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Amaya was only dimly aware of the people around her. Her city was hardly recognizable. Houses have already been destroyed or swallowed up by the last flames. Children and women, whimpering in pain, were pushed out of the city by impatient soldiers. Amaya was too weak to walk on her own. Her legs just couldn't carry her anymore, so she was carried onto a wagon with other girls her own age. Then the journey to Rome began. The streets were dusty and the heat unbearable - as were the disparaging looks from the Roman soldiers and the helpless wails from the other prisoners. Many of them did not make it to Rome. They died on the way and were cold-heartedly dragged to the side of the road by the soldiers and left there. Amaya had been through so much suffering lately that she was no longer shocked by the scenes and just watched impassively. A great emptiness and darkness spread within her. She felt dull and lifeless, like everything was passing her by and like she wasn't part of this world anymore.
They crossed a hill and out came a huge city surrounded by a great wall that radiated power and strength. Amaya didn't know how long the journey had taken, but the goal lay ahead of her. She had often heard something about Rome, but she had never imagined the never-ending Rome to be like this. For Amaya and the other prisoners, Rome was a whole new world. The huge palaces with the domes, theaters and huge statues impressed them.
Yes, the city was beautiful, but the longer she stayed in it and the further she went into the city, the more facets came to light. An almost unbearable stench spread through the streets from the public latrines, here and there noisy people pushed their way to the already overcrowded market stalls and prostitutes waited at the roadsides.
Every step deeper into this city sent a stab in Amaya's heart and made her want to go home. She closed her eyes and tried to imagine her city before the siege, but all she saw was destruction, cruelty and hopelessness. Someone pushed her, bringing her back to her sad present. "Come on move! You're stopping everyone." A soldier looked down at them angrily and Amaya obeyed.
She regained some strength from the food she was given. It wasn't much, but it was more than anything she'd eaten at her house in the last few months. The prisoners were led into a large courtyard and Amaya was glad that she could get out of the public eye for now. The condescending looks of the Romans, which she had felt on her back the whole time, hurt.
A short, plump woman was talking to one of the soldiers, who pointed to Amaya. Then she came up to her, grabbed her arm and dragged her into a room. "Wash up and put that dress on over there!", the woman first pointed to a tub of water and then to a tunic that was hanging over a chair. Amaya slowly began to wash herself. The dirt came loose as well all the effort of the last few weeks. Then she changed clothes and looked at herself in a mirror while she was waiting for the woman. She could hardly recognize herself. What had become of the self-confident daughter of the richest man in Armenia, who had so many admirers? She was still much too thin and therefore hardly had any curves. Her skin was pale and her eyes had lost their once so happy radiance. Her dark hair had grown a little longer and now reached to her waist, but it was brittle and unhealthy.
The door opened and the woman came in. "So a little better. Now sit down." She cut Amaya's hair so short that it just reached her shoulders. "Well, you don't look much prettier now, but at least you look a little more well-groomed really want to see you."

Luca watched, shaking his head, as his little sister confidently talked to her father. He was more engrossed in one of his books than actually listening to his daughter, and only answered her briefly with an "ahja","nice" and several short nods, so that he at least looked somewhat interested. Although his sister's case was very serious, Luca had to smile at the sight. "...and that's why I want her!" Terra finished her speech. Then it got quiet and her father looked up at her.
"Who do you want?" He asked what felt like an eternity later. "The girl from Armenia. I want her as my slave." Her father still looked at her blankly. "Oh father, didn't you even hear me?! Everyone in Rome is talking about her! Gnaeus Domitius brought them from Armenia. They say she is the daughter of Festizius!" Now her father became curious and put his book down. "Today the slaves are brought to the market. I just have to have them! My girlfriends would die of jealousy! Please father! You have to Tell Klaudius that you want them. He is your friend and will sell them to you." - ,,You already have a slave Terra. Besides, the girl will cost a fortune if she really is Festizius' daughter." Terra's eyes filled with tears: " Am I not worth that much money to you? I must have her father! Then I'll just sell my current slave." - "No!" - "But..." Her father raised his hand and Terra fell silent. "The poor girl is not used to serving anyone. She would not make a good slave for you." - ,,With time she will definitely get used to her tasks. please father Let's at least take a look!"
Terra pouted and Luca knew her father would relent. He was still leaning casually against the archway, agreeing with his sister after her help-seeking look. "Terra is right father. Just take a look. Klaudius can certainly hold her back a bit." After a short commemoration, her father finally agreed and Terra threw her arms around his neck first in thanks and then at Luca.
A short time later, Terra and her father were already in the marketplace and met Klaudius, who received them happily. "Is she still there Klausius? Can I still buy it?". Terra eagerly awaited his answer, but would not accept any other answer but a yes. "Yes, it is. It is being finished in the main house. If you want, we can go in Walk down the room and you can see them first." Terra jumped in the air in anticipation and Klaudius lifted her up.
He opened a door and in the middle of the room stood a girl who looked at them in a fright. "She's almost done Klaudius. Then I'll take her downstairs." A small woman wanted to close the door again, but Terra forestalled her. "Thanks, but that's not necessary. I want to see her first!". She pushed her way into the room, first past Claudius, the Roman soldier, then past the protesting woman. At the sight of the girl, however, she stopped without a word. Before her stood an emaciated, shy girl with short hair in an ugly gray tunic. Terra had imagined the daughter of Festizius differently. This one was ugly and pitiful looking.
"Oww...", she couldn't get more out of her lips as she looked the girl up and down. She was visibly hurt and turned her head to the ground in embarrassment. "I've changed my mind, dad. You were right. A slave is enough for me." With these words Terra turned her back and went out. She would wait outside for her father. He went into the room and looked at the girl. "What's your name?", asked he. "Amaya." She lifted her head and looked him straight in the eye. A small tear rolled down her cheek. Nathan could understand his daughter. At her age you wanted a pretty slave girl to show off to your other friends "Amaya wasn't pretty. At least not now, after months of starvation, losing her entire family and now being taken to Rome as a slave. But in Amaya he saw something different.
"How much?" - "2000 sesterces for you, my friend." "I take her!"

Komentar Buku (104)

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    Lanie Sarito



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    ele e muito bom obrigado por esse livro lindo


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