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Fiery Swordsman (2)

I tried opening my eyes but it proved difficult as though something was keeping it shut.
I heard shuffling from beside. It moved quick too quick that I had forced myself awake, grabbing the closest thing to me.
"If you think a wooden spoon would work on me, you should think again"
"Prin-princess is that you?! Forgive me for my improper behaviour"
I hurriedly tried getting up but resulting in me falling head first onto the floor.
Someone came closer to me and supported me back onto the bed.
"I'm sorry Your Highness"
She furrowed her eyebrows as if expecting me to say something else.
".....Is there something wrong Your Highness?"
With that she left and Ada came in holding a basin filled with fresh water well I'm assuming it's fresh.
"It seems so"
I chuckled and winced immediately, forgetting about the stab wound on my abdomen. Ada quickly rushed to my side and began checking for any wounds reopening.
As she finished checking, she smacked my arm.
"Oww!...W-what was that for?!"
I was baffled. Is this how they treat the wounded? Feels like I'm in a torture chamber or something. You know because of the atmosphere.
She said nothing else as she took out bandages that needed to be replaced. She gently squeezed out the excess water from the cloth in the basin and began wiping around my wounds.
We were like that in complete silence for about half an hour and it was starting to hurt my back. I had to sit so still because of the awkward atmosphere.
About half an hour later she was done with redressing my wounds.
"....Thank you....for saving me back then. I will go serve her highness now."
With that she left in a hurry. I suppose it feels nice, being able to help people. For the first time in my life I finally feel at ease.
I turned to my left and saw a few fruits plated as well as some soup and bread. Oh my such delicacies can only be dreamt off. I grabbed a few sliced apples and plopped them into my mouth. Nothing better than having fresh fruits after recovering.
As I was about to grab something else, the door bursts open, revealing Sir Kaylee and Sir Duffrey. They looked like they were being chased by some sort of beast.
"Sir Renalda! Thank goodness you're alright" Sir Dufrey exclaimed his eyes twinkling
"Sir Renalda!!" Sir Kaylee whined as she jumped right on top of me, landing on my legs.
"S-Sir Kaylee! She has not recovered yet!"
Sir Dufrey pried Sir Kaylee off from my knees and Sir Kaylee apologized over and over again. I reassured them and we continued talking about what has been happening around the manor.
"After you tied him up Sir Renalda, I and Sir Kaylee had just arrived at the scene. We had brought him to an underground basement in the manor as per her highness's request"
"That's true, when we brought him in he refused to speak and as we were about to question him again we heard that you have finally woken up. I'm glad you're alright Sir Renalda"
I chuckled.
"Thank you for checking in on me and please call me Christine. Sir Renalda sounds a little too formal after all we've been through"
They agreed and asked that I too call them by their names. A few moments later they bid their goodbyes as they had to continue guarding the manor.
Now that I think about it, isn't there supposed to be a captain and vice captain to lead the guards. Well not that there's any other guards besides the three of us but still to leave the manor and not show up even once. They must be those selfish greedy bastards!
It was nighttime by the time I had gotten out of my trance. I suppose my injuries are taking a toll out of me as I felt strangely tired than usual.
The next morning I was awoken to the sound of someone moving hastily around me. I pray to god if there's another intruder right now
"It seems like you're awake, Sir Renalda"
Huh? This person is someone I have not met before.
"...Forgive me but who are..you?"
His face showed that he was disgusted. His arms were folded and his posture right now seems to be off a noble. No, it's more like he's pretending to be a noble. His clothing, accessories are only those that a noble would wear but he's attitude is like a pile of horse poop.
Another person comes swinging in after searching for something in the room. What are they looking for.
"You lowlife! Show some respect to your captain!"
Speak of the devil. God, I know that I did not wish for an intruder but I take it back. Please take these excuse of a human away from me instead.
"You will look at the lord when he is speaking!"
What the...Did they just hit me? And he addressed the captain as Lord. Unless it's just a false pretense to leech off of the captain. Wow this reminds me of those repetitive stories I read when I was younger. Though the so called spoiled people here are much uglier.
"You are quite pretty for a knight, shame you had to take over a man's job would've suited you more to take care of our needs"
Oh he did not just say that. My teacher always said to have patience but unfortunately one thing I lack is patience.
"Oh my, forgive me for not knowing that you aren't capable of taking care of yourself but need a woman to come and spoon feed you like a little todler. Boo hoo, grow up"
He was fuming and his lackey beside him stood there in shock. As if right on cue Dufrey had entered the room. He was confused at the sudden new faces. When they saw Dufrey they had left saying that they'd be back soon.
"...Are those your friends? They seem....lively"
"Friends would be an insult to my ancestors"
I filled him in with what happen and he took into consideration that it'd be best if we could avoid them as much as we can to avoid any brawls or distraction from occuring. I agreed with his decision and he mentioned he would pass on the message to Kaylee.
Something tells me my life is going to change from here on.
Arguments. It seems like Kaylee and Dufrey weren't able to avoid them. Especially Dufrey, I could only watch from the safety of my chambers. But of course, that does not mean I'm unprepared.
Many events had occurred, the captain, Sir Adam had unfortunately had somehow underestimated the intruder and untied his ropes resulting him in fleeing away. Supposedly we were to believe that, Kaylee had managed to detain him again unknown to the rest of the knights.
"Well it's time for us to get back on our feet isn't it father..."
I whispered softly to myself, holding the pendant my father had passed on for me close to my heart. I am prepared to face the wannabe noble and his lackey.
I got out of bed and the first thing I did was to look for either Kaylee or Dufrey. First thing I saw was Dufrey on his knees tied up in front of the wannabe and his lackeys. Seems like there's more people than I thought.
"You insolent!- I hereby punish you for ignoring your master's command!"
"The only master I serve is her highness the princess!"
I threw a punch right at his nose. Hah! Serves you right. I untied Dufrey and we both got engaged in a brawl with the wannabe, his lackey and I suppose 4 more of the wannabe's loyal dogs.
It was brutal. None of us were unscathed, there was blood coming out from someone's nose and the captain seems to be nagging about his damaged ring. Everyone could feel their body failing due to taking all the blows.
I couldn't stand hearing him talk anymore and kicked his abdomen causing to land harshly on the floor. I might have cracked a bone of his as there was a loud crack when he made contact with the floor. Just as we were about to continue, her highness had arrived with an imperial knight?
They seemed to have whispered something to each other as the imperial knight came forward with his back straight and his head up high.
Dufrey and I hurriedly stood straight in line as the others lag behind causing the imperial knight to punish them with his sword holder.
Each time they made a mistake they were hit until they perfected it. The same goes for us although we caught up sooner or later.
"Which one of you is the captain"
His cold and harsh voice sent shivers down my spine. It was as though a lion had appeared. I never thought that the imperial knights had such dominance in them contrasting between us, we are like mice that just snicker around.
But how is there an imperial knight next to the princess? As far as I've known she wasn't assigned with any imperial knight unless they are close acquaintances?
The imperial knight swiftly made a decision and punished us by making us run 20 laps around the manor. But due to the injuries I had obtained recently, her highness suggested that I duel the imperial knight who's known as Sebastian.
"Your highness, as much as I appreciate you're kindness, I do not think I'm able to spar with Sir Sebastian quite yet. Forgive me your highness"
Sir Sebastian was about to refute but Her Highness stopped him midway and had asked me a really good question.
"If not a duel, what would you do to serve your punishment"
I thought hard and long. Until and idea came to mind, one which I think will surely be granted
"If I may, how about helping Ada with household chores? She seemed to be the only on-"
"Alright you may start now"
"Uhm...alright then I shall see myself off Your Highness, Sir Sebastian"

Komentar Buku (742)

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    KM Adriatico

    ejejwowllddkfnffbfjdslalkrggvhyhbbbvvhhj hggcxzsssksksssddbfbcnclfdjsdddkdkfkfjvfvfllaoV will na ffddl la pa la la la la ma BA ya la la la la la BA la la on TV DC so ma of RC la TV of la all is well to if so it will Mandela I'll TV web RN TV in on on TV in AZ AZ thermal pa ya nga la la la la la TV TV in pa am la am off to bed hair At DC la am la well TV la am La Jolla California United States of America account and I am off to bed hair At DC so I die dyos I am off work at a time when we were we


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