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"Tori, wake up" I said, tapping her arm. She sighed and opened her eyes, glaring at me hotly.
"If the reason why you woke me isn't important, I'm going to kill you" she threatened.
"I want to show you something" I said and she raised a brow.
"Seriously?At this time of the night? Can't it wait?"
"I'm afraid it can't wait. Sit up" I said to her and she groaned, clearly annoyed.
"Please don't argue, just do it" I said and she heaved another sigh before sitting up on the bed.
She let out a frightened shriek when she saw the figure lying on the floor, bleeding buckets.
"Oh my God. Did you kill him?"
"See for yourself" I said and she moved away from the bed, to get a better view.
"Woah, is that who I think it is?" She breathed.
"Red" I breathed.
She paled, kneeling close to my position beside him.
"What happened to him?"
"I don't know" I said, taking off his sweatshirt.
"Wow, look at that body" Tori whistled, her eyes roving over his muscled abs and pecs.
I rolled my eyes, using a damp towel to wipe off the bloody mess. I could see the cut clearly at this point, since I'd reduced the bleeding and wiped off most of the blood." It looks like someone used a knife on him" I said. "Yeah, he might have gotten into a fight" Tori said, opening the first aid kit.
"Is he still alive? He looks dead" she said, leaning down to listen to his heart beat with her palm pressed to his chest. If I hadn't none better, I would have fallen for her act. She just wanted an excuse to touch him.
I watched as his chest rose and fell as laboured breaths escaped his nostrils.
I cleaned the cut as best as I could, using alcohol. He let out a groan, sweat sliding down his temples. "Tori?" I said, swallowing hard.
"I-I think he's going to need stitches" I said.
"Well, do it then"
"I can't.... My hand's shaking so much" I said.
"Concentrate, Dahlia. Concentrate. You know I hate needles"
I took a deep breath, my heart thudding madly.
I began to stitch the cut as carefully as I could. He opened his eyes groggily while I was half way through the stitches.
"Lia, he's awake. Shit, he's awake. I think he's in a lot of pain. "
Red groaned, his hand suddenly grabbing my forearm.
He didn't need to tell me that it hurt really bad, it was obvious.
"S-stop" he breathed.
"I know it hurts...but I'm almost done, I promise" I whispered.
He groaned for the hundredth time. "Just let me help. You'll be okay" I said, my eyes pleading with him to let me help. He slowly released me, screwing his eyes shut.
I managed to finish with the stitches before applying gauze tape. He was out cold by the time I was done.
"We need to move him to the bed" Tori said and I agreed with her. "He's going to be a wreck by tomorrow" Tori said, shaking her head, sympathetically as I pressed an ice pack to the bruise on his left cheekbone.
"Wait, why exactly am I doing this?" I said and Tori shrugged.
"You're secretly in love with him?"
I glared at her and she grinned.
"What? I'm just saying"
I opened my eyes, confused when I realized that I'd not awoken to the sound of Lee screaming out song lyrics while he making breakfast. But that's when the pain hit me. I almost blacked out once again from the terrible pain that washed over my body. What the hell did I do last night? I struggled to remember where I'd gone to. I remember taking a long walk and had been jumped from behind by a few people that I couldn't recognize. I would've died last night. It was clear last night that they'd wanted me dead. They'd used clubs and knives. Somehow, due to my skills as an assassin, I'd escaped with a concussion, lots of bruises, and a close to fatal knife slash.
Where am I? I thought when I heard a shower running. Someone was cooking, someone else was having a shower. I tried to sit up and I nearly screamed. I examined the room slowly. It wasn't a typical girls room, but there was something a bit feminine about it. It was at this point that I remembered meeting the girl I'd teased yesterday. Wait, a minute.
She had taken me in and had tended to my injuries despite how frustrating I was.
How did she do that?
As if on cue, the girl in question sauntered into the room, her hair damp. "You're awake" she said, opening a first aid kit.
"On a scale of one to ten, how bad is the pain?" She asked.
I ignored her question as I continued to stare at her.
How she suddenly looked so breathtaking was unknown to me. "How did you do that?" I asked, stupidly.
"Do what?"
"I mean, why did you help me?" I said. Her gaze softened.
"You asked me not to take you to the hospital"
"But, why did you help me? That's not reason enough"
"Fine" she sighed, brushing her hair away from her face.
"I've been thinking about what you said yesterday. You said you trusted me and I'm pretty sure you trusted me enough not to take you to the hospital, so..... I just couldn't leave you there while you were that injured"
I stared at her, awed.
She helped me.
It's a big deal to me.
I'm not used to getting help from anyone other than Lee.
"So, um.... I've got morphine and Advil here. Which of them do you want.... For the pain" she said. "I'll take the Advil, thanks" I said and she nodded, handing it to me. "Um, do you have any one I can call to take you home?" She asked.
I smirked when her cheeks turned pink.
"Are you talking about Grim?" I asked and her face went red.
"Stop being such a jerk"
"Is Grim his name?" She asked.
I raised a brow.
"You don't have to tell me" she shrugged.
I laughed, grimacing at the pain on my side.
"Of course, every girl thinks that line does wonders. 'you don't have to tell me' I said, mimicking a high pitched voice.
"And of course, you'll expect me to feel guilty and tell you. Unfortunately, it's not working"
She blushed furiously.
"You don't have to say that. If I want to tell you, I will. His name is Lee" I said and her eyes widened.
"Red isn't your name either"
"Yep, but I'm not telling you my name. By the way, I love how you call me Red" I said and her cheeks flamed pink once again.
"So, let's call a truce then" she said. "Okay, but I want to know your name" I said.
"I'm not telling you, it's only fair and square that we both don't know each other's name" she smirked and I grinned.
"I'll find out soon, anyway. But, for the main time, I'll call you Pink" I said.
"What? Why?"
"Your cheeks" I said in a sing sing voice.
Thereafter, I called Lee to pick me up. Tori, Pink's roomie went bright red at the sight of him. If she was previously drooling at the sight of me, this was much worse. The poor girl nearly fainted when he winked at her.
"She fancies him, do you reckon?" Pink whispered to me before I left.
"What's that girl's name?" Lee asked.
"The one who fancies you?"
"No, the one who helped you. She's nice. I think she's good for you"
I shook my head.
"It's too dangerous, you know it too" I sighed.
"Well, anyway what's her name?"
"Pink" I said, grinning.
"Woah, man alas! You've found your one true soulmate!"

Komentar Buku (463)

  • avatar

    The best


  • avatar
    Geraldine Sandoval

    nice story and ILove it


  • avatar
    NesnihanAnnanesnihan Lawan

    kung tagalog sana maganda drama


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