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In love with a werewolf

In love with a werewolf

Ndudim Oluebube Blessing

Chapter 1 ( The Alpha dies)

Jealousy has not only been a traite in mankind, but to all spiece that had ever existed.
The search for ultimate power and authority has caused so much damage .........
Far away into the deep woods were the birds sang their usual melodious rhythmes, the chirping of insects and branches creaking could be heard clearly. The scrabbling of lizards on the tree barks was a very expected and usual sound heared always.
Malvin and Ohio were having their early morning training which Malvin never failed accomplishing every single day. Malvin always did his training alone, he never wanted assistance from anyone ,he saw his training period as a time to be alone and think more on what actions he should take in promoting his pack and keeping their future well planned against external forces.
He was the leader of his pack, very attractive and charming to behold. The bloody rain pack happened to be one of the most respected colony ,no one dared entering or attacking.
They were known for their strength and power as much of their attractive appearance. Malvin the leader of the pack had just been crowned the leader , this was after the death of his father the old Alpha Brooklyn.
He had his Luna ,Maria , who he mated not too long ago, they had bonded for a very long time and he knew she was very much in love with him as well as himself, so after his father passed on, he had to mate with her .
This was his training period and he loved doing it alone. But that morning , Ohio had offered going with him . Malvin had no other choice than to let Ohio along, they had been very close friends since childhood . The both of them were training in the thick forest in their wolf's form , a bit far from the pack.
Malvin decided to catch his breath a little,
"I think we should rest a bit ",he said to Ohio.
" Alright that's fine Malvin ",Ohio replied .
They both moved to a little shaded place to avoid the sun which was already out and hot.
They sat under a big whistling pain tree and discussed. Ohio tells Malvin about the current situation of the pack and how well respected people take them to be.
Malvin tells him the reason their park is being respected is because his father the old Alpha,did a very good job in commanding respect, peace and tranquility in the pack, his legacy had paid the price of the respect they all enjoy. Malvin says he intends doing more than his father and making sure that the respect they get from people in other packs increases and doubles greatly.
Ohio askes him about the locket he had on his neck all the time.Malvin tells him that the locket happens to be his secret charm, it was meant to protect him from evil just like his forefathers. Their discussion lingers for a while then Ohio excuses himself, he tells Malvin that he wanted to attend to nature's call as well as get some water to drink.
Having left for a while Ohio returns with a water jar, he tells Malvin that he had gone down to the riverside to get him some water as he felt he might be tasty also. Malvin takes the water jar and drinks, Malvin tells Ohio that he wishes to have a little nap , Ohio advices on them going back to the pack immediately ,but Malvin says he felt weak and needed to rest before leaving.
While Malvin laid down to have a little nap Ohio looks at him in jealousy. He says to himself "how could Malvin ,who he knew wasn't as strong as himself , become the leader of the pack all because of his father their former Alpha was their leader .
He knew that since their childhood days he had always exercised so much strength than Malvin. Malvin wasn't the strong type but he had a very good sense of reasoning, he knew how to lead people ,he knew how to give instructions and make people follow suit. But when it came to the show of strength ,he wasn't the best in that area.
" I must be the leader of the pack",Ohio thought to himself, watching Malvin who was already snoring, in a wicked manner.
His father the late Beta had always wanted to be the Alpha someday ,but the late Alpha was a hard nut for him to crack ,he had ended up drinking from the same cup which he wanted to use in poisoning the late Alpha.
Ohio knew about his late father's plan and he was aware of how he ended up.
But he also had his father's gene and desired what wasn't his. Malvin's mate Maria ,has always been the woman he dreamt on having.
She was a beauty to behold and fair to look on.
Ohio had wanted her badly ,but he lacked the courage to tell her how he felt, he was still finding the words to approach her ,when he heard that Malvin had already mated her, although he was aware that the both of them had always been close to each other.
All these added to the anger that he had, which kept boiling in his heart . He had accumulated so much hate for his Alpha and wasn't thinking straight any longer other than to have his way on the Alpha. He knew that he might not have any other opportunity with the Alpha alone again, so he had to take this very moment which he had seriously.
He slowly got up from the ground were he was and tiptoed towards Malvin, he quickly bounced on his neck in a bit to strangle him. Malvin, quickly coming back to his conscious state, tries had to free himself from Ohio's grip on his neck, they both struggle hard ,Malvin trying to free himself and Ohio determined to kill him.
Malvin succeeds to getting Ohio's hands off his neck ,the both of them in their human form.
Ohio makes his way to attack him again, but Malvin dulges the blow.
Ohio picks up a bamboo stick on the ground and throws it at Malvin, Malvin looses his balance and falls to the ground hitting his head on a rock, Ohio had added some liquid into his water which made his muscles so weak. He eyes were already closing up on him and he felt cold.
He quickly goes unconscious and Ohio smiles.
Ohio immediately uses the bamboo stick in smashing his head multiple times as blood gushes out of his eyes ,nose and mouth. He grabs the locket from his neck and hides it in his bag. Ohio smiles in satisfaction as he noticed that Malvin's breath had seized.
"You can fucking die , for all I care",Ohio voiced out.
He quickly rushes back to where Malvin had dropped his clothes , gets them and returns back. He rubs Malvin's blood on his clothes and makes sure it looked very visible. He looks around and finds a sharps metal, he takes it and equally gives himself several cuts on his skin. Rubbing his own blood on his clothes to appear seriously hurt.
He pushes his body into the river close by ,takes his clothes and walks towards the direction of the pack. He staggers while walking ,like one who had been stabbed so many times on the leg. He has Malvin's blood ranted clothes on his hands. Deep down the joy he had and felt held no bounds.
He was next in line to rule , and Malvin had to successor. Finally he would rule and Maria was going to be his. Fulfilling the dreams and aspiration of his father the late Beta and also being able to take complete charge of everything in the pack made him happy.
He needed to figure out how to explain to the pack ,the attack he faced with their Alpha and how things went sore.

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