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Chapter 6 ( In the bloody rain pack)

Ohio was very furious that he kept on smashing things.
"How could she had escaped? I thought she wanted to be with me. Why did she escape?" he kept asking himself.
" Did you say anything wrong to her? " Scout asked.
" Hell no ! the last time I met her, she didn't display any funny attitude that shows she wanted to escape" Ohio replied.
" Then something has to be wrong somewhere. Who knows! she might have been abducted".
" By who exactly and how can she be abducted and no guard took note of it", Ohio asked.
" That's true. What might have happened?".
" Probably she must have escaped"! Ohio shouted throwing the jar of wine before him on a guard. The guard dodges, but gets his right arm hurt.
Scout orders for a maid to come and get the smashed jar cleared immediately.
Christine walks in immediately , tensed and same time scared . She knew how hot tempered Ohio can be and being assigned the duty of cleaning the leaders charmbers for that whole week made her very uncomfortable.
Having heard the call from Scout to come and get the pieces of smashed jar cleared ,she walked into the Alpha's charmbers to get it all cleaned.
" Who is this ? " Ohio asked Scout , giving Christine a very awuful look.
" She the maid to serve your charmbers for the week", Scout replied.
Christine stood still looking at Ohio , she had no idea how to react .
" Why do you stand and watch me like a piece of a broken bone. Have you no work to do?".
" I am sorry your majesty", she managed to say and went ahead picking up the broken piece from the ground.
Ohio got up from his gigantic seat , walking from one end of the wall to the other.
" How could she have done this to me! she must have escaped and I must know what exactly prompted her escape" !
" Just calm down Ohio, I'm sure we would discover shortly what exactly most have happened".
A guard quickly runs into the chamber , he goes on one knee in a bid to prostrate before the leader .
" What news have you?" Scout asked.
" I discovered the Luna's maid happens to be missing too. They must have been together. Also I would this at the Luna's court", he hands over a piece of clothing and stripes of hair to Scout.
" These are the exact colour of the Luna's hair and this piece of cloth belongs to her maid", Scout said as he handed them over to Ohio.
" What does this mean? " Ohio asked.
" This means they must have been attacked,it all shows they must have struggled with the attackers and these items got loosed from them" ,Scout added.
Ohio becomes even more furious, he wonder who must have entered into the Luna's court to attack her.
" Gather all the guards ,who worked at the Luna's court last night. I also want everyone who might have visited her court recently," Ohio pronounced.
" Your majesty, I was told Logan the physician had gone to see the Luna shortly before the incident. But my source said he never saw the physician leave the courts", the guard added.
" Then get me the damn physician and all guards on duty! " Ohio yelled.
The guard leaves immediately and Ohio requests for more drink.
" What the are you still doing here? " he asked Christine who was still clearing the broken jar.
" Don't that quickly and leave this chamber at once!" Scout added .
Christine immediately picks up the remaining pieces and leave the room.
Scout advices Ohio to calm down ,he tells him that even they don't get to find Maria ,there are still lots of classy women to pick from. Ohio refuses and tells him that one of the reasons he got rid of Malvin was to make sure that he gets all the Malvin ever had,which includes Maria. He loved her and he was going to have her to himself alone.
Shortly Doctor Logan is brought into the chamber with his hands tied ,coupled with the three guards on duty that day. Ohio askes them where they had taken Maria to,but they all tell him that they had no idea what he was talking about.
He order that the guards be executed immediately and askes his chief guard to torture Logan.
" What were you doing in the Luna's court yesterday evening", Ohio asked
Logan tries to talk but remember the promise he had made to Maria not to let anyone know that she had a child for Malvin.
He surmmons some courage to explain himself to Ohio.
" The Luna wasn't feeling too well and she had summoned me to her chambers so I can administer some medicine to her. I had gone there to do so. I swear your majesty ,I have no idea what the problem is here" ,Logan said.
" So what did you discover was wrong with the Luna when you went to administer medicine to her", Scouts asked.
" I only discovered that the luna was going through some mental health torture, maybe as a result of the late Alpha. So I had to administer her with some medicine which would calm her nerves down and make her feel more relaxed. Also her maid informed me that she was passing through a very discomforting time and it affected her from sleeping well at night ,so I tried talking to her and explaining why she really needed a lot of rest in order to function better as the luna of this pack " , Logan said I fear.
"You are a liar! you are a bloody liar! how come no one saw you when you left the court ? where did you take the luna to ? Ohio shouted, as he heads for Logan's neck, almost strangulating Logan to death.
"Come on Ohio ,you need to stop it ! stop it!", scouts shouted trying to get his hands off Logan's neck . "This is not how to handle this situation you would only end up killing the physician before we get to find out the actual truth. Take it easy while we dig out what must have happened to Maria and Luciana ",scouts said.
"So you tell me Logan, how possible was it for you, because the guard which saw you entering into the Luna's court ,didn't see you when you left", scouts asked.
"I swear I do not know how your majesty. I actually left through the same way which I came into the Luna's court . Maybe, whoever saw me when I came in wasn't there when I left ",Logan said.
" I do not want to continue hearing this rubbish lies from this idiot. Please take this lunatic out of my Chambers and put him in prison. Make sure you torture him day and night, use the sharpest whips on his back until he tells the truth where he took Maria to. Now get him out of my sight! " Ohio shouted .
"Believe me your majesty I am innocent I do not know where the Luna is . I do not know where the lunar is!", Logan shouted as the guards dragged him out of the Chambers.

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