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Chapter 4.

‘ I said I am hungry ’, Gwen yelled out loud at Hope.
The crowd became confused and their attention were drawn to Hope and his sister.
‘ calm down, I will get you more food and meat ’, Hope replied her in a scared tone.
When suddenly, she rose up and said to him.
‘ I think I will go for something else ’, she said to him.
He sighs expressing relief.
‘ that's more like it ’, Hope replied her.
She stares at the crowd in the restaurant and smirks at them while slowly licking her lips.
‘ I will eat all of you in this restaurant ’, she muttered in a loud tone.
‘ wait what ’, Hope said to her.
She walks up to a booth and uses her massive arm to tear through the table, as one of them saw her coming, he unsheathed his sword and ran into her, striking her several times, but her skin was as thick as a dragon scale, the sword broke into pieces.
‘ oh no ’, the man said while staring at her overshadowing shape in fear.
‘ crash ’, his body was sent through a glass, sending him parking through the ground, making a deep hole on the ground.
She bagan to destroy the restaurant while the customers ran to and fro scattered in fear.
It was obvious that some group of men where there, practically eating slowly while staring at Hope as he tries distracting Gwen.
One of them said.
‘ I think he knows how to control this beast, our boss will be pleased, we need to kill the boy and apprehend the beast ’, in a bold tone accompanied with a mischievous smile on his face.
‘ swish ’, one of them unsheathe his sword and the other was holding an arrow to a bow.
As Hope was in a stationary position, one of them gave the signal.
‘ now ’, in a commanding tone.
‘ vroom ’, the arrow went towards Hope direction in super speed, as he was slowly turning his back, he sights the arrow and becomes crippled in his fear, in slow motion Gwen appeared before him and a ‘ splashing sound occurred ’, breathing heavily was Gwen, her right palm saved Hope from death, her hands were shielding Hope from the attack.
‘ what the hell just happened ’ one of them said in shock while staring at her.
She slowly brought down her hand and drew out the arrow, as she rose up Hope noticed that her mortal injuries were closing up.
‘ no one messes with my brother not even me ’, Gwen said to them.
Her voice caused fear among them, as the slowly back away from her.
She slowly runs towards them and began to accelerate, ‘ swish ’, her long contracted claws went through their faces, skull and bones, blood splashing everywhere, she was like a wolf devouring it's prey, as she was done killing them she brought down her head to the floor and said to Hope.
‘ I told you I was starving, but you refused to feed me but you rather let me die ’, in a scary tone.
Hope moves back in fear, seeing what his sister have become, as she was slowly walking up to him you could imagine the thoughts he had running through his mind.
‘ Gwen, stop, what are you doing it's me Hope ’, he said to Gwen in a soft tone accompanied with a broken smile.
But Gwen kept moving closer to him with her contract claw, she jumped on top of Hope, trying to kill him but he struggles to fight her off by putting a stick on her mouth, she aggressively breaks it with her jaws and kept walking towards his direction, Hope realized that she was getting bigger and tall.
‘ I am hungry please, feed me ’, she said to Hope in a weak tone while she slowly turns her back view against him and passed out.
Hope ran up to her and covered her up, using a wooden object to aid her mouth making it difficult for her to break through it.
As he was done, he then realized that there was no one in the restaurant apart from him and his sister, others had run away and it was already getting dark.
Hope struggles with his sister across the snow, as he was struggling to move with her on his back, Gwen woke up and moved away from him.
Hope falls down to the ground.
‘ what do you think you are doing, I am here to save you, stop been stubborn and follow me ’, Hope yells at his sister.
But she seems to be a different person, attempting to kill her own brother.
She ran towards him using her massive hands to hit him, sending him flying through the ground, she then vanished away by the trees, jumping to and fro while hope struggles to regain himself.
' pow ', her fist was coming towards Hope but he dodges it and it went through a tree, scattering it in to pieces, she again strikes Hope with another fist but he jumps away from her attacks and her fist was suspended in midair, she stares at him and dashed into him with a spear, sending the both of them to the ground.
Hope wheezing and huffing in pain, while above him was Gwen, looking at him like she had seen a ghost with fear written all over her face.
Hope noticed she had fear in her eyes and as he was about touching her, a ‘ swish sound occurred ’, a sword went through Gwen's body, appearing at the front of Hope.
‘ no ’, he yells out in pain while holding Gwen's body, she slowly covers him with her body, shielding Hope from attacks.
Hope then realized that his sister was trying to protect him, and that she was trying to protect their younger brother when they were brutally slaughtered.

Komentar Buku (947)

  • avatar
    Kent Atazar

    This happened through this story,is he gives me a wonderful thing that I can do it from my self ,and I was realized when I was enough old ,that things I can do it for my self .ahmm this story he gives me an expectation that's all thank you


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    Bado Mecoyco

    ang gandan


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