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The Forgotten Oath

The Forgotten Oath


Bab 1 Familiar

Time heals a broken heart
I almost roll my eyes as I read that sentence. What a joke.
That phrase alone makes me sick. It's been 10 years yet the pain and trauma of lossing someone is still here.
Time can't heal you, and that's a fact. No matter how many days, months or years have past, your broken heart will never be fix. And that's what I always believed.
I sighed as I closed the book I was reading. It's all about how time heals a broken heart. Lies. If it does heal, then why I am still suffering?
I placed the book back at the bookshelf and decided to explore more.
I'm on a bookshop. Tomorrow is our first day of school and I still haven't buy school supplies yet. I looked around and picked all the things that I needed and headed at the casher.
"Oh! I'm sorry. Are you alright?" I touched my aching forehead. What the, why is this person not looking on the way?!
The notebooks and pencils are now scattered on the ground. Instead of answering him, I started to pick up all the things that I have dropped.
The guy who bumped at me is also helping. Well, it's his fault in the first place. Why isn't he looking?
I looked at him as I finished picking up all my things. He gave the remaining one to me. My mouth hanged a little when I saw his face.
His brownish hair is neatly combed. He's wearing a gray hoody and a black pants. The worried and guilty look on his face is very evident. Although his clothes are plain, his physical appearance just stand out. His brown eyes makes him more innocent lol
"I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to–"
"It's okay, besides there's no casualties or something. No need to bother yourself." I smiled awkwardly.
'Next time, look in the way okay?'
I want to say that, but he might misunderstand me and think that I'm mad. Nevermind let's just get out of here.
"I'm really sorry, let me make it up to you." His eyes twinkled. What the, what are you? A baby?
"W-wait, it's really okay. No need to go that far. Besides I'm not hurt." He lowered his face. I looked at him. His taller than me. Maybe we're around the same age? He also purchased school supplies. I hope we're not school mates.
Just thinking about him being my school mate gives me a headache. I'm sure a lot of women will fall for that innocent face of him. Just thinking about his fangirls making a fanclub for him is giving me a head ache.
It's like I'm on a novel my gosh. I smiled slightly at him. He doesn't look like poor at all. I scanned his body. Wow, he sure is rich. The newest watch that I just saw on the magazine the other days are now wrapped around his wrist. No wonder he wants to make it up to me. It must have hurt his pride.
"J-just, let me just treat you. I can't sleep peacefully knowing that I hurt someone. Just please?" He gave me this pleading face. I was left dumfounded. His innocent face is about to cry.
I looked around and silently let a sigh of relief. I'm glad that there are less people around. Everyone will think that I hurt this pretty guy when they saw his face right now. I can't help but to massage my forehead. Demn, this guy is giving me headache.
"Let me think about it..." Looking back, my cousin already left me since she still have some errands to run to. I don't have anything to do either, maybe a meal won't hurt..
I looked at his face. He still have this 'please let me make up to you, please' face. I sighed
"Okay fine" His face suddenly brights up.
"Thank you so much."
"Yeah yeah, it's not a big deal." We started walking. I flinch slightly when he suddenly get the things I'm carrying.
"It must be heavy. Let me carry it for you. To the cashier right?" He smiled brightly. I almost cover my eyes because of the light that is coming from him. Gosh, the way he smile is something. It's so bright
"Thank you Ma'am, have a great day." The cashier smiled brightly. I just nodded at the cashier. I almost lost all my energies stored in my body. This guy is something else, really! If I didn't stop him, he must have pay all this things i bought.
"Let me pay it for you." Before he opened his wallet, I stopped him.
"No, it's fine. It's my things, so it is just normal for me to pay for it."
"I won't go with you."
"I already told you to no need to go that far. We're strangers to each other have you forgotten that?" He just shook his head defeatedly. Gosh, now it feels like I'm really scolding a kid.
What's with him? He acted like we're close. It's not even that long before we started having conversations. He's a total stranger. I just let him because his innocent face is too much to resist. Is this really a good decision? I looked at him. He caught me looking at him. He gave me his signature smile. The smile that can make your eyes blind.
"I haven't introduce myself right? My name's Andrew." He extended his hand. I look at it awkwardly. Honestly speaking, making a physical contact to stranger is a no, no. No matter how handsome he is, I still don't know if he's healthy or not. Like, health comes first.
"I'm Arianna. By the way, I can't make a contact with you. I'm really sorry." I gave him an apologetic look.
"It's alright. Let's go?" He laughed and lead the way. We looked around the place to eat. I looked at my bag when my phone suddenly ring.
"W-wait, let me just answer this." I look at who's the caller. It's just my cousin.
"Babe? Why?" My cousin and I used to call ourselves "Babe". It's to deceive those guys who are trying to hit at us sometimes.
"Babe! Were you still in the mall? I'm outside. "
"Yes, I'm still here. Why?"
"Let's go now, Leo's waiting in the car. Unfortunately, I forgot to tell you that we're having a family dinner tonight." I looked at Andrew. He avoided my gaze when I look at him. What the?
"Okay, okay. Just wait for me. I'm going now."
"Faster babe! Hahahahah." I just laughed a little. Her humor is really something.
I look at Andrew and gave him an apologytic look.
"Andrew, maybe next time? Someone is waiting at me outside. Unfortunately, I still have things to attend. I'm really sorry." I get my things from him. He just smiled slightly.
"Okay, next time?" He smiled. Wow, he smiled normally now. Just where is his smile that can blind someone go?
"Yes, I'll go now." I hurriedly left the building and go to my cousin.
"Hey babe! Here!" I looked at the car my cousin was into. She's leaning against it together with my other cousin Leo.
"Baby, I miss you." My cousin kiss my check as I hugged him very tight. It's been 5 months since I last saw my boy not so girl cousin.
Leo was actually a woman in the heart, but the way he dress is still a man. He also doesn't change his voice. It's his little secret though.
"It's good that you still have the plan to return here." I laughed. We get into the car and Leo started driving.
"Of course she wil babe, her honey is now living here." Clea, my cousin laughed. I also laughed loudly when my cousin Leo blushed.
"Gosh, shut up." We laughed loudly. It's really fun when we're complete.
"Mom! We are here!"
"Oh, my baby, come here!" My dog, Taeyang wiggled his tail and run at me. Gosh, my dog is really cute.
"Did you miss me huh?" I hugged my dog and kiss my auntie on the cheek.
"My mom's coming aunt?"
"Yes, were gonna have a dinner here." Clea's mom, Clara is my auntie. She's my mother's older sister.
"I'll just go to my room." My auntie just nodded and grabbed Leo with her. Leo's mom is aunt Clara's twin sister. Sometimes I doubt if Auntie already knew that Leo's a girl in heart.
I've been living here since last month. Our new school is near in Clea's house so that's why I decided to stay here. While our original house is far from here and from different area as well.
I place my things in my bed and lay down. It's a long day. A lot had happen. I suddenly think about the guy I bumped earlier. What was his name again? Andrie? Andrew?
I hope his not my school mate. I sighed. I look the picture at the my bedside table. I get up and stretch my arms to get it.
I gently touch the face of the person on the picture. It was me and my childhood friend.
I miss him, I really do...
I let go of the picture when my heart started to hurt. If this continues I'll past out again. I lay down again and think of him the man whom I treasure so much. I close my eyes as his familiar face appeared.
"I miss you so much."
Tears rolled down onto my eyes. How many years has it been? The pain is still here. After witnessing that horrible accident at a young age, I fell into trauma for how many years and almost I almost lost my mentality.
I want to see him again, but I doubt that's possible now. I don't even if he's alive or not. I closed my eyes as I fell into deep sleep.
"Good morning, babe! Today is our first day! Get up now." I groaned slightly. What time is it? I slowly get up and looked at my fully dressed cousin.
"What time is it?" I looked at the clock that was hanged on my wall and I almost roll my eyes. I get my blanket and lay down again.
"What the, babe! Get up!" I groaned. It's still 5 am in the morning. The class starts at 8 am, why is she in a hurry? I looked at her and said
"It's still early Clea, let me sleep more." I closed my eyes and try to sleep again. It's quite. Maybe she surrendered. I was finally convinced she got out but a very ticklish thing touch my foot. I screamed.
"Ah! What the hell." I immediately get up because of the ticklish sensation. Clea is standing proudly with a feather on her hand. She knows my weakness!
She tried to tickled me again but i got up and get away from her. She run to my place and I immediately throw to her the pillow I was holding.
"Don't come near me!" I yell. She just laughed evilly. The expression on her face was the same as the villainess in every movies that i have seen. She's dangerous. The way she smile at me while waving the feather in her hand is enough to send shivers down my spine. I need to get away.
"If you don't hurry up and get a bath, I'll tickle you until you can't take it anymore." I gulped. Maybe I should just really take a bath now, but I'm still sleepy.
After our family dinner, I didn't sleep right away. I was absorbed thinking about him last night that I didn't even notice that it was pass midnight. I lacked sleep, and now this girl is trying to wake me up this early in the morning. Gosh, I'm so lucky today. Insert the sarcasm please.
"Fine, fine, I'll take a bath now. So please get that thing away. And your expression too! You're scaring me." I act like a little scaredy cat to make my acting really plausible. She's not really scary, her expression is just so funny that I want to make fun of her the whole day. But I guess I am not in the mood for that right now.
"What the hell's wrong with my expression? Don't you know I'm the second prettiest here?" She looked like she can't believe what she had just heard.
"Yeah, yeah I forgot. I'll take a bath now. See you down stairs!" I immediately get into my bathroom before she starts nagging. She's really sensitive when it comes to her appearance. She's really pretty though, but after her long time crush rejected her because of the reason that he did not find her pretty really destroys her self confidence.
After that day, Clea hardly go out in her room. She's crying everyday. She must have been hurt really bad. Clea has been suffering about that asshole for years now. But I'm glad she's finally able to move on. That jerk is really handsome but he's a trash though.
I wear my school uniform as soon as I finish bathing. I look at my uniform closely. It's very elegant. The gold and white uniform really suits my taste. I look at black skirt. Isn't it too short?
Well whatever. I looked at the clock and it's almost 7. Damn, I need to hurry before Clea go berserk. I pick up my belongings and headed out.
"Arianna! You're so slow." As I was headed downstairs, I was greeted by the pouting face of Clea. Clea looked so good in here uniform.
"I'm not, you're just early." I pick up the toasted bread on the plate and eat it.
"Let's go, you don't want to be late on your first day of school right?" I laughed at her pouting face. She must have been excited. Well, I am too.
We get into the car and finally headed to our new school. The Harrison University. It's a prestigious school and the most popular university all over the country. A lot of geniuses are coming to the school. I'm not really a genius so I'm kinda nervous.
Famous scientist, lawyers, engineers graduated from Harrison University. The school facilities are really great, not just the school system. A lot of students became successful after graduating from Harrison University, that's why a lot of students wants to study in that university.
"We're here!" I came back to my senses when Clea announced that we're finally in the university. We got out from the car and I almost dropped my eyes because of the beautiful scenery.
It's my second time seeing it but I still can't help but feel amused. The large gate was painted in gold and white. The large buildings from the inside are peeking from the gate.
In the upper middle part of the gate, a golden calligraphy of Harrison University was placed. This school really is indeed amazing. How much was the tuition fee again? I should have ask my mom while we were eating last night.
We headed towards the gate. There were students around. Some are looking at us. There were students near the gate, they're wearing maron and gold uniform. I guess they are from a government.
As we walked by, we were greeted by some students. It's not really new to us. We have nice appearance that you can't ignore but not totally to the point that we we're look as goddesses. I think that's a little bit too much.
"Good morning! Have a nice day." As we walked passed by those students who wear maron and gold, they greeted us. I looked at their name tags. Oh, it's supreme student government.
"Likewise." Clea and I both smiled at the ssg's and continued our way in. As we walked into the main place, we were greeted by massive yet luxurious buildings. As I looked around, I can't help but be awed because of the scenery. No matter how you looked at it, it was just amazing. It's like you're in a fairytale.
There were sports facilities and many more. You won't be bored even if you stay here for the rest of your lives.
"Hello, mic test, mic test."
"Good morning students of Harrison University. Please proceed to the auditorium building for announcements, thank you." I looked at Clea who's busy looking around.
"Do you know where it is?" She looked at me unbelievably.
"Didn't we just got a tour last last day? Did you already forget it?" I smiled nervously.
"Y-yeah? No?" I avoided her gaze. She just sighed and let me followed her.
"Wow, look that. They're pretty and hot."
"I know right. Especially that one with long hair." I rolled my eyes. Clea's hair length is short, and mine is like until my waist.
Clea and I have have different hair color, she has very dark hair that she took from her father while i have a blonde one. She has a short straight hair while i have a curvy one. Sometimes people thought us, as twin because we really look a like sometimes. But I'm prettier than her. Wow, my confidence is really high. As high as the Mount Everest. I chuckled at my silly thoughts.
We headed inside the auditorium. It was really big and luxurious. A lot of students turned their heads into us. We're used to it, I don't really mind but sometimes it's just annoying.
"Did you already call Leo?" I asked Clea while we were busy looking for sets. Still students are looking on us and some are offering their sets.
"No, call her." Clea smile and shake her heads to the boys who offered their sets for us.
I dialed Leo's number, she immediately pick it up. I put it in my ear.
"Hey babe, where are you?" I intentionally call her that so they'll stop looking at us like we're some animals in the zoo. Some students looked disappointed after hearing what I said. I almost roll my eyes.
I looked around and saw a familiar face. When our eyes met, he smiled brightly and wave at me. I pretended not to know him and avoided my gaze. Damn, he's really my school mate.
His bright smile that can blind someone is still the same. But it's even more bright now. Is Andrie? Andrew? a son of the almighty sun?
"I was loss baby, I'm on my way now." I laughed
"Hurry babe, it's almost starting." She cursed and I laughed. I ended up the call so she can run.
I surveyed the surroundings and I stop when I saw a face that I didn't see for how many years. My heart starts to pound so fast that I almost lost my breath.

Komentar Buku (255)

  • avatar
    Winjonnes Lopez



  • avatar
    Loidena Tumlos

    amazing one


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    RobredilloMary Rose



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