exaggerating though.
His gray eyes is really beautiful. His black hair hair that seems so dark like the night sky. His high nose bridge and a cherry like lips.
His tall physic and well toned body, who wouldn't fall for him? Plus he's also a genius and rich. The only thing he was lacking was I think the attitude?
He's really strict and doesn't care to anyone. My impress of him also is that he seems like the type to kill someone if something happens to his love ones.
"He's a perfect man! Every girl's ideal man really!" They giggled. I almost rolled my eyes while listening to them.
I wonder how they view someone who's perfect and ideal. If I were to define an ideal man, it would be a man who'll love you despite your flaws and imperfections.
Even if his physical appearance doesn't stand out, if he knows how to respect me, then he's the best. An ideal man will stay with you at your worst and will help you overcome your insecurities.
What's the use of having such a handsome husband if he doesn't know how to respect you? Don't marry a trash you know.
A woman should know her worth.
I think about Mikhail. If I think about it again, Mikhail does really have all but I know he's not perfect just like us. He's also lacking in some field.
Well, I also want him to be my husband you know. I blushed at that thought.
"Hello Leo?" I heard Clea said.
"Yes, alright. I'll go to you, wait for me." I opened my eyes and saw Clea getting her bag.
She turned her gaze at me and put her hand on my forehead.
"I'll just go to Leo to get something, I'll buy you some medicine and your favourite drink. Just rest." I'm to weak to answer so I just nodded. She smile and left me behind.
I turned my head to the other side and closed my eyes. Ah, it's peaceful.
I'm not afraid to sleep here since there's a cctv in the room. And a few students to. I opened my eyes again and looked around. We're four here. Three girls, including me and a boy.
They're on a circle. I think they are having a group study. I scanned their appearance. Oh, that's why they're familiar. Those three and geniuses.
I yawned again. They wouldn't do something to me right?, Yeah right. And I let my self be surrounded on darkness.
I shook that thought and force my self to rest. Everything went black as I felt my consciousness slowly drifting away.
I woke up when I feel like someone staring at me. What the, don't tell me those three leave me here alone? I'm kinda nervous now, what if this person who's staring at me is already dead?
No, no. I don't remember hearing any stories about ghost here in our building. And besides and it's just a year since this was builded.
If it is not a ghost, then a person? Why is this person staring at me?, Didn't he know what staring at a sleeping girl is a very rude act? What if someone sees, they'll just assume you're a maniac!
I became more nervous when I thought about all those crazy guys who wants to hit on me.
Oh no, please just be anyone but not them. Even though I'm scared if it's a ghost or not, I push my self to opened my eyes.
I blink multiple times. This ghost is so handsome. I rubbed my eyes to make sure I'm not hallucinating. His face is still the same. He's staring blankly at me. Wow, his face is really handsome.
"You're a handsome ghost." I said without thinking.
He raised his eyebrow. He is sitting beside me. So he is the one who stared at me just now?! I remove my head from the desk and sit properly.
What is Mikhail doing here? Did he watch me while I was sleeping? Damn, I turned my body around and simply wipe my mouth. Don't tell me I droll? I didn't right?!
I'm nervous because he saw me in that state. I looked to him awkwardly and asked.
"W-what are you doing here?" I asked. He turned his gaze towards the front.
"Why am I a ghost?" I froze. What the hell. Why would he answer my question with a question?
"Hey, answer me first." I said.
"Obviously, it's also my room. Am I not allowed here?" He turned his gaze at me. He put his face into his hand that was in the desk to support his face.
I almost droll because of the sight. Damn, why is he still here? I thought greek gods are on the Mount Olympus? Is he a god who came down from the mountains?
"You're drooling." My face heated up because of the embarrassment. Damn, Am I that I obvious? Well, I won't deny it. It's a fact that I fantasize him, lol.
I simply wipe the side of my mouth and was left dumbfounded when there was no drool. I glared at him, the other side of his lips raised up. Our eyes stared at each other.
Oh, we're having a staring competition. His intense gaze is burning me. His cold gray eyes is so beautiful. Damn, I avoided my gaze because my heart won't stay still. I think it will explode any minute from now.
"Ah, whatever." I rolled my eyes and pretended like I didn't lost at all. Wow, I'm shameless really
"Why are you sleeping here all alone?" He asked me coldly. I looked at his face, my heart pounded. I pinch my legs to make me go back to my senses.
"Well, there were students here before I sleep." I spoke to him casually.
I need to stay put, let's not be soft to him okay?
"Hmm." His cold reply made me think that he's angry. Probably not. His jaw move, I immediately turned my gaze to the other side. Damn! That was hot!
"Next time, don't sleep alone here." I nodded at his advice. I don't have any strength left ah, I want to sleep more. My phone vibrated. I looked at the message that was sent.
From: CousinClea
         Babe, returned home first because I remember I still have things to do. Go home now.
Ps. Your favourite drink are in the fridge.
I looked at the clock and it was already time to returned home. I picked up all my things and looked at Mikhail. He's looking at me.
"I-ill go now, thank you by the way. Let me repay the favour some other day." I smiled to him. His face is still intense, woah. Is he mad or something?
I looked at my surroundings. Why are the chairs completely in chaos? The desk too. Did something happen here?
I want to ask Mikhail about what happened here but I guess not. He will probably not answer me. I pouted slightly.
"I'll go now." I wave at him but before I could leave he grabbed me.
"Let me drive you home, it's not safe for a lady to home without someone." My jaw dropped. No, no.
I immediately shake my head and cross my arms to show him my disapproval. His face is still the same even though I rejected his offer.
I was about to say something when he grabbed me and take me away.
"I insist. Don't be stubborn." I became annoyed somehow. I'm only stubborn because I'm doing this for you!
If only not for your condition, I would have throw my self at you and not let you go. But since your condition is something I cannot take lightly, I'll just do things that is not on my vocabulary.
"Why are you suddenly doing this?" I asked him on the spot. He stopped and didn't say a word.
Everything went silent. The only thing you'll be able hear is the sound of our breathing. It's suffocating, the silence is suffocating me.
I looked at him in the eyes. His face is still the same. I looked at him with longing in my eyes. I don't want to make a move that I'll be regretting later.
"Please, tell me..." I plead. He still doesn't want to speak up.
"W-why? Is it that hard to tell me the reason? I-i don't want to assume, please..." Don't do this things, you are making it harder for me.
I want to tell him everything but I'm afraid. My plan is completely to avoid him, I already accept it. I'm ready to bare the pain of avoiding him, but why is he doing this?
He's making it harder for me. Please don't do things that will make both of us to suffer in the end.
His jaw clench when he saw my expression. His grip on my wrist tighten, but still it's gentle to not let me feel pain and leave bruises.
"It's just that, you're making me feel comfortable just looking in your eyes...." He avoided my gaze. My eyes watered.
Just how I wish to hear you say that again. I covered my mouth and let my self cry.
Just once, please let me just be with Mikhail. I miss him so much, so much that It hurts me.
We continued our way out of the building. He is still holding my hands. I feel warm.
He just let me cry and didn't ask for a reason, instead he just squeeze my hand from time to time to I guess comfort me?
"Are you okay now?" I nodded weakly. We're now outside the university. I don't know where are we going now.
"Let's eat." I looked at him shocked from what I just heard, he just turn his gaze and started walking.
We stop at a restaurant near the university. It's a simple restaurant with only few customers.
We headed in and find our selves a table. We found a table near the glass window and decided to sit there.
"What do you want to eat?" I pointed out the food I want to since I've been here with Clea and Leo before.
He nodded and headed in the front. I look at outside, it's already dusk. There are few students walking and talking with each other.
I get my phone and decided to text Clea to let her know I stopped at a restaurant.
From: CousinLea
     Alright, just get home early okay? And take a rest.
I put down my phone when Mikhail is back. I looked at him, confused.
"Ahm, where's yours?" He place the food in the table.
"I don't eat foods here." His gaze met mine. His gray eyes is telling me that he's not telling a lie. I gasped. Oh yeah, he doesn't like foods if it's made from his trusted family chief.
When he was a kid, he was once die because of food poisoning, that's why he doesn't eat foods from others easily.
I nodded and take out the spoon and started to eat. He's not looking at me but the outside so i feel comfortable while eating. I'm sure I won't be having an upset stomach after this.
"Hmm.." Yummy, their foods are delicious. I looked at Mikhail and almost choked when I realized he's been looking at me.
"Cough, ugh." I cough hard.
"Damn." I heard him cuss and handed me a glass of water. He massage my back gently.
I drink the water slowly and breath. Damn, that was close.
"Are you okay now?" I nodded at him. My face heated up because of embarrassment.
"Y-yeah, by the way. Aren't you hungry?" I asked him. He just shook his head and lean on the chair while his both arms are cross in his chest.
Damn, what a sight. I just notice his uniform suits him well. Ah, how I want to take my phone and get a picture with him.
"Oh, right, Khaela's birthday is next week right?" I asked him, trying to find a new topic to avoid being awkward.
"Yes. She wants to celebrate it in one of our islands." He shrugged. Wow, being rich sure is nice.
I haven't buy her gifts yet, I wonder what gift should I give her.
"Here." He handed me a glass of juice. My face distorted. Ah, I'm already full, my stomach will bloat if i drink that one.
I was about to decline his offer when my phone suddenly ring. Gosh, who dares to disturbed my date with Mikhail? Wow, I'm really assuming and thick face.
I picked up my phone and look who's the caller. Oh, it was just Clea.
"Babe?" I asked. I heard music from the background. It seems like she's not in the house. She didn't respond. My forehead knot.
"Hello? Babe?" I called her name again. She still didn't answer me. I'm starting to get worried, what if something happens to her?
I remember her texting me that she still have some things to do, but I didn't know what it was!
"Clea?! Are you in there?" Sweats starting to form around my forehead. Please, just let her be safe.
I looked at the clock, it's nearly 7:00 pm. It's not yet that late, but still.
Mikhail's face is serious while looking at me. He must have notice that my face wears a worried expression.
After how many seconds of silence, I can hear a silent sob. My heart heavies as I heard her silent sobs.
She must have tried her best to stay silent. Her sobbing is hurting me. I asked her with a gentle tone.
"Where are you know? I'll go go get you..." Something or someone must have hurt her. I have a bad feeling about this.
"B-babe, sob I-" Her cries is so heartbreaking that my eyes started to tear up.
"I'll go get you okay? Now, tell me the address.."
"Y-yes, sob." She's still sobbing but she managed to give me her address. She's on a bar. I don't know who invited her but I really have a bad feeling about this.
"Alright, just stay there okay? I'll go get you.." I hanged up the phone and look at Mikhail who's still looking at me.
I smiled at him weakly.
"Can I ask you a favor?" I told him about Clea and where she is right now and ask if He can go with me to fetch Clea since he have a car.
"Alright.." His voice is still cold but I can feel gentleness as he guide me towards his car.
I'm so busy thinking about Clea that I didn't notice we have already arrived.
I immediately go out from the car and look for Clea. I run towards the entrance of the bar she's nowhere to be found. She said she's outside. I looked around and found her sitting on a bench. I silently approached her.
"Clea.." My heart ache my cousin raised her head. She's not wearing a uniform. Her face is wet from all the tears. She's still tearing up.
Her round face is red because of crying. My heart heavies at that sight. I can't help but to hugged her tightly.
I'm not used to seeing her like this. She's always on smile and cheerful. This side of her where she felt so loss and helpless make my heart ache.
"Sob, sob, b-babe.." I slowly pat her back. I can feel my clothes getting wet from her tears but I don't mind. As long as she can cry to her heart's content and calm down.
"It's okay, babe. Just cry..." Her gripped on me tightened. I feel like it's difficult to breath so I pat her to release a little.
It's my first time to see her cry like this. I want to ask the reason why, but I'm afraid she'll get hurt if she think about the reason again and cry. So I'll just let her speak to me the reason without being ask.
She's still crying when I remembered about Mikhail. I almost cuss when I totally forgot about him.
I force my head to turn and I spot him meters away from us. He's busy talking to someone on his phone. I can't really see his expression clearly.
Clea's sobbing started to lessen. I get away from her and get the handkerchief i have on my bag. I wipe her tears and sweats that had been mixing on her face.
"Are you okay now?" She nodded her head. I gave her the handkerchief and she blows in their.
"Do you want to go now?" Silent enveloped around us. Her hands play with each other, it seems like she's thinking.
She suddenly look back into the bars intrance. I suddenly want to go in there.
"Do you want to go back and give a punch to the bastard who made you cry?" I show her fist and she chuckled a little. She shake her head.
"No, it's alright babe. Let's go now..." My expression changed. Her words seems like the opposite to what her expression is trying to say.
I wanted to ask her but stopped my self. You looked really sad right now Clea.
I hold her hand and started to head towards Mikhail who's looking at us now. Is he already done talking to someone?
Our gaze met. A sudden chill run down my back. I immediately weddraw my gaze. I don't have any plans on having a staring competition with him. It's obvious that he'll win.
I sighed. Right, I asked him a favor. What should I do to return his kindness? I was deep in my thoughts. I suddenly woke up from thinking when someone called my name.
"Hey, Arianna babe.." I looked at Clea who's pointing at Mikhail's car. My face suddenly heated a bit because of embarrassment.
She got in the backseat of the car first. I looked at Mikhail and he nodded. I was about to go in when he suddenly stopped me.
"Why?" I asked him. Did I do anything wrong?
"Sit beside me. I don't want to look like your family's driver." His face is snob while saying those words. His phone suddenly ring and picked it up.
He turned around keep a distance. I almost laughed when i saw the tip of his ear reddened. Gosh, he is still cute just like before.
I get in the car with a smile on my face. My smile faded when a teasing gaze met mine at the mirror.
"Ho, what did I just saw?" Clea's expression is so annoying that I wanted to hit her just once.
"It's nothing really." I said the truth. But she just raises her eyebrow and looked at me teasingly. My face started to heat up.
"Gosh, really. It's nothing." But she just shrugged it off and didn't believe me. I was about to ask her when the door of the driver's seat suddenly open.
"I'm sorry for making you wait.." He said while putting a seatbelt.
"It's okay, and right. Thank you Mr. Mikhail." Clea smiled at him and he just nodded. He started the engine.
I looked at Clea from the mirror
She's looking outside with a sad expression. I have a feeling that, that bastard Theo is the one responsible for this.
Like, who else would be? After all those years. Clea didn't get a boyfriend after she was dumped. She played with other guys but she limits her self and made a rule to not fall in love ever again.
Her first heartbreak made her bitter about love.
I leaned my head into the window and looked outside. I sighed. Ah, today is a long day.
A lot of things happened today. I got closed to Mikhail even just a little, the wall I build broke, and Clea crying because of some bastard.
"Ha.." I sighed again. How I want to lay down in a soft cushion and sleep to my heart's content.
I wonder when will I get a full month or more of rest. My gaze turned to the mirror when I felt a gaze on my. I almost dropped my jaw when I saw Mikhail looking at me then turned his gaze back to the front.
I suddenly sit straight and look at the front. I'm started to get nervous.
'What the hell?' I cussed silently on my head.
Why is he looking at me and not on thw road? Isn't that dangerous? Am I that pretty that he even went to turned his gaze away from the road just to take a look?
My face heated up and my heart started to beat like crazy as those questions lingered on my mind.
I looked in the mirror again but he's not looking at me anymore. His eyes is now focused on the road. His expression didn't change even though I cought him taking glance! Hmph!
I release a sigh of relief. Good, good
Focused your eyes on the road and nor to a goddess who's beside you. What if we got into an accident? That would be very bad.
You still haven't recovered from that accident yet you want another? My head heated up, how I want to smack his head.
My head was full of useless thought that I didn't even notice we've already arrived at our house.
I got out and guided Clea. I looked at Mikhail and smiled at him.
"Thank you, I'll be sure to pay you other times." I smiled at him warmly. Clea also said her thanks. He just nodded and get back to the car.
He really is a man with few words. I can't help but shook my head. Some people might think he's snob if he didn't say a word.
I watched his car as it go away. My body froze when a realization suddenly hit on me.
"What the fuck?" I cussed out loud. Clea looked at me with a confused eyes. My eyes widen as his car is slowly getting small from my vision.
'How the fuck did he know our address? I didn't tell him about that!"

Komentar Buku (254)

  • avatar
    Loidena Tumlos

    amazing one


  • avatar
    RobredilloMary Rose



  • avatar
    Cleto Q. Pia

    have a good story


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