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Bab 7 Healing the Hunter Witch

*Vienna's P.O.V.*
I rushed to his curled up figure in my living room. “What happened?” I asked as I saw his state. Blood, a lot of it. I immediately rush to my spare room, telling him to hold on as I got two potions, they’re kind of like first aid pitions. I rush back to him and see him trying to lean on the wall.
“Hey easy there Gibson.” I help him and applied the potions to his wounds, I pull his hand out of his side and saw a deep cut there. “Man, are you stabbed? You’re loosing a lot of blood “ I remove my shirt, not caring that he’s a man whatsoever. I pour a good amount of both of the potions on it and press it on his side, “hold it, what are these?” I ask as I inspect his other wounds which are turning purple, poison!
“Spider bite.” He manage to say.
“Oh god, I don’t have any antidote here, but you bought one earlier in the shop right? Where is it?” I ask as I applied more of the potions on the bite, it should fight with poison and slow its spread.
“In my office, drawer under my desk.”
“In the police station?” he nodded. I grab a jacket and rush out of the apartment, the police station’s not that far, I wish I’m as fast as a vampire, but I still have supernatural speed.
One problem, I don’t know where his office is. Oh well, nevermind. I slow down infront of the station, look the guard in the eye and ask for his office.
“2nd floor, third room to the left.” I immediately rush there, not caring about the other officers stopping me, the spread of the poison is fast, I gotta get back there. I found his desk and figured out his full name is Brooklyn Wyatt Gibson, nice name. Police Detective, is the inscription under it.
I use my powers to open his drawer and saw 3 potion bottles there, I collect them all, put them in my jacket pocket, I was about to rush out when,
“Hey you, hands up.” Oh come on! I did as I was told, the policeman approach me and I snap my fingers sending him flying across the room.
“Sorry.” I mumble as I climb out of the open window, jump to the ground, probably hitting my knee but nah, I ran back to my apartment.
“I got three, which one?” I ask as I plop down beside him still panting from the run.
“Green one. Ahh, you need a syringe.”
“I think I have one.” I raise my palm and a syringe went flying from my spare room. “How much should I put?”
“Half for every wound, it’s got to be on the center.”
“What chant?”
“The healing moon.” He managed to let out.
I fill half of it with the potion saying “luna et spes meri ramaye” injecting the dose into the wound on his right shoulder, repeating the process to each of the other 4 wounds in his body. For every injection, he let’s out a scream of pain until he passed out on the last one.
“Oh come on Gibson! I don’t know what to do, this would be easier if I’m a healer witch.” I mumble as I supported his body into the couch. I took off mmy jacket after laying him down. I change my clothes and sit down on a chair across him, I touch his wrist for a pulse, making sure I didn’t kill him, thankfully, he’s still alive.
I have to ask an expert about this. I got up, brought my crystal and septer into the living room, shift to my prime and call out for my mom.
“Yes sweetie, nice of you to call me. Asking for a theme suggestion for your birthday?” Mom’s bubbly greetings came but nah.
“No mom, unfortunately not. I need your help.”
“Short of money?” Oh come on!
“No, a healer witch help.”
“What happened?” Now she sounds worried.
“A witch friend of mine was bitten by spiders, there are 5 bites, I already injected each with the antidote and the chant and he passed out. Is that supposed to happen?”
“5 bites, does he have another wound aside those?”
“Yeah, a pretty bad cut in the side that’s slowly healing now. He did loose a couple lots blood.” I replied looking at the pool of blood on my floor and the trail that it made.
“Probably why he passed out, but he’ll be fine in an hour or so, can you let me look at the wounds?” I face the crystal into Gibson’s place, letting my mom see him. “They’re healing, it’s bound to happen, you didn’t do anything wrong.”
“That’s a relief.” I say as I face the crystal to me again.
“Is he the hunter witch that’s a cop?”
“Yes mom, he ran into a pack of spider shifters involved in an abduction.”
“Is he your friend?”
“Yes mom, I guess. I mean I did help him in that vampire case and this one, I guess we’re friends.”
“You saved his life.” Uhh, where exactly is this going?
“This ain’t the first time, I killed that vampire who’s about to suck him dry.”
“Do you like him?” I look at my mother weirdly.
“I just want to help him.”
“That’s not what I asked.” Smart mom! Of course I don’t like him because he’s an idiot, but I like what he’s doing, you know helping people and all his police duty.
“Really Vien? But you were worried about him.”
“I don’t know mom, he was literally dying moments ago, I couldn’t act so calm about that can I?”
“I just want to tell you Vienna, relationships are okay, but never trust a man, cause when the time comes that they get tired of you, they will surely leave you.” That’s deep.
“We’re not in any kind of relationship mom.”
“I’m just saying.” She cut the call after that. I turn back to my segun and decided to take a nap. My phone said it’s 2 in the morning and that running and healing did tire me. Yes witches are powerful but excessive use of it weakens us.
I woke up at about 4 in the morning when I heard movement outside. I got out and saw Gibson shrugging on his jacket.
“Hey, where are you going?” I ask as he was about to head to the door.
He turn to me and my eyes roam around his whole being, inspecting him, the bites now turn to scars but he’s still pretty pale. “I have to go to the hospital, I’m sure my mates were taken there after that encounter, I gotta give them the antidote.”
“Says who? You look pale you know, besides, doctors can treat them, only it will take awhile. You need to rest.” I said as I approach him and make him sit back down to the couch.
“Vienna, their lives are in danger and it’s been hours.”
“Okay, I’ll go, you stay here.”
“No, I’ve troubled you enough, it’s fine, I can manage.” He stand back up and I just sigh.
“Okay, besides I did created a scene in your office. Just saying.”
“What?” he said with amusement.
“Well, a witch or any other paranormal being laced with the venom of any shifter can die if not cured immediately.” So, I did what I have to do. Yeah, I guess he gets what I mean.
“Thank you, now I have to go.” I just nod. He went out of the door, when he closed it I decided to clean up, not caring that I don’t have much sleep.
I went to work that day feeling ill after what happened yesterday, I can’t help but think about what Gibson told me about Cathy, how can a witch die? I would not know, and I don’t have a plan whatsoever of asking or talking to Cathy about it. As a witch or a paranormal being at that manner, that’s living with humans, I must keep my identity a secret as much as I can, and I know she’s doing the same, so I don’t want to be mixed up with her business. Although, technically I am cause I work for her, but you know what I mean.
Days passed and it’s finally the 1st day of June and it’s my 18th birthday, not that anyone would know, except my mom. I called her early in the morning, what else should I do?
“Happy birthday sweet! Any plans for today?” she said cheerfully as soon as she receive my call.
“Work and rest mom.” I said. It’s true, it’s Friday and I have to go to the shop although we do close the shop early on Fridays.
“No hang out with that hunter witch of yours?”
“No mom and he’s not mine.”
“Oh that’s awful, he seems pretty handsome to me.”
“Well whatever, I am not attracted to him.”
“Eh? Okay, so why’d you call me?”
“I’m excited about the fulfillment!” it shows the full extent of my power, I sure as hell am gonna try them out, although they did say it’s kind of painful.
“Oh, but that doesn’t happen ‘till 10 pm this evening, which is the time when you were born.”
“Yes, I know! But I’m still excited! What’s gonna happen mom?”
“It’s different for all witches, mine was not that painful actually, I just shifted, gained a few powers that I can only acquire and not learn.”
“What do you think will happen to me mom?”
“I don’t know.” We talk for awhile before I have to go to work, work was as usual good and I decided to invite Cassy for dinner, I mean at least I got to celebrate my birthday with someone.

Komentar Buku (335)

  • avatar
    Joannaclaire Brondo

    very good


  • avatar
    Juslyn nevadoJUSLYN



  • avatar
    Ernie Bugarin

    thank you


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