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"Diana, you in there?"Alice called as she stepped into the small apartment she lived in with her only friend. She and Diana were practically sisters since they grew up together in the same orphanage, they had left the orphanage when Alice got a scholarship to the prestigious Fashion institute of technology, New York where she studied Fashion designing, fulfilling her dream while Diana had gotten into Culinary institute of New York.
Alice was an excellent student so she managed to earn multiple scholarships which catered for her fees, accommodation and feeding and together with Diana, they rented this apartment.
Diana is an exact opposite of Alice, outgoing and sophisticated. she works in a restaurant as an assistant cook.Irrespective of her simple background, she had the world in her palms or at least, her own world. She attracted a lot of people due to her amazing personality which lead to the large number of friends she had while she was Alice's one and only.
When Alice didn't get a reply, she figured she was at her boyfriend's, and there, confirming her thought, was a sticker note hanging on their television.
" At Brandon's, will be back tomorrow, miss you." it ended with a lot of love illustrations.
Alice smiled a bit as she removed her shoes along the way, walking directly into the room, she sprawled her body on the bed not bothering to change her outfit or take a bath, she searched her pocket for her phone. She had been itching to read today's update of "falling in love with you".The previous chapter ended in a cliffhanger and Alice couldn't wait to see what was going to happen next. The character Alice in the book was frustrating her, her low self-esteem was leading her to take the wrong steps, though pushed by circumstances, her choices were only harming her further. The book was ending today and Alice could feel that the character Alice was going to be discarded as an evil character, without a fair chance to tell her own story.
"So why is it bothering me?" she thought.
Looking at her phone as the page began to refresh, she thought about the book, the book had kept her on edge right from the first page,maybe because of Alice who had her exact names,and was exactly like her. She had hoped she could become an inspiration for her, that she wouldn't live like her, that she could have a better ending but as the book progressed, Alice began to take a dark turn. She had grown so desperate to get her parent's attention that her failure to get it and it's unrestrained availability without half as much effort as she put to her sister Bethany made her grow envious of her.
Bethany is the main character of the book and the person Alice wished she could be, she has everything Alice ever dreamed of at her finger tip. She has grace, poise, charm and is polite and kind to all which gained her unconditional love and attention of anybody she came across.
Alice kept making the wrong decisions, picking fights with Bethany and playing petty tricks so she would be noticed but instead, she just made her parents and the reader Alice upset, she was headed for destruction and Alice wished she could change that, if only she could go and warn her or just give her what she desperately craved, someone to see her for who she is, isn't that what they both wanted?
The page refreshed and Alice saw the pop-up notification for the new chapter, excited and anxious she scrolled to the button " Read chapter"but she couldn't press it. She knew doom was looming on the character Alice and she just couldn't stop herself from feeling terrible
In the last chapter,
Alice had taking the drastic step of poisoning Bethany's food so she could totally get rid of her, it was shown that Bethany was about to eat the food when their father,David white stopped her and ordered the police to be called,while glaring daggers at Alice who had started trembling in her shoes. That annoyed Alice so much that she had almost thrown her phone when she read it, later she read it again, hoping it would change but it didn't, she read it again at the bus stop in the morning, hoping she could find a tiny loophole or hope to hold on to, but there was none, she had watched her favourite male character and crush, Adam crumble and she was about to watch her fictional twin go down the same path. Slowly she pressed the button ready for the heartbreaking inevitable.
Unlike the other times, when she pressed the button for the "Read chapter" the page came out blank, she refreshed but nothing appeared on the page, thinking her phone was broken, she tapped on the home button and went back to the book, refreshed it and pressed the button "Read chapter" again and this time it showed something.
On her phone screen was something like a pit and looking at it made her feel as if she was hypnotized, the feeling was so overwhelming that she wanted to look away but couldn't, it was like she was no longer in control of her own body, her head was spinning and she was starting feel faint, her eyes watering as she thought
'Was this also the end for her?" She had always felt a strong connection to the character Alice but never had she thought, they would end together.Unable to fight the feeling anymore, she had given up and quite gradually, her consciousness had dwindled and she collapsed on her bed.

Komentar Buku (315)

  • avatar
    Janelle Silo

    very beautiful in a story


  • avatar
    Khian Opulencia



  • avatar
    Sofring De Padua

    paano ba manalo dito


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