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Bab 5 Creepy

"W-what the hell did you just said?" My face heated up. What the fuck? Did he mean that I'm fat?!
I feel like any seconds from now, I'll burst out because of anger. One thing I hate the most is when someone mock me because of my body.
I have a lot of insecurities, and one of it is my body. A lot of people envy my body, but they don't know I starve my self sometimes just to maintain this figure.
"What?" He stared at me blankly. My face heated more because of his response.
"Did you just mean I'm fat?!" I almost raise my voice. Damn, I need to calm down. He's my first love, I'll forgive him.
But that's not it! Even if he is my love, I can't forgive him really. I don't want to act like I have a soft spot for him you know?
He stared at me for a second and then sighed.
"It's not what you think." After saying that he just leave me. My mouth hanged opened. That, that man!
I suddenly remembered he likes to tease me back then.
"Boo!" I shouted as soon as Mikhail passed through the wall. He stared at me with a grinned plastered on his face.
"What? You're not surprised at all?" I pouted. I even hid my self well so that he will not find it out.
"Of course, I saw your body even if I'm meters away." He said. My face heated up as he grinned teasingly.
"Do you mean I'm fat?!" I yell at him. He just laughed and mess up my hair. I avoided his hand and glared at him. I'm really angry right now.
"It's not what you think, really." He laughed loudly and started to walk away. I became more irritated so I chased him.
"I will grill you alive Mikhail!" His laughter became loud as I chased him everywhere.
That happened didn't it? I calmed my self down and just convinced my self that he still have that side of him. Bullshit, I'm pissed.
I run to where Clea is and found her with a frowned on her face.
"Why are you taking forever?" She asked. I gave to her, her notebook and we headed to our next class.
"There's no forever you know." I laughed, she just shook her head as if she's already used to my corniness.
We sat down to our seats and our Professor started the lesson. After how many minutes, the boring discussion has finally come to it's end.
"You still have class after this?" Clea nodded weakly. She really looked like she doesn't want to attend her class now.
Lucky me I don't have any class in my schedule, horay. I looked at the poor Clea, an evil idea suddenly popped up in my mind.
"Why don't you cutting classes?" I smiled evilly. She turned her gaze at me and looked as if I'm some crazy person. Wow, I'm giving you some advice you know.
"Just go out! Don't make me do things like that." I laughed at her reaction. I wave my hand get out of the room.
I looked at my phone when it suddenly vibrates.
From: CousinLea
    Babe? You are free right now right? I'll tour you around.😊💕
Gah, look at that heart emoji. I'm getting goosebumps.
To: CousinLea
     Yes, sure. And buy me my favourite drink, pretty please. 😙
From: CousinLea
       Alright 💕
I put my phone back and started walking. I stopped when some students approaches me.
"Hi!" The brown haired guy smiled at me. I smiled a little.
"C-can we have your number?" The shortest guy among the three students asked. He blushes when I looked at him.
It's nothing new. I know some students will go ask my number so I'm prepared in case this situation happen again.
"Yeah, sure." I smiled sweetly. The three students blushed and look at away. Oh, they're cute. I think they're around my age? They look young to be my senior.
I gave them another number, the number I don't use. They can text me their whenever they want. Though I still check their messages sometimes when I'm bored.
"Thank you so much." The other one said. I just smiled.
"I'll go now, I still have errands to run as you can see." I looked at them as if I'm feeling bad because I'm busy.
Duh, I practice this expression many times so I'm confident.
Their expression became sad. They look like they still something to say so I immediately made my way out and bid goodbyes.
My phone vibrated again.
From: CousinLea
     Where are you now? Hurry up babe. I'm in building 3, the entrance. 😔😊
"Wew." I sighed. I continued my way through Leo's location when someone bumped me.
Fuck, why am I getting bumped a lot these days?
Instead of looking who was the culprit this time. I immediately bow my head a little.
"I'm really sorry, I wasn't looking at my way. I was in a hurry, I'm sorry." After I said that, i turned around and walk away.
But before I can go away someone grabbed me. Damn, are the new trends nowadays are grabbing and bumping someone?
"Hey! Why aren't you looking at your way?" I looked at the person who bumped me. Her red lips is really eye catching. She's wearing a very sexy dress.
She looks quite familiar. Her big glasses are almost covering her face. Almost all of her things are all expensive. Wow, a walking treasure.
"I'm really sorry madam, I'm on a hurry that I didn't see you." Bullshit, you're the one who bumped into me. But since I want things to end up quickly, I'll just take the blame for you.
I turned around and leave. I hope she'll stop now. I already apologizes. She looks like she's the type of woman I saw in movies. That woman who doesn't accept an apology even though she's at fault.
My planned to leave failed again. I looked at the woman who grabbed me again. I looked at her with an awkward look on my face.
"Do you need something?" I awkwardly asked. This situation feels so familiar. This is the same as the situation I saw on movies! I bet she's going to get mad at me really!
"No, in fact I should be the one to ask for forgiveness. I wasn't looking at my way dear." She looked at me and held my hands.
I'm shocked. Does the movies have this scene too? I don't know if she's being sincere or what since I can't see her face well.
"It's okay ma'am, I'll go now." I smiled again and tried my way to walked out when she stopped me again.
What the hell. What do you want now?! I want to tell her that but i need to calm down. Insert Taylor Swift's song.
"I want to make it up to you, will that be okay Dear?" Why is that sentence so familiar? Where did I hear that?
"N-no, it's really okay." I shake my head many times, telling her that I won't accept it even if she insist.
She feel silent and was thinking of something. Gah, this is really awkward. There are already some students on the hallway. I don't want to cause scene again.
"What i–" She was about to say something when someone called her.
"Ma'am you're here, the Dean is looking for you." I looked at the student who call this beautiful lady right beside me.
Her long brown hair is beautiful. She has freckles on her face that really suit her. She turned her gaze at me and eyes widen. What?
Wait, she looked familiar. Where did I just saw her? Where? Before I can even think, she avoided my gaze.
The lady then looked at me and said.
"I'm really sorry, I'll treat you next time." She smiled. I just smiled awkwardly. I let out a sigh when they finally left.
Ah, right. I'll go to Leo. I run until I saw him at the entrance of building three. He looks like he was waiting patiently for me in their.
"Why are you running?" He gave me his bottle of water. I immediately drink it and handed it over.
"Something happened and that causes me to waste my time. I thought I make you wait longer so I just run." He sighed and wiped the sweat on my forehead with his handkerchief.
I can hear murmurs from students but I just ignore it. Duh, we're cousin, COUSIN.
"Let's go?" He nodded and we made our self outside the building. He showed me all the wonderful places of the university.
It took us a lot of time though. It is really huge, the university. All the buildings are huge too.
We sat down at the bench near the entrance of the university. Finally, our tour is about to end.
"Here." I get the refreshment from Leo and drink it. Ah, that's refreshing.
We looked at the Students who are walking passed by. It looks like they don't have any classes anymore. They will probably go home now.
I also learn that some students are staying in the university. There are dorms exclusively for those who wants to stay here during the entire year.
But the tuition fee will go up though. I think that's because the dorms are really nice and everything was also free.
Except for those who take scholarship, they don't need to pay anything though. They even received money monthly from the university.
Ah, it must be really nice to be a genius but it mus be tiring too. Just thinking about the pressure they carry everyday is making me want to give up.
Most of the reasons according to Leo why students stay on dorm is because they can't handle their parents.
There are parents who pressure their children more than to support them. They think that by saying words like "Having high grades will make us happy. You can do that right?"
They think that it will make their children more pumped up and more motivated than ever, but the truth is they're just putting more pressure on the student.
Parents should normalize not demanding to much from their child. Instead of pressuring them to have high grades, why don't they just support them and accept their grades?
Though I'm the one to talk, when it comes to studying I became really lazy though.
I'm lucky that my parents aren't the type to pressure me about my grades, but they scold me sometimes though for being too lazy to study.
"Hi! Can I get your number?" A creepy man suddenly appear right in front of us. Gah, his creepy smile is sending shivers down my spine.
"W-what?" I nervously asked. One thing I'm most afraid of is a person who's very creepy. I unconsciously gripped Leo's uniform tightly.
The creepy man look at what I did and his smile disappeared. He's a student like us too. I'm glad he isn't my classmate.
"The number you gave me in the past doesn't seem to work. You're not replying at me." After saying that, he's express changed. He looks like his either half mad or sad.
What? I didn't remember giving him my other number. If I saw him in the past, I would have run because he is so creepy.
I looked at Leo and shake my head. I whispered silently.
"Leo, I'm scared of him.." I said, my voice is almost shaking. What if that creepy man is actually crazy? There's no scarier than a person who smiles so creepily, like he plan to do something horribly.
Leo clenched his jaw and looked at the guy fiercely.
"Why are you asking my girlfriend's number? Do you want to die?" Leo's dangerous voice is like a thunder.
"W-well." The creepy man stuttered. He feel into silent. He looks like he's planning something. He then smiled creepily at me.
My gripped tighten as Leo hugged and hide me from the the creepy man's sight.
"I'll give up for now. I'll talk to you next time." His smirk is so creepy that it sent shivers down my spine. His eyes looks like his plotting something bad.
He wave his hand leave the both of us. I rest my head into Leo's shoulder. I'm still scared. What if that creepy man suddenly appear again?
His creepy smile is so disturbing. His wrinkled face with a dark eye bags is making him look more like a creepy man. Plus his way of acting too.
"I don't want to run up to him.." I told Leo my honest feeling. He knows that I'm scared of someone who acts like creepy or crazy.
I'm scares of them because i don't know what they will do to me. People like them are very hard to read, so that's why you don't know what they will do to you.
"Don't worry, I'll take care of this." Leo patted my head. I feel at ease because of what he said. I let go of his hugged and get my favourite chocolate drink.
"I need my tranquilizer." Leo laughed at my silliness.
We both looked at the expensive car on that stop on our University's entrance.
A man in his forties came out together with a lady. My mouth hang a little when I recognize the lady and the man.
It was Mikhail's father and his Aunt! Why are they together? As far as I know, His Aunt is married to his father's brother.
Why are they together? No, don't think something stupid Arianna. But still, Mikhail's Aunt was once obsessed with his father though.
Now that Mikhail's mother is gone, I wonder what will happen next.

Komentar Buku (255)

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    Winjonnes Lopez



  • avatar
    Loidena Tumlos

    amazing one


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    RobredilloMary Rose



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