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Bab 3 Vampires in London

*Vienna's P.O.V.*
I paid the cabbie when we stopped in front of a bar, a night club, I must say. I followed the brunette there, fortunately, she’s in a legal age, she was able to get in.
“ID ma’am” the guard said, I gave him mine, checking it for awhile before letting me in. I found the girl there already talking to the waiter earlier. I hope this works.
“Hi beautiful, wanna have a drink?” a guy said as he sat infront of me. Anyways, this bar got a few tables on the side, people are scattered here and there and a dance floor in the middle. I made sure to sit a few tables behind the waiter, making me still see the brunette’s eyes, just incase. And unfortunately, this guy is blocking my view.
“No, get lost.” I said coldly. Fortunately, he listened, got up and mumbled something about me missing my chance, whatever.
About 15 minutes later, they both got up and went to the dance floor, well shit, I don’t dance. But, I gotta keep an eye on them. I swiftly stood up and walk around a bit, bumping with some people, couples, teenagers while still watching them. Sometimes I wish, I was just a normal girl, or that I could mind my own business, but then again this could be my business, that guy just gave me that address and tried to compel me, but shit man, I just dragged someone into it.
And now they’re dancing sexually, grinding into each other, oh man! What if that guy just wanna have fun? But then again there’s something about him, he can compell, I mean he almost got me, had I not been used to doing it. What if he’s a paranormal creature, oh well, I gotta get that girl outta there. False alarm.
Then I started feeling something, like someone’s competing with my magic on the girl. OH, that pull! It’s there, I immediately cross my fingers letting go of my trance on the girl, she seemed to be on his trance now. They made their way upstairs on the VIP rooms, those kind of rooms, you know what they’re used for. I hid on a corner as I notice the guy look back, I’m following them, I gotta be careful, I wish I had an invisibility potion, I mean I wish I made one, which would’ve made my job easier, but I don’t even know how to make it! I’ll work on that later, note to self.
I saw them enter a room. Oh gosh! Now I need an invisibility potion! I leaned on the wall opposite the door, no one is in the lobby anyway. I raised my palm and soundlessly open the door. Breath. They didn’t notice. I levitated, attaching my back on the ceiling and went in.
He was kissing her neck, this is probably a sex scene I’m walking into, I was about to leave when I heard a swoof, a shift sound and my oh my! The waiter, doesn’t look that cute anymore, he’s got fangs! Thankfully, the brunette’s eyes are open, I look directly at her, crossing my fingers and immediately willed her to fight.
She started struggling, he tightened his hold on her, I raised my free hand as I sent a vase on the corner flying and hitting the guy on the head. He froze, I dropped down from the ceiling, he turned and I saw red eyes and a tattoo on his forehead. He charge towards me but didn’t get to because the brunette hit him with a bat, straight on the head where I hit him with the vase, knocking him unconscious. I saw him shift back to the look of the waiter again. What the hell is he?
“You okay?” the brunette said as she approached me, it’s only then that I realized that I broke her off the trance, must’ve been when I prepared myself for his attack.
“Yeah, thank you.” I smiled as she went out of the door.
“No problem, I gotta go back down and party!” I sighed. Thank goodness she didn’t ask how she got here. I look down to the guy again, I checked his pocket, careful not to wake him up, found his pocket and looked at his ID. His name is Hunter Parker, I bet it’s not even real, but that’s what he’s using now. I stood up and left.
Hours later, after I showered and ate, not caring that it’s already midnight, I sat here in the spare room, flipping pages, finding nothing about that creature I just encountered. I do know that he’s not a witch, no witch have fangs and red eyes and a tattoo on the forehead, it’s always purple eyes and tattoo on the cheek, depending on what kind. That’s it! I gotta sleep.
Work seemed fine, except that I still think that Cathy is a, something. I wish I have a way to figure out. When Cassy invited me for lunch that day, I suggested another place, until I figure out what that guy is, I don’t think it’s safe. Luckily, she agreed.
The rest of the week went well and I got my first salary today! It’s Friday and after work, I rushed to a department store and bought a blank paged notebook along with other writing stuffs. After dinner that night, I started writing about my stay here on London so far, how I feel something witchy about Cathy and then that waiter, I sketched his prime and wrote stuff about him that I observed, including the pull and compelling stuff he does. I do know he’s not yet dead, but then he saw me throw the vase, does he know what I am now?
I abruptly stood up and went to my septer and crystal. I swiveled my neck and shifted into my prime and called out to my mother through the crystal.
“Vienna! Hello.”
“Mom, there’s something serious I need to tell you.” I told her about the lunch I had with Cassy, the pull the waiter have and then what happened on the bar. “This, this is what he looks like!” I showed her the picture I drew.
“A vampire.”
“I was not wrong then, he had fangs, I kind of assumed that.”
“Did you shift? Did he see your prime?”
“No but he saw me levitating, he knows I’m paranormal.”
“Listen sweetie, paranormal beings are everywhere, just don’t mess up with the wrong ones.”
“I know mom, but is there a way for me to, you know, see them for what they truly are without them having to shift to their primes?”
“It’s dangerous Vienna, it weakens a witch to do that, only a hunter witch is natural on that.”
“I understand mom, but what does his tattoo mean? I’m just curious”
“That star in a circle on his forehead means that he’s not a high ranked vampire, he’s probably a few years old, vampires are divided by age, not like us, we are divided by specialty. When the star disappear from that tattoo, it will represent a new moon, he’s probably decades old then.”
“And it goes on ‘till it turns to a full moon?”
“Only few gets to that one.”
“Oh, but don’t they have a royal family or something? Like the royal family of the witches?”
“They do, but even their young ones go through those stages but they have other marks.”
“Mom, speaking of marks. I understand that a tripple S like swirl is the tattoo of a deceiver witch like me, why does the middle S in mine have an inner swirl on it?”
“I don’t know, I’ll talk to you next time sweetheart.” With that she went off. I wrote everything I learned from my mom in my notebook and can’t help but wonder what she’s hiding from me. I’m not an idiot, from the moment she made me travel alone, I know there was something wrong, something came up and she’s probably doing what she’s doing to protect me and I don’t blame her, mother always know when the right time comes for her to tell me. For example, she waited for me to turn 7 before she told me I’m a witch and have powers and trained me to properly use them.
Saturday was eventless, just me doing the house chores and whatnot. It was after dinner that I went in the spare room and remembered about the invisibility potion that I should try to make, you know that sneaking up thing to make my life easier.
I opened a book, searched for it and when I found it, I read it. I have most of the ingredients in here, their from my mom. One ingredient caught my attention though, a sintus formula.
That old man in the shop, Cathy’s shop, he bought a sintus formula there. Something’s witchy over there I knew it! Well lucky for me I don’t have to buy one cause mom got some. I started preparing the things I need to prepare and started mixing the sintus formula, salt, chopped fingernails, my nails, and water. After putting it on a bottle, as the last step, I hang the bottle above the fire so that it can soak on smoke overnight.
As I went to bed the last thing on mind is, I gotta figure out why Cathy had the stuffs she had.
The next day, after turning off the fire and putting the potion in one of the boxes, labeling it of course, I did my business and decided to have a workout. I dressed appropriately, did some stretches then jogged around the block three times. As I was doing that, I saw an empty lot with barrels in it behind a building then decided to go there and practice some fighter witch moves, I’m not a fighter witch but most of their tactics are useful for self defense. I started with moving the barrels in a pile, with my magic of course. I then sprinted towards it from the other side of the lot, jumped as high as I could, letting go of my weight, tried to flip over it but I came crashing down into the pile, not quite making it.
To stop the barrels from tumbling down and creating noise, I crossed my fingers making them float, arranging it back again. I tried 4 more times before I made it to the other side but I didn’t quite land right and fell on my ass. Ouch, I’m gonna need to try again. I was about to make another run for it when I heard voices enter the alley I just entered.
“I rarely have breakfast, but you’ve been a bad girl honey.” I hear a male voice say, followed by a struggling sound of a female. I slowly and quitely peeked on the corner, I saw a man’s back, pinning a, I suppose, a girl on a wall, when I got a sideview look on them, I saw fangs burried deep on the woman’s neck, red eyes, a half circle like tattoo on his forehead, a vampire! I was frozen on the spot as I saw how he sucked the life out of her, I hid back in the corner, heard a body fall as footsteps fade away. I breathed, waited for it to be gone then I came out.
I rushed to the lifeless body, her skin was so pale, almost gray, I touched her and she’s so cold. Blood was on her neck, I’m sure it was bitten and to cover his identity, the vampire stabbed a knife in there. I don’t know what to do. I got my phone and dialed 911 with shaky fingers.
“London police, what’s your emergency?” I heard a woman’s voice say.
“I-I saw a dead body in an alley between building Q3 and Alta at St. Johns.” I managed to say.
“Ok stay where you are, we’re sending somebody there.”
I kept pacing back and forth. I could’ve done something! I mean, I know I should not mess with vampires, but I can’t just let a person die!
Oh gosh, why am I so useless? I heard the sirens and minutes later, the police came, they did their business and one officer approached me.
“Excuse me miss?” I looked up and saw a fair looking guy with dark brown hair and stormy gray eyes, he’s an officer. “Can you tell me how you found the body?”
“I was jogging round the block and went in the alley cause I saw an empty lot, I think it’s good for some training and that’s when I heard the attack.” I won’t lie this time, this is no time for my mind games.
“So you saw the attacker?”
“Yes, in a way.”
“Would you mind if we take you in for questioning? It won’t take long.”
“I don’t mind.”

Komentar Buku (335)

  • avatar
    Joannaclaire Brondo

    very good


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    Juslyn nevadoJUSLYN



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    Ernie Bugarin

    thank you


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