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Bab 4 FOUR

Lee and I were sitting on the couch, watching a James Bond featured movie when my phone vibrated.
It was a video call from my boss, Skull.
Lee had a nervous expression on his face when I picked the call.
"Red, is Grim there with you?"
"Yeah" Lee responded by himself.
Skull pursed his lips, looking displeased.
"I need to talk to Red alone"
Lee's eyes widened.
I was alarmed too.
I mean, ever since I became top major assassin, alongside Lee, Skull would always send us on missions together.
"But-" Lee's start of an argument was interrupted.
"It is important that I speak to Red alone. I've decided to give you two, separate missions from now on. Now Lee, I suggest you leave that place" Skull said, his commanding voice, hard and cold.
Muttering under his breath, Lee left the sitting room. I heard him slam the door of his room, shut.
"I have a new mission for you. You are to assassinate a woman for me. I know you want the details. I trust that you will not have any difficulty because you have eliminated bigger challenges. You must not tell anyone about this mission, not even Lee. I chose you because you are simply the best. Her elder brother used to work for me, he quit the job and ran away. He was owing me a huge debt from the drugs that I'd supplied him"
"Why do you want me to kill his sister when he's the one at fault here?"
Skull stared at me, grimly. His glare menacing.
"The coward knew I was after him. He put a bullet right through his skull. Someone must pay for his debts, Red. You have two weeks to terminate her life as usual. Come to the HQ, Vanessa has the full details with her. Oh, and you should tell Grim to get his ass to my office right away"
The screen went black.
Well, that doesn't sound so hard.
The organization was located underground, positioned in a way no one could find it apart from it's workers. There was a statue of the organization's logo right at the centre of the massive hall. White and black marbles shone on the floor with the ceilings designed professionally. Young men and women sauntered back and forth, all dressed in the organization's trade mark uniform.....black skinny jeans, shiny black combat boots, black T-shirt and a black leather jacket with the organization's logo printed on it.
"I wonder what made him change his mind about the two of us going on missions together" Lee said, flipping the collar of his shiny silver leather jacket that had the organization's name printed on the back in cursive.
I shrugged.
"Maybe he has a reason for it" I said. "Maybe"
"I'll see you later" I said when I got to the door of Vanessa's office. Lee nodded and continued towards Skull's office.
I knocked on the door and opened it when I heard her say 'Come in'.
"Sit down" the athletical, golden-brown haired, lady said from behind her black desk.
"How are you, Red?" She said, a small smile appearing on her red lipstick coated lips. "You know why I am here" I said, ignoring her question. Vanessa Jones a.k.a the Phoenix was my exgirlfriend and she's been pestering my life. She's always hinting on the fact that she wanted to get back with me. She's a sassy bitch who keeps frustrating me.
"C'mon, Arch. A little response won't do you any harm"
"Vanessa, cut it out. Stop trying to flirt with me at every chance you get, it's annoying"
"Fine, fine. Whatever" she scowled, placing a brown file in front of me. "There, that's the details. Her name is Dahlia Malon"
I opened the file and took out the paper. My blood ran cold, my heart sinking when I recognized the photo of the girl smiling. The room had suddenly become very cold.
"Red? Are you alright? You look really pale" Vanessa said, her brows creased. I didn't say anything, I just stared. How? Why? She didn't do anything wrong?
Why would she die because of her brother's foolishness?
"It's nothing. I'll be on my way" I said, leaving the office. "Red, I need to-"
I ignored her and went straight to my office. I dropped down on the large red couch in my office.
The name suited her.
Now, I'm going to have to kill her. The question is will I be able to kill her? After the truce we'd made? Do I have to kill her? I haven't had a failed mission yet. Now that I've gotten to such a high rank, Skull wouldn't be pleased if I failed.
Failure wasn't an option.
I'll have to kill her one way or the other.
"No way, I do not fancy him" Tori said, blushing hard.
"You like him, Tori. He's not a bad looking guy, you know. Lee is perfect for you. I thought you liked bad guys" I said, smiling.
"Oh, shut it, Lia"
"O-kay" I said.
"So, what's up with Red? He hasn't shown up at school for the past three days"
"I don't know, to be honest. Besides, it's none of our business"
"There's an empty seat over there. Let's go" Tori said as we walked into the park.
"Holly Molly. Lia, they're here" Tori whispered.
"The world's hottest guys"
They were both heading in our direction, having a heated conversation. They didn't notice us even as they came closer.
Red bumped into me, steadying me immediately.
When he realized I was the one, he flinched, clenching his jaw.
Lee raised a brow, but turned to look at Tori.
"Nice dress, Vicky" Lee said, smirking at her. Tori blushed and looked away.
"Dahlia" Red said, gruffly.
My eyes went wide.
"How did you-"
"I have my ways" he shrugged stiffly. I frowned.
"It's not fair" I said, gazing into his eyes that looked more grey than hazel today. He blinked, but I kept gazing into his eyes. There were a lot of emotions in them.
Pain, grief, guilt, anger.
Something was terribly wrong.
I could tell.
He grabbed my hand, moving me away from Tori and Lee.
"The next time you see me, I want you to do something for me" he whispered, his breath tickling the skin below my ear.
"What?" I asked, his cologne flooding my senses, pleasantly.
"Run" he breathed.
I frowned, confused.
"Run and don't look back" he said and walked away.
I stared at his retreating figure, my heart pounding hard.
The way he'd said it was scary.
Why did he say that?
What's going on?
Why do I have to run away from him?

Komentar Buku (463)

  • avatar

    The best


  • avatar
    Geraldine Sandoval

    nice story and ILove it


  • avatar
    NesnihanAnnanesnihan Lawan

    kung tagalog sana maganda drama


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