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chapter 7.

Hope was devastated hearing what Galalah Charles said to him.
‘ give me sometime to reason about your idea ’, Hope said to Galalah.
‘ you have to take my idea into concentration or else.... ’, Galalah was about finishing his statement when Hope intruded.
‘ my sister will die, I know you would kill her ’, Hope said to Galalah.
‘ am not here to kill you nor your sister ’, Galalah Charles said to Hope.
Hope became surprised to here that from Galalah, Hope was so shoked that he could not even alter a word.
‘ since I saw your sister human side, I have decided to give her another chance but under one condition ’, Galalah Charles said to Hope in a bold tone.
‘ and that is...’, Hope replied him.
‘ you should not let your sister die, not in your hands or in the hands of another person, protect her with your life even though she is still a demon ’, Galalah Charles said to Hope while Hope was staring at his sister as she was gently sleeping.
‘ I will, I promise you that I will ’, Hope replied him.
‘ you are not doing it for me but for your sister, have that in mind ’, Galalah Charles said to him while he turns his back view against him and was about walking away when he said to Hope.
‘ come with me, u don't think you would love to sleep outside here in the cold, even your sister body can not tolerate such bad weather ’, he stretches his hand to Hope and Hopes stares at him show appreciation.
Galalah Charles and Allen Hope both walked into a house in the woods, the house was two storey building tall and had height fences, as Hope entered the house he noticed that the house looks or have been abandoned for years, as he puts his sister down he walks up to Galalah Charles and said to him.
‘ what are we doing in this house, it looks scary and abandoned ’, Hope said to Galalah Charles in a scared tone.
Galalah Charles stares at him and burst into laughter before he replied him.
‘ that's because this building have been abandoned for years, the previous owners were killed by assassins, now the shadows own this building and gives it to people like us to stay while we carry out our missions ’, in a bold tone.
‘ how long have this house been here ’, Hope said to him.
‘ for as long as I can remember and that is for like thirty years ago even before I became a full elite demon hunter, but now I will have to retire and settle down but I can't do that till all the demons are killed and wiped out from Britain, that's a risk am willing to take ’ Galalah Charles said to Hope.
‘ and when will that be ’, Hope said to him.
‘ I don't know, and I can't say it can take like ten or more years as far as am concern about it ’, Galalah Charles said to him.
‘ so there is no hope for us ’, Hope said to Galalah Charles.
‘ there is always hope, I think you know that you name is hope, never give up always be ready for a challenge and fight even though it cause you your own life ’, Galalah Charles said to Hope.
He slowly walks away from him and locks the door behind him.
While Hope sits down close to Gwen and watch her sleep, he had thoughts running through his mind, whealther he should kill his sister or let her to be killed but he did not let his fear to corrupt his mind, still struggling to survive, Hope will do anything to protect his sister even though she wants to devour him.
The following morning, it was bright and sunny, Charles was keeping his hands busy with his sword while Hope was just waking up, as he rose up his head, he began to search for his sister.
‘ Gwen, Gwen, where are you ’, in a worried tone.
Charles saw him and began to follow him. Hope got to a room in the apartment that he could hear his sister voice coming from a room, he opens the door and saw a cage.
‘ who did this to you ’, he muttered out loud.
As he squats down and was about opening the cage, Gwen pleads with him.
‘ Hope, no, don't open the cage ’, in a weak tone.
‘ I can't let Charles do this to you, you have to be free ’.
Charles walks into the room and said to him.
‘ you should let your sister be ’, in a bold tone while staring at him.
‘ you bastard, you still have the guts to appear before me, lecturing me about life, shame be upon you, you tricked me and tried killing my sister, I don't know what to call you ’, Hope spoke out to Charles while Gwen mourns and cries out to Hope, pleading with him.
‘ I am doing you a favor by caging her here, if she walks out to the sun, she would die, you don't want your sister to die, right ’, Galalah Charles said to him.
‘ don't do it please, if you open that cage, I will die ’, Gwen said to Hope.
Hope moves away from her and said to Charles.
‘ am sorry, I was not thinking straight, please don't let my actions lead to my sister judgement, show her mercy if you don't want to show me the mercy ’, in a soft tone.
‘ it's alright, you were not aware of it, I would say, you are a generous human being, not all humans put their lives on the line even for the ones that they love ’, Charles said to Hope while Hope ran into him hugging him accompanied with tears dripping down from his cheeks as he cried out his cold emotions.

Komentar Buku (947)

  • avatar
    Kent Atazar

    This happened through this story,is he gives me a wonderful thing that I can do it from my self ,and I was realized when I was enough old ,that things I can do it for my self .ahmm this story he gives me an expectation that's all thank you


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    Bado Mecoyco

    ang gandan


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