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"So, what is it? I know you're an expert in flirting, but don't you think it's too fast? You only met him yesterday, like hello? You should be on getting to know each other first before it will level up."
Keziah doesn't stop asking me questions, but I still don't answer those. I just remained silent as I walked until we could get inside the classroom, she still followed me and didn’t stop.
"So? What should I do? I'll pretend that I'm hard to get? Oh come on, Kez, I can't find it in my vocabulary. Besides, I'm just being an advanced thinker. That's where we're going too." I reluctantly put my bag on the chair.
She also sat down next to me. "Oh, that's what you're not sure about. What if he's already committed to someone?"
I turned to her and shot her an evil look.
"Kez!" She pissed me off. I was nervous because what she said might come true. "Take it back, hey!"
She just laughed at me.
Isn't she going to take back what she said?
"I hope Sir Taxation has a girlfriend, and I hope he gets married next year," I said loudly enough for her to hear.
She slapped my left shoulder and said, "Shut up, Bri!" "You know it's not a funny joke, but listen, I have a strong sense you can easily get Caleb with your flirting talents."
When I bring up his crush, our Taxation professor, she immediately falls silent. She is simply terrified that Sir Rafanan will have a girlfriend because she will lose faith that they will one day, be a couple. When our professor is lecturing in front of us, she is also daydreaming. She has a huge crush with our professor.
I told Keziah that Caleb was only my temporary driver because Uncle Dante, his Dad, is in recovery due to a mild stroke. Like me, she was also surprised because of the smallness of our world. Imagine, the person I just wanted to meet yesterday, he himself approached me. I didn't even sweat to know his name.
I made no effort to get to know him.
Time passed and the whole time, we just did recitation and activities. I don't think the day will pass without a recitation of one of our law subjects. I just need to memorize all the articles that are there so that I will not be embarrassed when I am called to recite.
I never thought that the Accountancy course would be this difficult.
They used to say, it's just basic math. Just add, subtract, multiply and divide.
But why now?
Even if the peso is missing from the balance, I still have to find it.
"Why can't I still get the right answer?" I'm almost tired of solving because I've been looking for where I missed the amount.
My debit side is 550,623 while my credit side is 550, 588.
"Bri, where's the 35 pesos?" Kez asked. She even came here to my seat just to check on me if I already balanced the problem given to us.
"I'm tired! I don't want to find the missing amount anymore." There was a hint of frustration in my voice.
I've tried a few times but I still can't balance it. I feel like my calculator is the problem. Can I change it?
I have given up!
Our professor just left us for a while and after a while, it was over, but until now, I still can't balance.
I'm stressed. I pulled out my wallet and took 50 pesos from it. My classmates looked at me, waiting for what I would do next.
I gulped. I put my 50 pesos bill on the paper I was answering. "There! That's where our professor can pick up the missing 35 pesos."
It will make me even harder if I continue solving.
There is still a change from my money. I'll just make funds when I'm lacking in balancing for the next activity.
"You’re so brainy, Bri!" one of my classmates shouted.
Almost all of them laughed at what I did and this was also the reason for the noise inside our room.
"Fail grade is waving," Keziah whispered.
"Oh come on! It's just a joke! I'm going to compute again."
The whole class ended as I survived with balancing and bloody recitation.
At the end of the class, Keziah and I would go straight to the cafeteria to eat. Who wouldn't be hungry for the hardships of our major subjects and the amount of work that needs to be done.
Kez and I were about to leave the cafeteria when my cell phone vibrated. I noticed it was vibrating earlier so I took it from the bag.
When I turned it on, the call came from an unknown number.
4 missed calls.
My forehead furrowed.
Who the hell is this?
I don't give my number except to the people at home and my close friends. All of them, saved in my contacts and this one is the only one not.
I was about to message that unknown number when I suddenly received a text message from here again.
"Where are you?"
I raised my eyebrow.
I don’t want to reply when I don’t know who that person is. So, I ignored that message.
Maybe that person was just sent the wrong number.
I'll just put it back in my bag when it vibrates again.
"Let's go home."
Is this person crazy?
While walking, I typed a reply.
"What are you saying?"
"Who the hell is this?
Could it be that someone got my number and it was one of my fling mates?
"Kez, did you give my number to someone without asking for my permission?" I asked.
She turned to me wondering. "I know I can make money by giving your number especially to those who like you but I'm not that kind of friend, gosh!"
The answer is yes or no. She's saying too much.
I passed Keziah to the side to take a look at the reply of the unknown number. Some students are leaving because they have been dismissed and the hallway is crowded again.
When I opened the message, I almost jumped for joy. I automatically smile when I read his name.
"Who is it?" Keziah asked.
I didn't answer him right away because I was staring at my cell phone for a few more minutes. She couldn't stand it anymore so she looked at the cellphone I was holding.
"C-Caleb?" She read it. Her eyes widened when she realized who that person was. "Oh my gosh! This is your crush, isn't it?"
I nodded.
"So, it looks like you won't be able to join Reign and me at the bar?"
We plan to hang out today at Rocca, which is close to our University. The computer shop is on the first floor of that building and the second floor is a bar. Students from various universities hang out there, so if we want to have fun, we go there. There's many handsome men that can be fished in that area.
"It's just you and Reign, I guess? My crush will drive me home, you know."
She poked me in the side. "Beach!" She laughed.
When Keziah left, I immediately called Caleb. It rang three times before being answered.
"What?" he said, looking irritated.
I can imagine his forehead is furrowed now.
"Hey! Can't you say hello first?"
I heard his deep sigh on the other line. "I'm fvcking waiting here for almost 2 hours!"
There was a hint of annoyance in his voice so I started walking.
Daddy told him what time my dismissal was and we had been hanging out in the cafeteria for a while. He disappeared from my mind. I got used to Uncle Dante waiting for me until I wanted to go home.
Caleb is my driver now. I need to adjust, I think?
That man is still naughty, so I'm sure he'll scold me more because of the length of time he's been waiting for me.
"Where are you?" I asked.
"Greenhome 2," he sparingly replied.
I made my way to the green home. I walked the quadrangle because I could get there faster compared to the hallway in the forest.
"Okay, baby. I'm coming."
I never heard it speak on the other line. Maybe it killed me. I no longer hesitated to look at my cellphone further. I just held it while walking.
"He's handsome, but his patience is short!" I said angrily.
I don't care if I speak while walking. My voice is weak and those students near me can't hear me. "I like him, but I won't tolerate that attitude from him. He needs to act nice with me because I'm his future wife, duh!"
There's so many men who like and confess their feelings to me but he is the only one who hit me like this. He's really lucky after all! Then he won't crush back on me?
I was close to the green home and I could see Caleb sitting on the side of the wall when someone blocked my path. He has three more companions and they look like his friends.
"Hi, Bri!" He greeted me.
I looked at his face.
He was wearing a nursing uniform.
I turned my gaze to his face. I wonder if I knew him. He was familiar, but I can't remember how we met.
"Excuse me? Do I know you?"
He did not escape the teasing from his friend. "Ouch, Fafa Louie! She don't know you, she said."
The chinito man ignored the teasing of his friends. He just stared at me which in return, gave me disgust.
"You already forgot me, huh?" He chuckled. "We met in Rocca last month and after 3 days of talking, you ghosted me."
Oh! I ghosted him.
"S-Sorry?" only I can say. I heaved a sigh.
"I don't want to waste this chance to invite you on a coffee date before you will go home. Don't worry, I will drive you home."
I already ghosted him already, right! It means that I don't want to be with him anymore. So, why is he still inviting me?
Is he that numb?
I don’t know how I can get through this.
"Ah, you're inviting me to a coffee date?" I looked around and prayed that Keziah and Reign were still here. They always save me when there is a situation like this, but not even a shadow of them, I can not see.
My eyes went to green home 2. I saw Caleb standing there near us. He knew I was here because he was looking in our direction. Maybe he’s just waiting for me to end the conversation with these boys in front of me.
I have an idea! I have a reason that I can use as an excuse, but I didn’t know if it would work because I would need Caleb’s help.
Caleb is too dainteous.
"Bri?" The chinito guy trying to get my attention. He waited for what I would say as well as those with him.
"I already have a boyfriend." I looked at him directly.
Gosh! What are you saying, Brittany?
This is the only way I know for this one to stop dealing with me.
"Oh no, it hurts!" one of his friends uttered. “Dude, you don’t have any chance.”
I could hear the man's irritated laugh. "You have a boyfriend?" "Really?" "I did some research on you, Bri, and you're not the type of lady to put a label on a relationship."
I locked my gaze on it.
Did he truly like me that much, and did he even investigate it?
Caleb was walking towards us when my eyes caught sight of him. "My boyfriend is already here. Wait, I will introduce you to him."
They all turn around and look behind them.
Caleb's face was expressionless as he stopped in front of me.
I took Caleb's hand in mine and we folded our hands together. To get away from this boy, I need to act like he's my boyfriend!
I'm nervous about what I'm going to do. Caleb may not be able to ride it, and I may be embarrassed!
When I folded our hands, I secretly squeezed his palm to give him a sign that he didn't refuse and just rode.
"Meet Caleb, my boyfriend." I smiled.
I feel like I’m about to sweat because of the nervousness.
The person next to me did not speak. Caleb just hovered over the four men in front of us before he looked at me.
Our eyes met.
Her eyes were still devoid of emotion. I can’t read how he reacted after I said he was my boyfriend.
He took my sling bag and put it on his other arm.
"Let's go, baby."
He startled me away in front of the four men.

Komentar Buku (243)

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    Capiz Nezel

    I like this story very much


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